Middle Paleozoic Flysch Trace Fossils from Western Junggar and Their Palaeoenvironmental Significance
摘要: 西准噶尔复理石相遗迹化石主要分布于上泥盆统-下石炭统塔尔巴哈台组以及石炭系的包古图组、太勒古拉组和哈拉阿拉特组中, 典型遗迹属包括Phycosiphon, Nereites, Megagrapton, Glockerichnus, Cochlichnus, Lophoctenium, Gordia, Chondrites, Zoophycos, Scolicia, Thalassinoides.这些遗迹化石构成具有典型深水Nereites遗迹相特征的Phycosiphon-Nereites遗迹化石组合和Megagrapton-Glockerichnus-Cochlichnus遗迹化石组合.包古图组和太勒古拉组属于海底扇中下扇扇缘-盆地平原环境; 哈拉阿拉特组和塔尔巴哈台组则属于海底扇中下扇扇叶环境.西准噶尔复理石相遗迹化石分布与鲍马序列的厚度密切相关, 在毫米-厘米级鲍马序列中, 遗迹化石属种单调且保存较差, 可见单一属的Phycosiphon或Nereites; 而在厘米-分米级鲍马序列中, 可见不同直径大小和形态上具有过渡的Phycosiphon和Nereites, 可能代表同种造迹生物不同个体发育阶段的生物遗迹.海底扇不同亚环境单个鲍马序列的厚度决定了底栖生物是否有足够的时间形成较为成熟的群落(包括一系列幼年和成年个体).Abstract: The flysch trace fossils of western Junggar, Xinjiang, NW China are mainly distributed in the Upper Devonian-Lower Carboniferous Ta'erbahatai Formation and Baogutu, Tailegula and Hala'alate formations of the Carboniferous. Characteristic trace fossils include Phycosiphon, Nereites, Megagrapton, Glockerichnus, Cochlichnus, Lophoctenium, Gordia, Chondrites, Zoophycos, Scolicia, Thalassinoides, forming two characteristic trace fossil assemblages of the Nereites ichnofacies: the Phycosiphon-Nereites and Megagrapton-Glockerichnus-Cochlichnus ichnoassemblages. The Baogutu and Tailegula formations represent the medial-distal submarine fan fringe-basin plain environments, while the Hala'alate and Ta'erbahatai formations are chiefly medial-distal submarine fan lobe deposits. The distribution of flysch trace fossils in western Junggar is closely linked to the thickness of the Bouma sequences. In millimetre to centimetre Bouma sequences, there are only scarce and blur traces of Phycosiphon or Nereites, while in centimetre to decimetre Bouma sequences, Phycosiphon and Nereites of various diametres and transitional morphologies occur, which might be produced by conspecific trace makers in an ontogenetic series. The thickness of a single Bouma sequence in submarine fan related environments determines if there is enough time for a mature benthic fauna to develop (with a series of young and old individuals).
Key words:
- trace fossil /
- flysch facies /
- depositional environment /
- Devonian /
- Carboniferous /
- western Junggar /
- palaeoenvironment
图 1 研究区大地构造背景
a.西准噶尔及邻区晚泥盆世古板块恢复,改编自Filippova and Bush(2001);b.新疆北部及邻区大地构造分区,改编自Han et al.(2010).(1)阿尔泰岩浆弧;(2)额尔齐斯-斋桑缝合带;(3)扎尔玛-萨吾尔岩浆弧;(4)博什库尔-成吉思岩浆弧;(5)西准噶尔增生杂岩;(6)准噶尔地体;(7)都拉特-北塔山岩浆弧;(8)野马泉岩浆弧;(9)博格达内陆裂谷;(10)北天山增生杂岩;(11)伊犁地体
Fig. 1. Sketches showing the tectonic background of the study area
图 2 研究区地质图及复理石相遗迹化石采样点分布
Fig. 2. Simplified geological map of the study area showing the sampling sites of flysch trace fossils
图 3 西准噶尔泥盆-石炭纪复理石相地层岩性与沉积学特征
Fig. 3. Lithological and sedimentological characteristics of the Devonian-Carboniferous flysch deposits in western Junggar
图 4 西准噶尔泥盆-石炭纪复理石相遗迹化石典型形态类型
采样点号与图 2和表 1中的编号一一对应,a~d, g~i, k, l, m, n比例尺为1 cm,e, f, j, o比例尺为2 cm.a.鹿角状的Phycosiphon,可见2类潜穴直径不同的个体,水平层面,塔尔巴哈台组,新疆额敏县乌什水(采样点4);b.Phycosiphon的蹼状构造,水平层面,哈拉阿拉特组,新疆托里县石棉矿(采样点22);c.蛇曲状的Nereites,保存有核部浅色的新月形回填构造和边部深色的扰动晕,水平层面,太勒古拉组中段,新疆托里县火箭牧场(采样点11);d.保存为底生迹的Nereites,可见圆环状分节,太勒古拉组中段,新疆托里县石棉矿(采样点16);e.分枝波状弯曲、分支角为锐角的网状构造?Megagrapton,水平层面,塔尔巴哈台组,新疆和布克赛尔县黑山头(采样点24);f.分枝较平直、分支角近直角的网状构造Megagrapton,水平层面,塔尔巴哈台组,新疆额敏县乌什水(采样点5);g.保存为底生迹的放射状构造Glockerichnus,可见具分支的放射脊从中心点辐射而出,塔尔巴哈台组,新疆和布克赛尔县黑山头(采样点24)(图片龚一鸣,1994a);h.螺旋盘绕的蹼状构造Lophoctenium,水平层面,哈拉阿拉特组,新疆托里县柳树沟(采样点23);i.具有自相交特征的Gordia,水平层面,塔尔巴哈台组,新疆额敏县乌什水(采样点5);j.正弦曲线形潜穴Cochlichnus,水平层面,塔尔巴哈台组,新疆和布克赛尔组县黑山头(采样点24)(图片龚一鸣,1994a);k.较粗短的分支构造Chondrites,水平层面,塔尔巴哈台组,新疆额敏县乌什水(采样点5);l.蹼层呈袋状的蹼状构造Zoophycos,水平层面,塔尔巴哈台组,新疆额敏县乌什水(采样点4);m.不完整Zoophycos蹼层,可见保存较差的小蹼纹,水平层面,哈拉阿拉特组,新疆克拉玛依市乌尔禾(采样点25);n.具深浅交替弧形纹层的?Scolicia纵切面形态,可见浅色纹层上的斜肋纹饰,太勒古拉组上段,新疆克拉玛依市白碱滩(采样点18);o.保存于浊积砂岩底面的Thalassinoides,可见Y形或T形分支以及竖直管的横截面,塔尔巴哈台组,新疆和布克赛尔组县黑山头(采样点24)
Fig. 4. Typical morphologies of the Devonian-Carboniferous flysch trace fossils in western Junggar
图 5 西准噶尔泥盆-石炭纪复理石相的Phycosiphon-Nereites遗迹化石组合及其个体发育序列
a, c, e.化石照片,标本均采自西准噶尔复理石相粉砂质-细砂质浊积岩中;b, d, f.素描图.Phycosiphon和Nereites分别具有一系列过渡直径的个体,主要显示出3个演化阶段:①第1阶段,为潜穴细小的典型Phycosiphon;②第2阶段,为潜穴稍粗的大型Phycosiphon(f)或小型Nereites(b),其形态远离典型的Phycosiphon和Nereites;③第3阶段,为潜穴较粗的典型Nereites,新月形回填构造可见(b)或不可见(d, f)
Fig. 5. The Phycosiphon-Nereites ichnoassemblage in the Devonian-Carboniferous flysch deposits of western Junggar and the reflected ontogenetic series of the trace makers
图 6 西准噶尔泥盆-石炭纪复理石相序列中火山碎屑质海底扇环境的遗迹沉积学模式
Fig. 6. Ichnosedimentological model of the volcaniclastic submarine fan related environments in Devonian-Carboniferous flysch deposits from western Junggar
表 1 西准噶尔晚泥盆世-石炭纪复理石相遗迹化石赋存地层的遗迹沉积学特征
Table 1. Ichnosedimentological characteristics of the Late Devonian to Carboniferous flysch trace fossils bearing strata in western Junggar
地层单元 岩性和沉积特征 沉积环境 遗迹属 化石点* 内生迹 底生迹 上泥盆统-下石炭统塔尔巴哈台组 厘米-分米级浊积岩韵律层、鲍马序列Tb~Te、软沉积变形 海底扇中下扇近水道 Phycosiphon, Nereites, Chondrites, Zoophycos, Planolites, Scolicia, Skolithos, Halopoa, Didymaulichnus, Gordia, Phycodes, Teichichnus, ?Helminthopsis, ?Cosmorhaphe Megagrapton, Glockerichnus, Cochlichnus, Gordia, Planolites, Palaeophycus, Laevicyclus, Thalassinoides, ?Paleodictyon 1~6, 24 下石炭统包古图组 毫米-厘米级浊积岩韵律层 海底扇中下扇扇缘 Phycosiphon,Nereites 7~10 下石炭统太勒古拉组中段 不规则毫米-厘米级粉细砂纹层分布于泥质岩中,整体呈厚-巨厚层状;软沉积变形 海底扇中下扇扇缘-盆地平原过渡 Phycosiphon,Nereites,?Cosmorhaphe ?Paleodictyon, Nereites 11~17 下石炭统太勒古拉组上段 中厚层状富泥质火山碎屑岩、颜色发红、含形态结构完整的放射虫化石;厘米-分米级浊积岩韵律层、鲍马序列Tc~Te 盆地平原,局部受浊流影响 Nereites,?Scolicia 18 下-上石炭统哈拉阿拉特组 厘米-分米级浊积岩韵律层、鲍马序列Tc~Te 海底扇中下扇扇叶 Phycosiphon, Nereites, Zoophycos, Lophoctenium, Teichichnus, ?Chondrites, Imponoglyphus 19~23, 25 注:*化石点1~25笔者均作考察,其中点24(新疆和布克赛尔县黑山头,龚一鸣和刘本培,1993;龚一鸣,1994a)和25(新疆克拉玛依市乌尔禾/乌禾公路剖面,晋慧娟和李育慈,1991;晋慧娟等,2003b)综合了前人研究成果,未标于图 2中. -
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