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    赵娜 朱培民 张秉政 袁悦锋

    赵娜, 朱培民, 张秉政, 袁悦锋, 2015. 月震重定位. 地球科学, 40(7): 1276-1286. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2015.107
    引用本文: 赵娜, 朱培民, 张秉政, 袁悦锋, 2015. 月震重定位. 地球科学, 40(7): 1276-1286. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2015.107
    Zhao Na, Zhu Peimin, Zhang Bingzheng, Yuan Yuefeng, 2015. Moonquake Relocation. Earth Science, 40(7): 1276-1286. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2015.107
    Citation: Zhao Na, Zhu Peimin, Zhang Bingzheng, Yuan Yuefeng, 2015. Moonquake Relocation. Earth Science, 40(7): 1276-1286. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2015.107


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2015.107

    国家自然科学基金项目 41174049

    国家自然科学基金项目 91014002


      赵娜(1985-), 女, 博士, 研究方向为月震与地震层析成像.E-mail: zhnacug@126.com

    • 中图分类号: P184

    Moonquake Relocation

    • 摘要: 由于前人的月震定位结果主要是基于20世纪70、80年代的月球速度模型, 定位结果误差较大, 无法为月震层析成像等研究提供精确的月震参数.随着对月球内部结构研究的不断深入, 月球速度模型及分层结构的精细程度已经有了很大提高.通过对Apollo月震数据解码及分析, 重新拾取了月震初至数据, 在总结前人震源定位的基础上, 利用月球新近速度模型, 采用Geiger震源定位方法进行了月震震源定位, 给出了较为全面的月震参数目录, 并对月震和地震的分布及形成机制进行了对比, 可为以后月震及月球内部结构的深入研究提供更多的依据.


    • 图  1  4个台站的3个分量记录的月震事件


      Fig.  1.  The moonquakes recorded by the three components of four stations

      图  2  由陨石撞击事件拾取的P波初至时间剖面

      Fig.  2.  The arrival time profile of P wave of meteorite impacts

      图  3  本文采用的月球内部速度模型

      Garcia et al.(2011)Weber et al.(2011)Wieczorek et al.(2013)

      Fig.  3.  The velocity model of the moon applied in this paper

      图  4  用于反演的2个人工撞击事件与月震台网的相对位置

      五角星表示月震台站位置; 三角形表示用于理论实验的2个人工撞击月震

      Fig.  4.  The positions of the two artificial impacts and seismic stations

      图  5  月震震源位置分布


      Fig.  5.  The distribution of the moonquakes

      图  6  本文110个震源的定位结果及定位误差

      Fig.  6.  The moonquake location results and errors

      图  7  Nakamura (2005)106个震源的定位结果及定位误差

      Fig.  7.  The moonquake location results and errors of Nakamura(2005)

      图  8  Garcia et al.(2011)56个震源的定位结果及定位误差

      Fig.  8.  The moonquake location results and errors of Garcia et al.(2011)

      图  9  全球地震活动分布


      Fig.  9.  The distribution of the earthquakes

      表  1  Apollo月震台站位置及工作日期

      Table  1.   The position and work time of Apollo seismic stations

      台站 纬度(°) 经度(°) 高程(km) 工作日期
      S12 -3.04 -23.42 1.424 1969-11-19~1977-09-30
      S14 -3.65 -17.84 1.063 1971-02-05~1977-09-30
      S15 26.08 3.66 1.926 1971-07-31~1977-09-30
      S16 -8.97 15.51 0.007 1972-04-21~1977-09-30
      注:据Nakamura et al.(1982).
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      表  2  数值实验模型及反演结果

      Table  2.   The synthetic model and inversion results

      模型 纬度(°) 经度(°) 深度(km) 发震时刻
      真实模型 -17.400 -38.400 917.00 1973-09-30T04-10-59
      初始模型 -10.000 -20.000 500.00 1973-09-30T04-10-00
      反演结果 -17.247 -38.505 915.11 1973-09-30T04-10-59
      反演结果与真实模型的差 0.153 0.105 1.89 0.156s
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      表  3  人工月震及其反演结果

      Table  3.   The artificial impacts and the inversion results

      纬度(°) 经度(°) 深度(km) 发震时刻
      16S4实际参数 1.300 -23.800 0 1972-04-19T21-02-04
      初始模型 0 0 0 1972-04-19T21-02-00
      反演结果 2.181 -24.105 0 1972-04-19T21-01-60
      反演结果与实际参数的差 0.881 0.305 0 4.24s
      17S4实际参数 -4.210 -12.310 0 1972-12-10T20-32-42
      初始模型 0 0 0 1972-12-10T20-32-45
      反演结果 -4.668 -12.261 0 1972-12-10T20-32-44
      反演结果与实际参数的差 0.458 0.049 0 1.57s
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      表  4  月震震源定位结果

      Table  4.   The results of the moonquake location

      月震事件 纬度(°) 纬度误差 经度(°) 经度误差 深度(km) 深度误差(km) 发震时刻 发震时刻误差(s)
      12LM -3.940 -21.200 0 1969-11-20T22-17-18
      13S4 -2.750 -27.860 0 1970-04-15T02-09-41
      14S4 -8.090 -26.020 0 1971-02-04T07-40-55
      14LM -3.420 -16.670 0 1971-02-07T00-45-26
      15S4 -1.510 -11.810 0 1971-07-29T20-58-43
      15LM 26.360 0.250 0 1971-08-03T03-03-37
      16S4 1.300 -23.800 0 1972-04-19T21-02-04
      17S4 -4.210 -12.310 0 1972-12-10T20-32-42
      M01 71.016 1.040 5.218 1.120 0 0 1972-01-04T06-31-29 2.830
      M02 1.326 0.400 -16.152 0.370 0 0 1972-05-13T08-46-39 0.974
      M03 33.481 1.610 136.308 1.980 0 0 1972-07-17T21-50-57 2.590
      M04 23.016 0.435 9.327 0.349 0 0 1972-07-31T18-08-16 1.660
      M05 15.150 0.500 20.943 0.260 0 0 1972-08-29T22-58-37 0.921
      M06 28.767 3.130 39.891 0.990 0 0 1973-09-26T20-46-16 4.390
      M07 20.042 0.370 6.330 0.403 0 0 1974-07-17T12-05-01 0.453
      M08 -5.123 0.440 20.825 0.450 0 0 1974-11-21T13-15-32 1.531
      M09 2.247 0.363 -7.913 0.490 0 0 1974-12-15T09-07-13 0.718
      M10 -50.578 0.391 0.351 3.509 0 0 1975-03-05T21-49-58 1.433
      M11 -35.701 1.620 -122.400 1.401 0 0 1975-05-04T09-59-25 3.054
      M12 -14.125 0.446 -8.843 0.372 0 0 1976-05-28T06-02-01 1.093
      M13 23.219 3.885 -74.421 0.693 0 0 1976-11-14T23-13-05 1.642
      M14 -13.643 2.173 -72.931 0.776 0 0 1977-06-28T22-22-35 2.553
      M15 0.246 1.291 -17.075 0.657 0 0 1971-05-23T22-19-38 3.126
      M16 32.164 0.030 -29.327 0.100 0 0 1971-06-12T10-49-21 0.100
      M17 28.961 3.667 -42.897 1.064 0 0 1971-10-20T18-05-52 3.526
      M18 -6.553 2.467 -70.439 1.478 0 0 1976-01-25T16-06-39 2.867
      SH01 13.097 2.019 49.391 2.656 15.90 49.20 1972-09-17T14-35-07 5.316
      SH02 46.046 5.900 36.945 6.995 6.03 0.70 1972-12-06T23-08-40 5.876
      SH03 25.324 4.438 84.352 4.178 2.10 13.90 1974-07-11T00-46-16 7.697
      SH04 26.443 4.036 -95.456 4.481 0 7.60 1975-01-03T01-41-52 5.699
      SH05 64.693 4.254 49.934 5.930 20.30 13.30 1975-01-12T03-13-45 4.853
      SH06 16.922 0.365 -25.294 0.540 111.97 93.14 1975-02-13T22-03-50 5.266
      SH07 42.438 0.368 32.257 0.262 90.99 14.61 1976-01-04T11-18-58 0.918
      SH08 48.673 2.379 -24.715 2.202 28.16 94.40 1976-03-06T10-12-28 3.823
      SH09 52.670 4.328 41.720 4.542 91.03 37.48 1971-04-17T07-00-30 6.490
      SH10 42.134 1.053 -24.012 0.230 99.95 1.47 1971-05-20T17-26-01 5.148
      SH11 -81.092 2.749 -144.360 7.421 61.49 59.13 1973-03-13T07-56-15 7.568
      A01 -17.177 1.170 -38.519 1.330 923.80 23.80 1973-09-30T04-10-57 1.132
      A06 46.684 1.740 55.773 1.850 858.49 13.30 1976-07-02T10-52-23 0.644
      A07 24.984 1.580 53.082 1.800 899.74 38.15 1976-07-02T03-11-23 1.876
      A09 -36.116 1.390 -30.876 2.540 975.00 1.70 1977-04-16T19-58-05 2.877
      A14 -28.388 1.390 -34.314 1.660 888.97 30.99 1973-05-28T18-53-11 3.873
      A17 24.135 0.370 -19.320 0.430 849.45 14.63 1972-11-07T08-52-07 2.760
      A18 19.426 2.220 32.877 1.820 882.00 15.30 1973-01-05T22-50-33 0.660
      A24 -35.526 2.670 -38.817 3.850 980.10 10.50 1977-06-12T18-17-39 0.650
      A25 35.333 1.620 59.664 1.550 943.62 1.20 1977-06-09T20-15-05 3.650
      A30 11.931 3.000 -34.044 3.360 922.00 1.80 1972-05-17T00-42-44 1.460
      A34 7.682 0.460 -9.631 0.310 928.00 13.40 1972-06-14T18-34-28 2.780
      A40 -1.135 0.390 -11.070 0.460 886.30 23.70 1973-06-27T23-48-34 0.966
      A41 14.998 2.190 -26.559 2.620 960.50 5.40 1972-06-08T16-16-24 0.689
      A42 22.885 2.880 -54.186 1.940 1004.00 7.20 1973-05-03T01-52-33 3.318
      A44 52.792 1.960 57.926 1.870 956.85 9.20 1974-05-19T03-09-01 5.830
      A51 9.481 0.530 16.229 0.610 900.33 9.90 1974-02-18T08-35-24 1.910
      A03 -1.757 1.475 -49.678 6.105 926.46 97.31 1972-01-01T00-59-33 4.379
      A10 -34.139 1.962 -37.210 1.979 1072.41 6.12 1972-01-01T00-59-15 0.758
      A15 1.442 0.610 -3.412 0.394 710.22 17.31 1972-01-01T01-01-34 2.371
      A19 27.492 1.926 33.354 1.909 942.70 1.30 1972-01-01T00-59-47 2.624
      A21 -17.258 1.736 -51.055 1.366 1038.81 16.93 1972-01-01T00-59-14 2.244
      A22 22.113 3.530 43.518 1.882 799.09 42.15 1972-01-01T00-59-45 3.971
      A26 17.500 0.423 17.500 0.401 1037.32 1.67 1972-01-01T00-59-49 2.204
      A32 26.200 1.774 41.303 1.376 944.00 1.56 1972-01-01T00-59-41 0.790
      A35 7.847 1.638 34.495 1.414 933.00 0 1972-01-01T00-59-58 0.824
      A54 -23.618 5.225 -55.318 1.456 805.12 41.75 1972-01-01T00-58-58 2.152
      A59 22.120 2.814 -44.058 1.947 674.01 10.80 1972-01-01T00-59-48 3.013
      A60 23.585 3.282 -49.035 1.058 750.00 0 1972-01-01T00-59-26 2.495
      A65 47.292 3.560 42.676 5.806 870.00 72.02 1972-01-01T00-59-23 0.740
      A70 33.295 1.967 69.382 3.543 1065.79 0.97 1972-01-01T00-58-37 0.660
      A71 -33.666 1.329 -17.968 0.967 696.38 0.45 1972-01-01T01-00-09 2.024
      A73 21.338 1.511 -43.481 3.040 901.18 34.62 1972-01-01T00-59-22 3.700
      A74 36.630 2.037 64.495 3.554 1043.00 0 1972-01-01T00-58-44 1.396
      A82 29.011 1.173 36.976 1.073 931.56 0.19 1972-01-01T00-59-48 0.076
      A86 -46.669 1.003 -36.628 4.874 680.60 21.60 1972-01-01T00-59-04 1.658
      A96 6.567 0.336 11.789 0.326 803.30 72.07 1972-01-01T01-00-17 1.081
      A99 8.325 0.723 20.221 0.781 1000.92 39.21 1972-01-01T00-59-58 2.582
      A100 -4.113 2.536 32.351 2.039 941.81 32.54 1972-01-01T00-59-40 1.068
      A107 41.359 3.809 52.562 3.761 901.35 91.23 1972-01-01T00-59-14 4.203
      A114 15.922 1.649 55.444 2.539 774.67 124.91 1972-01-01T00-58-57 4.932
      A201 -40.600 1.722 -4.218 1.026 877.69 21.75 1972-01-01T00-59-27 1.683
      A202 -1.078 0.389 -0.087 0.384 940.16 1.60 1972-01-01T01-00-17 0.146
      A204 -28.691 2.986 -68.368 5.436 955.36 1.92 1972-01-01T00-58-35 3.097
      A212 20.767 0.385 -31.295 0.447 963.02 1.02 1972-01-01T00-59-40 0.210
      A216 -13.328 0.728 -21.825 0.581 770.54 25.00 1972-01-01T01-00-27 5.593
      A223 35.726 3.27 -1.651 0.375 872.98 9.66 1972-01-01T01-00-15 3.243
      A224 -52.615 1.084 -20.153 1.444 756.39 0.96 1972-01-01T00-58-46 1.674
      A230 7.004 0.782 22.589 0.834 875.95 45.94 1972-01-01T01-00-02 1.036
      A231 39.38 2.602 58.840 3.399 969.10 3.45 1972-01-01T00-58-46 3.550
      A234 39.484 1.058 18.769 1.345 1015.75 16.47 1972-01-01T00-59-59 2.932
      A237 11.293 0.367 5.947 0.314 1066.07 10.02 1972-01-01T00-59-43 0.200
      A238 27.324 0.279 20.311 0.469 848.24 39.92 1972-01-01T01-00-16 1.137
      A242 58.980 2.007 52.416 2.677 1023.06 22.89 1972-01-01T00-58-58 1.524
      A243 10.197 0.379 6.696 0.398 1050.85 51.53 1972-01-01T00-59-47 1.056
      A251 -48.511 1.567 39.754 1.154 909.27 52.06 1972-01-01T00-59-10 0.587
      A258 -3.687 0.799 19.656 0.756 1006.60 14.84 1972-01-01T00-59-33 0.324
      A259 3.537 0.473 1.928 0.417 558.69 68.25 1972-01-01T01-01-07 7.236
      A271 53.500 4.163 34.194 1.754 929.44 86.60 1972-01-01T00-59-39 3.226
      A272 -50.413 1.802 52.036 1.478 938.69 103.23 1972-01-01T00-58-51 0.923
      A276 -7.568 1.247 -51.497 1.759 1036.29 35.66 1972-01-01T00-58-32 3.841
      A279 7.962 0.386 -2.501 0.970 1020.78 30.07 1972-01-01T00-59-44 0.247
      A280 -4.729 1.961 49.799 2.194 963.00 1.55 1972-01-01 T00-58-48 2.416
      A283 4.285 0.257 24.223 0.415 998.41 17.65 1972-01-01T01-00-13 2.301
      A286 54.479 1.235 55.045 1.197 935.96 11.71 1972-01-01T00-59-05 0.916
      A290 9.276 0.475 4.566 0.203 1083.44 12.22 1972-01-01T00-59-47 0.597
      A29 54.360 6.959 62.156 12.202 1073.6 99.31 1972-01-01T00-58-41 6.705
      A33 6.225 2.960 118.990 3.180 886.09 57.73 1972-10-11T19-35-42 3.739
      A218 2.208 14.526 -41.089 5.312 829.72 32.33 1972-01-01T00-59-19 7.336
      A241 -69.972 3.699 73.892 8.062 934.36 54.61 1972-01-01T00-57-37 6.904
      A244 32.946 3.577 73.355 2.088 797.04 77.82 1972-01-01T00-58-07 0.325
      A245 8.964 4.812 70.329 11.787 898.28 76.40 1972-01-01T00-57-56 4.847
      A282 17.221 2.243 96.787 2.013 1145.16 32.49 1972-01-01T00-58-00 2.983
      A285 37.448 3.401 95.713 13.103 933.00 0 1972-01-01T00-58-01 5.238
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