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    赵亚云 张树明 汤琳 尧宏福 杨春四

    赵亚云, 张树明, 汤琳, 尧宏福, 杨春四, 2016. 龙首山中段芨岭花岗岩体Sr-Nd-Pb同位素特征及意义. 地球科学, 41(6): 1016-1030. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2016.084
    引用本文: 赵亚云, 张树明, 汤琳, 尧宏福, 杨春四, 2016. 龙首山中段芨岭花岗岩体Sr-Nd-Pb同位素特征及意义. 地球科学, 41(6): 1016-1030. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2016.084
    Zhao Yayun, Zhang Shuming, Tang Lin, Yao Hongfu, Yang Chunsi, 2016. Sr-Nd-Pb Isotopic Characteristics and Its Geological Significance of the Jiling Grantic Pluton in the Middle Longshou Mountains. Earth Science, 41(6): 1016-1030. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2016.084
    Citation: Zhao Yayun, Zhang Shuming, Tang Lin, Yao Hongfu, Yang Chunsi, 2016. Sr-Nd-Pb Isotopic Characteristics and Its Geological Significance of the Jiling Grantic Pluton in the Middle Longshou Mountains. Earth Science, 41(6): 1016-1030. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2016.084


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2016.084

    国家自然科学基金项目 41172079


      赵亚云(1988-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事矿物学、岩石学和矿床学方面的研究.E-mail: zyr2009163@126.com


      张树明,E-mail: zsmfjxy@hotmail.com

    • 中图分类号: P597

    Sr-Nd-Pb Isotopic Characteristics and Its Geological Significance of the Jiling Grantic Pluton in the Middle Longshou Mountains

    • 摘要: 龙首山中段芨岭早古生代花岗岩体与碱交代型铀矿化关系密切,是龙首山花岗质岩浆活动带重要组成部分,但人们对芨岭岩体的成因、岩浆源区性质以及与铀成矿之间的关系还了解得不多.花岗岩体Sr-Nd-Pb同位素研究结果表明,不同期次花岗岩(早古生代第一次灰白色二长花岗岩、第二次肉红色二长花岗岩、晚古生代肉红色细粒(钾长)花岗岩)的(87Sr/86Sr)i值均介于大陆地壳范围内(0.706~0.718),同时有(87Sr/86Sr)i均值先升后降(0.707 12→0.710 00→0.707 89)、εNd(t)均值先降后增(-7.00→-8.09→-4.65) 的特征.不同期次花岗岩体tDM2均值分别为1 735.50 Ma、1 814.66 Ma、1 737.50 Ma,接近残留地壳年龄,表明岩体的主要物质来源为古元古代龙首山群地层,并有部分幔源组分或年轻地壳物质的加入.岩体的Pb同位素比值较高,灰白色二长花岗岩的206Pb/204Pb=18.328~19.240,207Pb/204Pb=15.549~15.619,208Pb/204Pb=38.390~39.075,μ=9.37~9.43(平均为9.40);肉红色二长花岗岩的206Pb/204Pb=30.209~43.529,207Pb/204Pb=16.097~25.076,208Pb/204Pb=39.107~39.420,μ=18.47~30.24(平均为24.355);肉红色细粒(钾长)花岗岩的206Pb/204Pb=19.071~19.767,207Pb/204Pb=15.577~25.438,208Pb/204Pb=38.682~42.593,μ=9.36~9.49(平均为9.41),显示为高放射性成因铅同位素特征,表明岩体的铅为混合来源但以壳源为主.Sr-Nd-Pb同位素对比研究表明,钠交代岩(矿石)的(87Sr/86Sr)iεNd(t)与早古生代第二次侵入的肉红色斑状二长花岗岩极为相似,在(87Sr/86Sr)i-εNd(t)图解投影点也吻合,表明研究区碱交代型铀成矿主要与早古生代第二次侵入有关.其他期次花岗岩体同样具有高铀背景值,表明其可能也提供了一定的铀源.


    • 图  1  龙首山中段大地构造位置(a)及芨岭岩体地质简图(b)


      Fig.  1.  Tectonic position (a) and schenmatic geological sketch (b) of Jiling pluton in the middle Longshou Moutains

      图  2  龙首山中段芨岭花岗岩体手标本及镜下显微照片


      Fig.  2.  Photographs of the granitic pluton of Jiling in the middle Longshou Moutains

      图  3  龙首山中段芨岭花岗岩体(87Sr/86Sr)i-εNd(t)关系


      Fig.  3.  (87Sr/86Sr)i-εNd(t) relations of Jiling granitic pluton in the middle Longshou Moutains

      图  4  龙首山中段芨岭花岗岩体εNd(t)-t关系


      Fig.  4.  εNd(t)-t relations of Jiling granitic pluton in the middle Longshou Moutains

      图  5  龙首山中段芨岭花岗岩体(87Sr/86Sr)i-t关系


      Fig.  5.  (87Sr/86Sr)i-t relations of Jiling granitic pluton in the middle Longshou Moutains

      图  6  龙首山中段芨岭花岗岩体Pb同位素组成

      DMM.亏损地幔端元;EM(Ⅰ、Ⅱ).富集地幔端元,据Zindler and Hart(1986); Geochron.零等时线;NHRL.北半球参考线据Hart(1984);中国大陆地幔、下地壳和上地壳数据据李龙等(2001);底图据张承帅等(2012)

      Fig.  6.  Pb isotopic diagrams of Jiling granitic pluton in the middle Longshou Moutains

      图  7  龙首山中段芨岭花岗岩体Pb同位素构造模式

      A.地幔;B.造山带;C.上地壳;D.下地壳;底图据Zarnnan and Doe(1981)

      Fig.  7.  Pb isotopic tectonic model diagrams of Jiling granitic pluton in the middle Longshou Moutains

      表  1  Nd-Sr-Pb同位素测试样品采集位置与岩性

      Table  1.   Position and lithology for Nd-Sr-Pb isotope test samples

      序号 样品号 北纬 东经 岩(矿)石名称
      1 LSS12-01 38°33′16.37″ 101°47′10.53″ 斑状黑云母花岗闪长岩
      2 LSS12-02 38°33′56.33″ 101°48′0.87″ 灰白色中细粒二长花岗岩
      3 LSS12-03 38°33′57.15″ 101°47′59.40″ 灰白色中粗粒二长花岗岩
      4 LSS12-04 38°33′59.19″ 101°47′56.78″ 肉红色中粗粒似斑状二长花岗岩
      5 LSS12-05 38°33′2.12″ 101°47′56.84″ 肉红色细粒花岗岩
      6 LSS12-12 38°33′59.87″ 101°47′53.29″ 肉红色中粗粒似斑状二长花岗岩
      7 LSS12-15 38°33′59.87″ 101°47′53.29″ 钠交代岩(矿石)
      8 LSS12-16 38°33′59.87″ 101°47′53.29″ 钠交代岩(矿石)
      9 LSS12-18 38°38′6.5″ 101°39′47.3″ 钠交代岩(矿石)
      10 LSS12-19 38°38′6.5″ 101°39′47.3″ 钠交代岩(矿石)
      11 LSS12-20 38°31′28.45″ 101°54′9.43″ 肉红色中粒二长花岗岩
      12 LSS13-26 38°34′0.84″ 101°47′53.88″ 肉红色细粒钾长花岗岩
      13 LSS13-33 38°34′0.48″ 101°47′56.4″ 肉红色细粒花岗岩
      14 LSS13-36 38°34′0.84″ 101°47′58.92″ 肉红色细粒钾长花岗岩
      15 LSS13-41 38°34′0.89″ 101°47′58.30″ 肉红色细粒钾长花岗岩
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      表  2  龙首山中段芨岭岩体花岗岩类Sr、Nd同位素组成

      Table  2.   Sr、Nd isotopic compositions of granitoid of Jiling pluton in the middle Longshou Moutains

      样品号 年龄
      87Rb/86Sr 87Sr/86Sr
      (87Sr/86Sr)i Sm
      147Sm/144Nd 143Nd/144Nd
      (143Nd/144Nd)i εNd(t) fSm/Nd tDM2
      LSS12-02 425.2 45.90 686.0 0.193 6 0.707 577±0.000 015 0.706 40 16.00 88.0 0.109 9 0.512 223±0.000 008 0.511 92 -3.38 -0.44 144 1 12.78
      LSS12-03 428.6 111.00 458.0 0.701 4 0.712 109±0.000 011 0.707 83 7.00 52.2 0.080 7 0.511 769±0.000 008 0.511 54 -10.62 -0.59 203 0 -88.62
      LSS12-01 416.7 33.90 599.0 0.163 8 0.707 242±0.000 013 0.706 27 14.80 75.5 0.118 5 0.512 211±0.000 009 0.511 89 -4.16 -0.40 149 8 20.66
      LSS12-04 416.0 13.40 211.0 0.183 8 0.709 159±0.000 009 0.708 07 8.09 52.8 0.092 6 0.511 970±0.000 006 0.511 72 -7.50 -0.53 176 8 -21.94
      LSS12-12 416.0 6.24 238.0 0.075 9 0.709 780±0.000 007 0.709 33 5.81 40.6 0.086 5 0.511 924±0.000 006 0.511 69 -8.13 -0.56 181 5 -35.74
      LSS12-20 416.6 5.96 191.0 0.090 3 0.713 406±0.000 013 0.712 87 17.10 83.1 0.124 4 0.511 998±0.000 007 0.511 66 -8.64 -0.37 186 1 -116.39
      LSS12-05 401.3 207.00 32.9 18.319 6 0.805 374±0.000 023 0.700 68 11.90 58.3 0.123 4 0.511 961±0.000 009 0.511 64 -9.45 -0.37 191 4 -2 128.81
      LSS13-26 401.3 48.60 123.0 1.143 5 0.713 135±0.000 009 0.706 60 8.37 64.7 0.078 2 0.512 167±0.000 008 0.511 96 -3.13 -0.60 140 0 -108.90
      LSS13-33 401.3 0.90 42.0 0.062 2 0.709 872±0.000 009 0.709 52 7.50 77.3 0.058 6 0.512 014±0.000 008 0.511 86 -5.10 -0.70 156 1 -36.78
      LSS13-36 401.3 2.81 95.4 0.085 2 0.708 035±0.000 010 0.707 55 16.30 114.0 0.086 4 0.512 302±0.000 009 0.512 08 -0.90 -0.56 122 0 3.84
      LSS13-41 401.3 93.40 119.0 2.271 4 0.718 424±0.000 010 0.705 44 15.80 117.0 0.081 6 0.512 347±0.000 016 0.512 13 0.21 -0.58 112 9 -225.70
      LSS12-15 398.0 3.33 379.0 0.025 4 0.709 924±0.000 011 0.709 78 6.34 38.1 0.100 6 0.511 995±0.000 009 0.511 73 -7.66 -0.49 176 6 -37.70
      LSS12-16 398.0 6.23 426.0 0.042 3 0.709 854±0.000 011 0.709 61 4.98 28.8 0.104 5 0.511 975±0.000 006 0.511 70 -8.25 -0.47 181 4 -36.16
      LSS12-18 398.0 2.26 233.0 0.028 1 0.710 503±0.000 012 0.710 34 6.62 35.9 0.111 5 0.511 982±0.000 006 0.511 69 -8.48 -0.43 183 1 -50.49
      LSS12-19 398.0 4.98 710.0 0.020 3 0.710 552±0.000 020 0.710 44 40.00 205.0 0.123 8 0.511 956±0.000 007 0.511 63 -9.61 -0.37 192 4 -51.57
      注:计算所需的参数:λ(Sr)=1.39×10-11-1λ(Nd)=6.54×10-12-187Sr/86Sr和143Nd/144Nd所示的2σ误差为小数点后的最后位数,为减少147Sm/144Nd变化对Nd模式年龄计算产生的影响,表中所列tDM2年龄统一采用二阶段模式计算,计算公式如下:tDM2=(1/λSm)ln(1+A),A={(143Nd/144Nd)m-(143Nd/144Nd)DM-[(147Sm/144Nd)m-(147Sm/144Nd)c](eλt-1)}/[(147Sm/144Nd)c-(147Sm/144Nd)DM],式中:下角标m代表样品现今测定值,下角标DM代表亏损地幔值,(147Sm/144Nd)DM=0.213 6.(143Nd/144Nd)DM=0.513 151(Miller and O’Nions, 1985),下角标CHUR代表球粒陨石值,(147Sm/144Nd)CHUR=0.196 0;(143Nd/144Nd)CHUR=0.512 630(Bouvier et al., 2008刘亮等,2013),u.花岗岩中幔源成分含量;下角标c代表大陆壳平均值,(147Sm/144Nd)c=0.118(Jahn and Condie, 1995).
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      表  3  龙首山中段芨岭岩体花岗岩类Pb同位素组成

      Table  3.   Pb isotopic compositions of granitoid of Jiling pluton in the middle Longshou Moutains

      样品号 年龄
      (208Pb/204Pb)i (207Pb/204Pb)i (206Pb/204Pb)i 206Pb/207Pb μ ω Th/U
      LSS12-02 425.2 21.50 7.80 23.0 39.075±0.006 15.619±0.002 19.240±0.003 37.585 8 15.523 8 17.519 9 1.231 8 9.43 34.93 2.76
      LSS12-03 428.6 21.50 3.49 28.5 38.390±0.003 15.549±0.001 18.328±0.001 37.205 5 15.515 1 17.715 7 1.178 7 9.37 36.29 6.16
      LSS12-01 416.7 5.59 1.99 15.6 38.400±0.006 15.571±0.002 18.359±0.002 37.852 7 15.536 8 17.738 9 1.179 1 9.41 36.37 2.81
      LSS12-04 416.0 47.90 44.30 47.5 39.420±0.004 16.977±0.002 43.529±0.004 37.303 6 16.633 6 37.300 1 2.564 0 30.24 32.93 1.08
      LSS12-12 416.0 36.40 37.80 48.9 39.107±0.002 16.097±0.001 30.209±0.002 37.779 8 15.855 6 25.823 7 1.876 7 18.47 31.89 0.96
      LSS12-20 416.6 59.10 975.00 192.0 39.375±0.007 25.076±0.004 191.806±0.030 37.725 9 20.302 2 105.226 3 7.649 0 161.24 32.78 0.06
      LSS12-05 401.3 42.60 11.30 54.1 38.768±0.003 15.577±0.001 19.071±0.001 37.593 0 15.522 7 18.079 9 1.224 3 9.36 34.24 3.77
      LSS13-26 401.3 27.70 9.47 30.3 39.062±0.004 15.587±0.001 19.302±0.002 37.688 0 15.505 2 17.808 3 1.238 3 9.37 34.30 2.93
      LSS13-33 401.3 68.00 70.30 74.2 42.593±0.009 25.438±0.005 201.335±0.042 37.624 4 24.543 5 185.001 6 7.914 7 169.66 43.44 0.97
      LSS13-36 401.3 43.50 27.60 78.1 38.682±0.003 15.637±0.001 19.543±0.002 37.845 9 15.544 6 17.856 1 1.249 8 9.45 32.30 1.58
      LSS13-41 401.3 52.30 19.80 48.6 39.308±0.006 15.664±0.002 19.767±0.003 37.673 6 15.556 3 17.799 5 1.261 9 9.49 33.72 2.64
      LSS12-15 398.0 69.50 232.00 103.0 40.836±0.004 24.091±0.002 167.987±0.016 37.697 3 22.269 5 134.676 4 6.973 0 140.20 37.62 0.30
      LSS12-16 398.0 39.20 108.00 73.7 40.610±0.006 26.197±0.004 217.374±0.032 37.593 6 24.752 2 190.952 8 8.297 7 183.83 36.87 0.36
      LSS12-18 398.0 88.80 1965.00 79.9 54.702±0.010 24.371±0.005 214.394±0.037 48.193 9 -0.665 4 -243.461 4 8.797 1 181.20 83.54 0.05
      LSS12-19 398.0 >5 000 >5 000 397.0 259.995±0.029 65.515±0.007 942.629±0.099 -57.868 3 10.255 4 -67.937 0 14.388 0 824.61 763.38 -
      注:计算所需的参数λ(238U)=1.551 25×10-10-1λ(235U)=9.848 5×10-10-1λ(232Th)=4.947 5×10-11-1μ为现代测定的N(238U)/N(204Pb);ω为现代测定的N(232Th)/N(204Pb)(周振华等,2011);(206Pb/204Pb)i=(206Pb/204Pb)实测-μ(eλt-1),(207Pb/204Pb)i=(207Pb/204Pb)实测-μ/137.88(eλt-1),(208Pb/204Pb)i=(208Pb/204Pb)实测-ω(eλt-1);t.侵入岩结晶年龄或成矿年龄.
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