Hydrocarbon Charging Period of Cretaceous Reservoirs in AHDEB Oil Field: Evidence from Fluid Inclusion
摘要: 伊拉克AHDEB油田油藏成藏规律对油田后期开发具有重要意义, 与埋藏史相结合的流体包裹体研究是揭示油藏油气成藏期次和时间的有效手段.利用伊拉克AHDEB油田白垩系油藏储层样品对流体包裹体特征进行了分析, 并且通过流体包裹体的显微观察、荧光颜色、单一包裹体的红外光谱和均一温度测定, 结合地质背景对该油田的油充注期次进行了研究.研究表明, 油包裹体以发绿色和黄绿色荧光为主, 少数发浅黄色和黄褐色荧光.油包裹体的显微傅立叶红外光谱测定结果计算的CH2a/CH3a、Xinc、Xstd可划分油的成熟度, 表明存在两种成熟度的油.最后, 根据均一温度测定结果, 结合埋藏史和热史, 认为该油田可能存在4期油充注成藏相关的流体活动: 第1成藏期发生在95.0~96.5Ma, 相当于晚白垩世早期; 第2成藏期为71.0~78.5Ma, 相当于晚白垩世晚期, 第1期和第2期烃源岩排烃规模小, 产生中-重质油, 后期遭受氧化而形成沥青; 第3成藏期发生在14.0~15.0Ma, 相当于中中新世, 处于生排烃高峰期, 为主要成藏期; 第4期发生在10.0Ma左右, 与第3期为多幕连续充注.Abstract: The uncertainty of pool-forming rule of AHDEB oilfield in Iraq has influenced the oilfiled development. Combining with burial history, the study of fluid inclusion is effective to reveal the hydrocarbon charging period and time. The samples collected from Cretaceous reservoirs of AHDEB oil field in Iraq were used to study the characteristics of fluid inclusion. Based on the observation of thin sections and the fluorescence color, measurement of μFT-IR and homogenization temperature, combining with analysis of geologic setting, the hydrocarbon charging periods were researched. The results show that the fluorescence colors of oil inclusion were mainly green and yellow-green, while minor light yellow and yellowish-brown. It is found by the measurement of μFT-IR of oil inclusion that there are 2 types of maturity based on the value of CH2a/CH3a, Xinc and Xstd. The data of burial history, thermal evolution history and the homogenization temperature indicate that there might be four terms of oil accumulation. The first term of oil charging occurred at 95.0-96.5Ma, equivalent to early Late-Cretaceous, and the second term occurred at 71.0-78.5Ma, equivalent to late Late-Cretaceous, which were consistent with the small scale of hydrocarbon generation by producing heavy oil that in turn was oxidized to asphalt. The third term of oil charging occurred at 14.0-15.0Ma, equivalently Middle Miocene, which was the main accumulation, being consistent with the peak of hydrocarbon generation. The forth term occurred at 10.0Ma, which was the charging event related to the third term.
Key words:
- AHDEB oil field /
- Cretaceous /
- hydrocarbons /
- fluid inclusion /
- infrared spectra /
- petroleum geology
图 2 伊拉克中南部地层柱状图及油气系统分布
Fig. 2. The stratigraphic column and the distribution of petroleum system in Middle-South Iraq
图 3 不同期次油包裹体的显微照片
a.第1期油包裹体单偏光照片,深褐色,X13井Ru2b层,宿主矿物为粒状方解石;b.图a的荧光照片,显示黄褐色荧光;c.第2期油包裹体单偏光照片,棕黄色,X13井Ru3层,宿主矿物为粗晶方解石; d.图c的荧光照片,显示浅黄色荧光;e.第3期油包裹体单偏光照片,浅黄色、无色透明,X13井Ma1层,宿主矿物为粗晶方解石; f.图e的荧光照片,显示黄绿色荧光;g.第4期油包裹体单偏光照片,无色透明,X13井Ru3层,宿主矿物为粗晶方解石;h.图g的荧光照片,显示绿色荧光
Fig. 3. The photos of oil inclusion fluorescence with different maturity
图 6 东巴格达油田的埋藏史和热史
Fig. 6. The burial history and thermal history in East Baghdad
表 1 AHDEB油田白垩系油藏成岩序列与油包裹体分布特征
Table 1. Diagenesis and distribution of oil inclusions in Cretaceous reservoirs in AHDEB oilfield
成岩阶段 同生期 浅埋藏期 表生期 中深埋藏期 有机质成熟度 未熟阶段 未熟阶段 低熟阶段 低熟阶段 成熟阶段 成熟阶段 成岩序列 泥晶化、溶蚀、胶结、新生变形 溶蚀、胶结 压实、胶结、白云石化 溶蚀、胶结 压实/压溶、溶蚀、胶结 破裂作用 泥晶化、高镁方解石胶结、淡水潜流带组构选择性溶蚀、马牙状方解石等厚环边胶结、新生变形作用 淡水渗流带非组构选择性溶蚀、重力/新月形方解石胶结 压实、粒状方解石胶结、白云石化 表生期非组构选择性溶蚀、粗晶方解石胶结 压实/压溶、埋藏溶蚀作用、粗晶方解石胶结 微裂隙、粗晶方解石裂隙/重结晶 油包裹体期次 第1期 第2期 第3期 第4期 油包裹体颜色 呈深褐色,显示黄褐色荧光 呈棕黄色,显示浅黄色荧光 呈浅黄色,显示黄绿色荧光 呈无色透明,显示绿色荧光 油包裹体丰度 偶见 少量 大量 少量 油气运聚 油生成、运移 油生成、运移 油聚集成藏 油聚集成藏 表 2 油包裹体的显微傅立叶变换红外光谱测定结果
Table 2. The data of micro FT-IR of oil inclusions
井号 层位 深度(m) 油包裹体特征 AREA[∑CH2]/ AREA[∑CH3] Xinc Xstd 产状 单偏光颜色 荧光颜色 AD13 Ru2a 2915.85 方解石成群分布 无色 蓝色 2.772 21.913 10.638 Ru2a 2915.85 方解石成群分布 淡黄色 黄绿色 3.080 25.332 11.777 Ru2a 2915.85 方解石成群分布 黄色 浅黄色 4.171 37.453 15.818 Ru3 2990.66 沿石英微裂隙分布 无色 黄绿色 2.532 19.249 9.750 Ru3 2990.66 沿石英微裂隙分布 淡黄 黄绿色 3.998 35.531 15.177 Ru3 2990.66 沿石英微裂隙分布 淡黄 黄绿色 3.776 33.067 14.356 Ru2b 2960.32 方解石成带状分布 淡黄 黄绿色 2.869 22.991 10.997 Ru2b 2960.32 方解石成带状分布 棕黄色 浅黄色 4.484 40.930 16.977 Ru2b 2960.32 方解石成带状分布 褐色 黄褐色 5.211 49.006 19.669 注:Xinc=(AREA∑CH2/AREA∑CH3-0.8)/0.09,为包裹体有机质烷基碳原子数;Xstd=(AREA∑CH2/AREA∑CH3+0.1)/0.27,为标准有机质烷基碳原子数. -
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