Source-Ward Retro-Gradational Stacking Patterns of Sequence Stratigraphic Architectures of Intra-Cratonic Basin: One Example from Shanxi Formatin of Ordos Basin, China
摘要: 陆内克拉通盆地是我国重要的含油气盆地类型之一, 其层序地层学研究相对薄弱.以我国典型的陆内克拉通盆地-鄂尔多斯盆地山西组的层序地层学研究为例, 提出陆内克拉通盆地长期持续退积、短期进积"溯源退积"层序构型的模式.其涵义是指陆内克拉通盆地所形成的三级层序的层序构型均以LST为主, TST和HST相对不发育, 对应的基准面旋回具有长期持续退积(水进)、短期进积(水退)旋回特征; 不同级别层序地层格架控制下的砂体, 自下而上(从老到新), 具有向北部物源区依次退积叠置的"溯源退积"特征.Abstract: Intra-cratonic basins are the important hydrocarbon-bearing basins in China. However, the previous research of sequence stratigraphy is insufficient to intra-cratonic basin. Based on the sequence stratigraphic research of Shanxi Formation of Ordos basin, one typical intra-cratonic basins of China, the authors develop the source-ward retro-gradational stacking patterns with long-term retrogradation and short-term progradation. The model indicates that (1) sequence stratigraphic architecture of third-order sequence within intra-cratonic basins mainly consists of lowstand systems tract (LST), and lack of transgressive systems tract (TST) and highstand systems tract(HST); (2) the third-order base level cycle has the characteristics of long term transgression and short term regression; (3) the sand-bodies controlled by various order sequence stratigraphic framework show the model of source-ward retro-gradational stacking patterns from base to top.
图 3 S209-S1井南北向层序地层连井及砂体指示的“溯源退积”层序构型
Fig. 3. Sequence stratigraphic correlation section and reservoir sand-body distribution from Well S209 to S1 of the member 2 of the Shanxi Formation along the N-S direction, showing source-ward retro-gradational stacking patterns of sequence stratigraphic architecture. See Fig. 1 for the location of the cross-section
图 4 过井地震剖面指示的SQ1-SQ3层序的“溯源退积”层序构型
Fig. 4. Seismic cross-section (S-N direction) of the sequences SQ1-SQ3, showing source-ward retro-gradational stacking patterns of sequence stratigraphic architecture. See Fig. 1 for the location of the cross-section
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