Subdivision and Identification of Sedimentary Tectonic Facies
摘要: 沉积大地构造相是反映陆块区、洋区、洋与陆块之间的陆缘区(活动和被动陆缘)形成演变过程中, 在各个演化阶段及其特定的大地构造环境中形成的沉积盆地及其充填序列, 是表达大陆岩石圈板块在离散、汇聚、碰撞、走滑等动力学过程中形成的不同类型沉积盆地及其综合产物, 具有恢复陆块区和造山系形成演化的功能.为从大地构造环境和沉积盆地分析角度系统剖析中国大陆新元古代以来纷繁复杂的大陆增生历程, 根据中国大陆形成演化特点, 提出一套沉积大地构造相(沉积盆地类型)划分方案, 并简述其大地构造环境鉴别标志.该划分方案分4级(相系、大相、相和亚相): 一级为陆块区(含地块)相系和造山系相系.陆块区按构造古地理位置和区域构造应力场进一步划分出二级和三级单元.造山系由弧盆系、叠接带和对接带大相构成, 是岩石圈板块大规模水平运动, 在洋陆转换过程中岛弧增生、弧-弧碰撞、弧-陆碰撞、陆-陆碰撞和陆内俯冲的产物, 常表现为复杂岩石组成、复杂褶皱和断裂构造的巨大山系; 叠接带大相主要由弧-弧碰撞和弧-陆碰撞时, 在陆缘形成的洋-陆转化增生带, 是软碰撞产物; 对接带大相由陆-陆碰撞形成, 是硬碰撞产物.在造山系的弧盆系、叠接带和对接带大相之下, 按洋盆演化-洋陆转化历程所产生的系列构造古地理环境和建造, 进一步划分出洋盆、弧前盆地、弧间盆地、弧后盆地、残余海盆、周缘前陆盆地、弧后前陆盆地等大地构造相单元.Abstract: Sedimentary tectonic facies reveals different types of sedimentary basins and their sequences, distribution and comprehensive combination formed in a tectonic setting of a specific tectonic site in each evolutionary stage during the formation and evolution of a continental block, an ocean or a continental margin (active or passive), which is an integrated product of dynamic processes of divergence, convergence, collision and rotation-shear of continental lithosphere plates as well. It has the function of revealing the formation and evolution of continental blocks and orogenic systems (belts). In order to systematically analyze the complicated process of continental accretion since Neoproterozoic in Mainland China in the perspective of sedimentary tectonic facies and sedimentary basins based on characteristics of formation and evolution in Mainland China, this paper puts forward a set of classification scheme and briefly introduces identification markers of sedimentary tectonic facies (types of sedimentary basins). The scheme can be divided into 4 levels (facies series, macrofacies, facies and subfacies): the first level is continental block (including land block) and orogenic system facies series. Thereinto, continental block can be divided into macrofacies and facies on the basis of tectonic paleogeographic site and regional tectonic stress field. The orogenic system is comprised of arc-basin systems, accretional zone and opposite zone, with huge mountains accompanied by complex lithologic composition, fold and fault. In fact, it is the outcome of arc accretion, arc-arc collision, arc-continent collision, continent-continent collision, and inter-continent subduction in the process of conversion between continent and ocean, under the extensive act of horizontal movement of lithosphere plate. The accretional zone is the product of soft collision controlled by arc-arc and arc-continental collision, which spreads across the ocean-continent transformation accretion zone in continental margin. In contrast, the opposite zone is the outcome of hard collision formed by continent-continent collision. Down to next level, we can divide sedimentary tectonic basins into oceanic basin, forearc bsin, interarc basin, backarc basin, residue sea, peripheral foreland basin, backarc foreland basin, and so on, according to a series of tectonic paleogeographical environment and construction generated by the progress of ocean-continent transformation.
Key words:
- Sedimentary basins /
- tectonics /
- identification marker /
- continent block /
- orogenic system
表 1 陆块区沉积大地构造相单元(盆地类型)划分
Table 1. Units of sedimentary tectonic facies (types of sedimentary basins) in continental blocks
相 亚相 实例 相名称 相代号 亚相名称 亚相代号 陆表海 ES 海陆交互陆表海 mc 华北晚石炭世-早二叠世海陆交互陆表海(李宝芳等, 2000) 碎屑岩陆表海 ce 塔里木志留纪-泥盆纪碎屑岩陆表海(江大勇等2001;王招民等, 2004; 张翔等, 2006) 碳酸盐岩陆表海 ca 湘和桂北晚石炭世-中二叠世碳酸盐岩陆表海(刘宝珺和许效松, 1994; 彭军等, 2000) 混积陆表海 me 塔里木石炭纪-早二叠世混积陆表海(黄智斌等, 2012) 被动陆缘 PM 陆棚 内陆棚 sh is 上扬子震旦纪-古生代被动陆缘(刘宝珺和许效松, 1994; 陈建强, 2000; 梅冥相等, 2006) 外陆棚 os 陆缘斜坡 sl 十万大山寒武纪-早奥陶世被动陆缘斜坡(刘宝珺和许效松, 1994; 马力等, 2005) 陆缘裂陷 mg 十万大山晚二叠世-中三叠世陆缘裂陷(刘宝珺和许效松, 1994; 马力等, 2005) 被动陆缘碳酸盐岩台地 CP 台地 pl 下扬子晚石炭世-早二叠世台地(芮琳等, 1988; 张遴信等, 1988; 刘宝珺和许效松, 1994) 混积台地 mp 下扬子中二叠世-中三叠世混积台地(刘宝珺和许效松, 1994; 殷鸿福和李思田, 2000) 台地斜坡 rm 二叠纪上扬子浅海台地与其东南侧的湘桂深水海盆间的台地斜坡(刘宝珺和许效松, 1994; 梅冥相等, 2007) 台盆 ip 南盘江-右江泥盆纪-石炭纪台盆(赖生华等, 2005) 裂谷 R 陆内裂谷 ir 扬子区新元古代裂谷(王剑等, 2001) 陆缘裂谷 mr 富宁-那坡泥盆纪-石炭纪陆缘裂谷(马力等, 2005) 夭折裂谷 fr 塔里木铁克里克南华纪-震旦纪夭折裂谷(王爱国等, 2004) 断陷盆地(含火山岩) FT(VFT) 下扬子新生代断陷盆地(王鸿祯, 1985; 邵家骥等, 1989; 张祥云等, 2004) 坳陷盆地 DW 江汉-洞庭第四纪坳陷盆地(王鸿祯, 1985; 柏道远等, 2010) 断陷-坳陷盆地(含火山岩) FD(VFD) 松辽晚白垩世-第四纪断陷-坳陷盆地(于文卿等, 1999; 李国玉等, 2002; 叶得泉等, 2002; 贾军涛等, 2007) 陆内裂陷盆地(含火山岩) IG(VIG) 华南东部晚侏罗世-新近纪陆内裂陷盆地(余心起等,2003) 压陷盆地 DB 塔里木新近纪压陷盆地(张克信等,2010;Zhang et al., 2013) 断陷-压陷盆地 FDE 新疆准噶尔盆地, 早-中侏罗世为断陷盆地,晚侏罗世-早白垩世为压陷盆地(方世虎等,2005) 拉分盆地(含火山岩) PB(VPB) 莱阳白垩纪-始新世拉分盆地(李国玉等, 2002);甘孜-理塘古近纪-新近纪拉分盆地(张克信等,2010) 表 2 造山系沉积大地构造相单元(盆地类型)划分
Table 2. Units of sedimentary tectonic facies (types of sedimentary basins) in orogenic systems
大相 相 亚相 实例 相名称 相代号 亚相名称 亚相代号 弧盆系叠接带对接带 洋盆 OB MORB型洋盆相(含MORB型蛇绿岩或混杂岩带) mob 南昆仑阿尼玛卿二叠纪-早三叠世洋盆(Zhang et al., 2000; 张克信等,2001) SSZ型洋盆相(含SSZ型蛇绿岩或混杂岩带) sob 青海乌兰乌拉湖晚古生代洋盆(潘桂棠等,2013) 残余海盆 RS 古新世-始新世藏南残留海盆(张克信等,2010;Zhang et al., 2013) 活动陆缘 AM 额尔齐斯-西准噶尔中奥陶世-早石炭世活动陆缘(匡立春等, 2013; 李锦轶等, 2013);南昆仑二叠纪-早三叠世活动陆缘(Zhang et al., 2000; 张克信等, 2001, 2004a) 弧前盆地 FO 弧前主带 fc 东昆仑昆南布青山地区二叠纪-早三叠世弧前盆地(张克信等, 2001, 2004b); 西藏冈底斯南缘白垩纪弧前盆地(日喀则群)(潘桂棠等, 2013) 弧前斜坡 fs 弧前构造高地 fh 岩浆弧 MA 火山弧 va 陆缘弧 cma 东昆仑昆北带晚石炭世-中三叠世陆缘弧(张克信等, 2001, 2004b) 弧背盆地 rb 东昆仑南部晚二叠世弧背盆地(格曲组)(张克信等, 2001) 岩浆弧 MA 弧内裂陷盆地 iag 阴山-燕山地区晚侏罗世-早白垩世弧内裂陷盆地(许欢等, 2013) 弧前裂陷盆地 fg 闽浙粤沿海中侏罗世-白垩纪弧前裂陷盆地(谯汉生等, 1999) 弧间盆地 IB 东昆仑南部晚石炭世-中二叠世弧间盆地(浩特洛洼组)(张克信等, 2001, 2004a, 2004b) 弧盆系叠接带对接带 弧后盆地 BA 弧后主带 bc 扬子板块东南缘江西樟树墩一安徽伏川弧后盆地(郭令智等, 1996);东天山大南湖晚石炭世弧后盆地(脐山组) (张洪瑞等, 2010);东昆仑昆中带石炭纪-中二叠世弧后盆地(早石炭世哈拉郭勒组和晚石炭世-中二叠世浩特洛洼组) (张克信等, 2001, 2004a, 2004b) 弧后陆坡 bs 弧后陆棚 bsh 边缘海 MS 碎屑岩半深海 cb 闽粤南华纪-震旦纪碎屑岩半深海(王鸿祯, 1985; 张开毕等, 2005) 硅泥质岩深海 sb 闽粤震旦纪硅泥质岩深海(王鸿祯等, 1985) 碎屑岩浅海 ss 义敦-沙鲁晚震旦世-奥陶纪碎屑岩浅海(李荣社等, 2011) 混积浅海 cm 红柳河-洗肠井-碱泉青白口纪混积浅海(徐学义等,2009) 弧后前陆盆地 BF 东昆仑昆中-昆南带早-中三叠世弧后前陆盆地(洪水川群)(张克信等, 2004a, 2004b) 俯冲增生楔 SA 蛇绿混杂岩带 om 东昆仑昆南布青山蛇绿混杂岩带(张克信等, 2001) 海山 sm 西秦岭甘肃夏河县甘家乡八角城中二叠世海山(Kou et al., 2009) 弧-海山增生带 asm 龙木错-双湖-澜沧江带二叠纪-三叠纪弧-海山增生带(如:早二叠世曲地组、中二叠世龙格组、早三叠世孜狮桑组等)(耿全如等, 2012) 弧-弧碰撞(增生)带 aa 粤西信宜贵子-茶山地区新元古代-早古生代早期弧-弧碰撞(增生)带(彭松柏等, 2006a, 2006b) 弧-陆碰撞(增生)带 ac 中新世台湾海岸山脉弧-陆碰撞(增生)带(耿威等, 2013) 陆-陆碰撞带 cc 藏南印度次大陆-亚洲大陆古近纪陆-陆碰撞带(张克信等, 2010; Zhang et al., 2013) 前陆盆地(未分) FB 喜马拉雅南侧新生代前陆盆地(Vaidynandhan and Ramakrishnan, 2008; Zhang et al., 2013) 周缘前陆盆地 PF -
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