Impact of Groundwater Flow on Arsenic Transport: A Field Observation and Simulation in Datong Basin
摘要: 地下水流动特征对水文地球化学特征具有重要控制作用, 研究分析了大同盆地地下水流动特征对高砷水迁移的影响.以山阴县桑干河南岸地下水试验场(SYFS)的监测数据为基础, 建立了河岸带三维非稳定地下水流模型.结果表明, 灌溉在很大程度上影响着地下水位动态变化.灌溉活动减慢了地下水埋深和水平地下水流速, 加速了不同岩性地层之间的垂向水量交换.粉土(L1、L2、L3和L4)、粘土1(L5)和砂1(L6)之间始终存在由上至下的垂向水量交换, 粘土2(L7)、砂2(L8)、粘土3(L9)和砂3(L10)以水平水量交换为主.灌溉水和大气降水从地表向下垂直入渗至含水层的过程中, 推动了地表和包气带沉积物中的砷逐渐向下迁移; 到达含水层后, 水平交换量占主导, 地下水在水平方向上频繁的水量交换促使As在含水层中发生水平迁移.Abstract: Groundwater flow patterns often play an important role in controlling groundwater hydrogeochemical characteristics. To better understanding of hydrological influences on arsenic transport in groundwater of Datong basin, a transient three dimensional groundwater flow model of riparian zone was conducted based on the monitoring data of Shanyin field site. The model indicates that irrigation diminishes the groundwater depth and horizontal groundwater flow velocities and further accelerates the groundwater flux among different formations. Vertical water exchanges occur frequently among silt layers (L1, L2, L3, L4), clay1 layer (L5) and sand1 layer (L6), while among clay2 layer (L7), sand2 layer (L8), clay3 layer (L9) and sand3 layer (L10), the horizontal groundwater exchanges dominates. The model also presents a possible phenomenon that the vertical infiltration of irrigation water and precipitation from ground surface toward aquifer induces a downward movement of arsenic of vadoze zone sediments, and frequent groundwater exchange greatly promotes the horizontal migration of arsenic in aquifers.
Key words:
- groundwater flow /
- arsenic /
- Shanyin field site /
- Datong basin
图 6 (a) L1~L6各层之间垂向地下水流净交换量(正值表示方向垂直向下);(b)X=17.5m和X=57.5m位置处,L6~L10各层之间水平地下水流净交换量(正值表示交换量方向由A'到A,负值表示由A到A')
Fig. 6. (a) Net vertical groundwater flux between L1-L6 (the positive values indicate movement downwards through the model layers); (b) Net horizontal groundwater flux at AA' profile from L6 to L10 with X=17.5m and X=57.7m, respectively
表 1 地下水流模型中的水力学参数
Table 1. Hydraulic properties of aquifers used in model simulations
水力传导系数K(m/d)a 单位储水系数Ssb 单位给水度Sya 有效孔隙度a 总孔隙度a 粉土 0.5 1E-4 0.16 0.22 0.35 粘土 8.64E-4 5E-4 0.01 0.2 0.45 砂 15 1E-4 0.22 0.25 0.25 a.据Fetter, 1994;b.据 Thangarajan et al., 1999 . -
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