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    王晓龙 石万忠 何生 易智星 武子钰 徐清海 彭晓梦

    王晓龙, 石万忠, 何生, 易智星, 武子钰, 徐清海, 彭晓梦, 2013. 万昌地区永二段水下滑塌扇内上倾尖灭砂体识别. 地球科学, 38(3): 561-572. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2013.056
    引用本文: 王晓龙, 石万忠, 何生, 易智星, 武子钰, 徐清海, 彭晓梦, 2013. 万昌地区永二段水下滑塌扇内上倾尖灭砂体识别. 地球科学, 38(3): 561-572. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2013.056
    WANG Xiao-long, SHI Wan-zhong, HE Sheng, YI Zhi-xing, WU Zi-yu, XU Qing-hai, PENG Xiao-meng, 2013. Identifying Updip Pinch-Out Sandstone in Subaqueous Slump Fans of Yonger Member Using Acoustic Impedance and Instantaneous Phase in Wanchang Area, Yitong Basin. Earth Science, 38(3): 561-572. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2013.056
    Citation: WANG Xiao-long, SHI Wan-zhong, HE Sheng, YI Zhi-xing, WU Zi-yu, XU Qing-hai, PENG Xiao-meng, 2013. Identifying Updip Pinch-Out Sandstone in Subaqueous Slump Fans of Yonger Member Using Acoustic Impedance and Instantaneous Phase in Wanchang Area, Yitong Basin. Earth Science, 38(3): 561-572. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2013.056


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2013.056

    国家油气重大专项"渤海湾盆地精细勘探关键技术" 2011ZX05006-002


      王晓龙(1985-), 男, 博士研究生, 主要研究地震地质综合解释.E-mail: xiaolong_cattle@126.com

    • 中图分类号: P618;P631.4

    Identifying Updip Pinch-Out Sandstone in Subaqueous Slump Fans of Yonger Member Using Acoustic Impedance and Instantaneous Phase in Wanchang Area, Yitong Basin

    • 摘要: 上倾尖灭型油气藏是岩性油气藏的基本类型之一.对上倾尖灭砂体的识别是岩性油气藏勘探的任务之一.在对比单一利用地震资料、地震属性和波阻抗反演等方法进行砂体识别的优缺点后, 提出运用波阻抗和瞬时相位相叠合的新方法对砂体进行识别.运用此方法, 对万昌地区水下滑塌扇内部上倾尖灭砂体进行了精细解释和分析.得出以下结论: (1)通过钻井岩心识别沉积相类型, 结合均方根振幅属性和同沉积断层分布情况, 可以准确地确定伊通盆地万昌地区永二段水下滑塌扇的分布范围; (2)用波阻抗和瞬时相位属性联合的方法对水下滑塌扇内部上倾尖灭砂体进行识别取得了较好的效果, 万昌地区WC1井附近水下滑塌扇内至少有两期最具油气勘探价值的上倾尖灭砂体.


    • 图  1  伊通盆地构造单元(a)伊通盆地综合柱状图(b)万昌构造带永二段等T0构造图(c)(据Shi et al., 2012)

      a图释: 1.孤店斜坡带;2.波太凹陷;3.文昌构造带;4.新安堡凹陷;5.梁家构造带;6.五星构造带;7.大南凹陷;8.尖山隆起带;9.马鞍山凹陷;10.靠山凹陷

      Fig.  1.  The structural units of the Yitong Basin (a), generalized stratigraphic column of the Yitong Basin showing the formations and the sequences (b), the burial depth of time of Yonger Member in Wanchang area (c)

      图  2  伊通盆地万昌地区C15-WC1-C34井连进剖面

      Fig.  2.  Well C15-well WC1-well C34 well correlation profiles showing the lithological and sedimentary characteristics of the Yonger Member

      图  3  伊通盆地万昌地区水下滑塌扇和近岸水下扇的岩心沉积构造特征

      a.C17井, 1 945 m, 滑塌变形, 砂、泥及泥质团块混杂堆积, 近岸水下扇;b.C17井, 1 939 m, 滑塌变形, 砂、泥及泥质团块混杂堆积, 近岸水下扇;c.C15井, 1 647.15 m, 鲍玛序列A段, 递变层理, 近岸水下扇;d.C15井, 1 640.47 m, 鲍玛序列A段, 递变层理, 近岸水下扇;e.C27井, 3 487 m, 沙纹层理, 水下滑塌扇;f.C27井, 2 053 m, 水下滑塌扇, 沙纹层理;g.C15井, 1 640 m, 鲍玛序列BC段, 平行层理细砂岩段(B)+沙纹层理粉砂岩段(C), 近岸水下扇;h.C27井, 3 742 m, 沙纹层理, 水下滑塌扇;i.C27井, 3 497 m, 沙纹层理, 水下滑塌扇;j.WC1井, 2 812.20 m, 沙纹层理, 水下滑塌扇;k.WC1井, 2 612 m, 水下滑塌扇冲刷面;l.WC1井, 2 685.70 m, 水下滑塌扇, 变形构造;m.WC1井, 2 693 m, 鲍玛序列ABC段, 水下滑塌扇

      Fig.  3.  Core photographs showing sedimentary characteristics of the nearshore subaqueous fan and subaqueous slump fan deposition in the Wanchang area

      图  4  伊通盆地万昌地区永二段均方根振幅属性、砂岩百分比和同沉积断层分布叠合图

      Fig.  4.  Sandstone distribution of the Yonger Member constructed from seismic attributes, synsedimentary faults and well sandstone percentage data, Wanchang area Yitong Basin

      图  5  伊通盆地万昌地区永二段沉积相分布

      Fig.  5.  Depositional facies of the Yonger Member, Wanchang area Yitong Basin

      图  6  顺物源方向的地震剖面(a)、瞬时相位剖面(b)和波阻抗剖面(c)识别水下滑塌扇

      Fig.  6.  Subaqueous slump fan shown based on 3D seismic reflection data (a), instantaneous phase (b) and acoustic impedance (c) cross-sections

      图  7  WC1井附近顺物源方向水下滑塌内上倾尖灭砂体在波阻抗和瞬时相位叠合剖面图上的解释(a为未解释剖面;b为解释剖面)

      Fig.  7.  Uninterpreted (a) and interpreted (b) sandstone package along the sedimentary provenance direction in the subaqueous slump fan as determined by the acoustic impedance and instantaneous phase data, near well WC1

      图  8  WC1井附近垂直物源方向水下滑塌内上倾尖灭砂体在波阻抗和瞬时相位叠合剖面图上的解释(a为未解释剖面;b为解释剖面)

      Fig.  8.  Uninterpreted (a) and interpreted (b) sandstones package across the sedimentary provenance direction in the subaqueous slump fan as determined by the acoustic impedance and instantaneous phase data, near well WC1

      图  9  万昌地区WC1井附近水下滑塌扇中扇内①和②期上倾尖灭砂体埋深

      Fig.  9.  The area and burial depth of the two updip pinch-out sandstones in subaqueous slump fans of Yonger Member, near well WC1

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