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    赵宝峰 陈红汉 孔令涛 王倩茹 刘睿

    赵宝峰, 陈红汉, 孔令涛, 王倩茹, 刘睿, 2014. 莺歌海盆地流体垂向输导体系及其对天然气成藏控制作用. 地球科学, 39(9): 1323-1332. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.114
    引用本文: 赵宝峰, 陈红汉, 孔令涛, 王倩茹, 刘睿, 2014. 莺歌海盆地流体垂向输导体系及其对天然气成藏控制作用. 地球科学, 39(9): 1323-1332. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.114
    Zhao Baofeng, Chen Honghan, Kong Lingtao, Wang Qianru, Liu Rui, 2014. Vertical Migration System and Its Control on Natural Gas Accumulation in Yinggehai Basin. Earth Science, 39(9): 1323-1332. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.114
    Citation: Zhao Baofeng, Chen Honghan, Kong Lingtao, Wang Qianru, Liu Rui, 2014. Vertical Migration System and Its Control on Natural Gas Accumulation in Yinggehai Basin. Earth Science, 39(9): 1323-1332. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.114


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.114

    "十二·五"国家科技重大专项 2011ZX05023-004-010


      赵宝峰(1984-), 男, 博士研究生, 主要从事含油气盆地分析研究.E-mail: zhaobaofengxo@163.com


      陈红汉, E-mail: hhchen@cug.edu.cn

    • 中图分类号: P618.13

    Vertical Migration System and Its Control on Natural Gas Accumulation in Yinggehai Basin

    • 摘要: 垂向输导体系主控下的热流体活动是莺歌海盆地重要的地质特征之一, 决定了盆内独特的油气成藏过程.依据地震剖面综合解释、三维地震属性提取和岩石薄片观察, 分析了流体垂向输导体系的构成要素, 并利用PetroMod v11进行2D盆地数值模拟, 定量化计算了自源超压和传导超压的大小, 获得以下主要认识: (1)底辟伴生断裂和水力破裂是东方区最主要的2种垂向输导要素, 且在垂向上存在分异性, 深部流体输导以水力破裂为主, 浅层输导以底辟伴生断裂为主; (2)流体的垂向输导刺穿了超压封存箱并导致自源超压面在盆地中央抬升近2 000 m, 现今盆地东方区3 000 m左右黄流组油气藏中剩余压力的90%来自传导型超压; (3)盆内存在2个有利天然气聚集带: 箱顶传导常压带和箱内自源-传导超压带, 其中后者天然气藏受水力破裂输导控制, 具有流体输导高效且距离烃源灶近的优势, 是盆地内最有勘探潜力的天然气聚集带.


    • 图  1  莺歌海盆地底辟与天然气藏分布(a)和沉积充填概况(b)

      图a中底辟位置和沉积充填参考Xie et al.(2003)

      Fig.  1.  Distribution of diapis (a) and petroleum pools in the Yinggehai Basin (b)

      图  2  垂向流体输导体系的2D地震解释、3D均方根振幅属性水平切片

      Fig.  2.  2D cross section interpretation and 3D root mean-square amplitude attributes of vertical migration systems

      图  3  水力破裂形成的微裂缝

      a.微裂缝被方解石充填, DF119井, 1 413.5 m;b.流体侵入裂缝被沥青充填, DF1322井, 3 134.9 m

      Fig.  3.  Photomicrographs showing micro-fractures of hydro-fracturing type

      图  4  2D超压数值模拟地质模型(a)和剩余压力计算结果(b)

      Fig.  4.  2D overpressure geological modeling (a) and computed results of excessive pressure (b)

      图  5  地层界面及自源和传导超压顶面埋深连井剖面

      Fig.  5.  Connecting-well section of sequence boundary, diffused and conductive overpressure surface depth

      图  6  实测地层压力和岩性关系

      Fig.  6.  Relationship between measured layer pressure and lithology

      图  7  典型油气藏成藏要素空间分布(a)及其与2类天然气气聚集带的关系示意(b)

      Fig.  7.  Relationship between typical reservoir accumulation factors distribution (a) and two kinds of gas accumulation zone (b)

      表  1  不同地区代表井压力计算结果

      Table  1.   Calculated pressure results of typical wells from different locations

      区域 井号/深度(m) 地层压力P(MPa) 静水压力Ph(MPa) 自源超压△Pe(MPa) 传导超压△Pt(MPa) Pt/P Pt/Ph Pt/(△Pe+△Pt)
      临高区 LG2011/3019 29.35 29.21 0.09 0.05 0.002 0.002 0.36
      岭头 LT3411/2937 28.32 28.24 0.04 0.04 0.001 0.001 0.50
      东方区 DF1321/3088 53.34 31.72 1.70 19.92 0.370 0.630 0.92
      DF1114/2939 54.53 30.01 1.62 22.90 0.420 0.760 0.93
      DF111/2580 52.82 26.59 1.51 24.72 0.470 0.930 0.94
      DF1111/2785 55.80 28.51 1.58 25.71 0.460 0.900 0.94
      乐东区 LD2217/2187 34.48 22.52 1.14 10.82 0.310 0.480 0.90
      LD1511/2450 33.65 25.09 1.21 7.35 0.220 0.290 0.86
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