The Lithospheric Thinning Mechanism of North China Craton: Re-Os Isotopic Geochemistry Constraint from the Cretaceous Basic to Intermediate Basic Igneous Rocks in Shandong Province
摘要: 对华北山东地区不同构造单元中生代白垩纪基性-中基性岩浆岩进行了系统的Re-Os同位素研究.侵入岩样品采自鲁西济南岩体、鲁中沂南岩体和胶东的观水岩墙群, 火山岩样品采自鲁西蒙阴、费县、方城青山群和鲁中安丘青山群.所有样品均以低Re(0.076×10-9~0.711×10-9)和Os(0.006×10-9~1.030×10-9)含量以及高放射成因Os同位素比值为特征, 其相应的初始187Os/188Os比值和γOs(t)值分别为0.131 6~0.529 1和4.30~319.00(安丘粗面安山岩分别高达1.463和1 060.000), 并具有较大变化范围(0.125~2.090 Ga)的Os同位素模式年龄.在Os-Nd和Os-Sr同位素关系图上, 这些样品分布于典型的岩石圈地幔与地壳端元组成之间, 显示壳-幔源岩浆混合特征.然而, 除1件观水岩体(MGS0610)和费县玄武岩之外, 各地质单元样品之间或所有的中生代岩浆岩作为整体, 样品的γOs(t)与(La/Ta)N和(Th/Nb)N比值间缺乏明显的相关关系, 说明样品的混源Os同位素并非来自岩浆作用过程中的地壳围岩混染.区内基性岩浆岩Os同位素模式年龄TMA明显小于古生代地幔橄榄岩包体的Re亏损模式年龄(TRD), 可能为地幔条件下源岩与再循环地壳物质发生交代作用后Re/Os比值升高所致.蒙阴高镁安山岩和沂南闪长岩在Yb-Re/Yb图解中大致位于中生代辉石岩包体与地壳端元之间, 也指示了下地壳拆沉后产生的熔体与地幔岩石可能发生了交代作用.蒙阴安山岩MMY-12(SiO2=56.4%)具有古老壳源特征的Os同位素模式年龄(2.090 Ga)、高Mg#(64.6)和高Os含量(0.089×10-9), 为这一解释提供了有力的佐证.Abstract: A Re-Os isotopic study of Mesozoic igneous basic to intermediate basic rocks from the western-, eastern- and Yishu fault belt tectonic units in Shandong province, North China Craton (NCC), is carried out. The samples consists of 13 intrusive rocks from the Jinan, Yinan plutons and Guanshui dykes, and 13 volcanic rocks from the Anqiu, Mengyin, Feixian and Fangcheng volcanic successions. Most samples have relatively low Re (0.076×10-9-0.711×10-9) and Os (0.006×10-9-1.030×10-9) contents and high radiogenic 187Os/188Os ratios, with corresponding initial 187Os/188Os ratio of 0.131 6-0.529 1 and γOs(t) of 4.30-319.00, except for rock MAQ0609 of the Anqiu trachyandesite with initial 187Os/188Os ratio of 1.463 and γOs(t) of 1 060.000. The igneous rocks show a wide range of 0.125 to 2.090 Ga in Os isotope modal age (TMA). On the γOs(t) vs. εNd(t) and (87Sr/86Sr)i vs. γOs(t) diagrams, these rocks are positioned between the lithospheric mantle and crust fields, indicative of a crust-mantle interaction-related origin. All but one Guanshui gabbro (MGS0610) and Feixian basalts of the samples display no clear positive correlation between γOs(t) and (La/Ta)N or (Th/Nb)N, which suggests that the role of crustal assimilation or contamination during the magma ascending was insignificant. Compared with the Paleozoic mantle xenoliths, these mantle-derived rocks have evidently younger Os modal ages, higher Re/Os and 187Os/188Os ratios. These crustal signs are likely to have been resulted from interactions of partial melts derived from delaminated lower crust rocks with ambient mantle under an upper mantle depth. Besides, on the Re/Yb vs. Yb diagram, samples of the Mengyin andesites and Yinan diorites are plotted between the Mesozoic pyroxene xenoliths and crust components, which may be best explained by mantle source rocks metasomatized by partial melts of delaminated eclogitic lower crust. Furthermore, a Mengyin andesite MMY-12 (SiO2=56.4%) has a modal age as old as 2.090 Ga, and high Mg# (64.6) and Os content (0.089×10-9), which provides an additional evidence for lithospheric thinning-related interaction between the delaminated lower crust and the convecting upper mantle.
图 1 山东省构造单元及中生代岩浆岩分布(据Zhang and Sun, 2002修改)
Fig. 1. The tectonic unit and distribution of the Mesozoic igneous rocks in Shandong Province
图 2 山东中生代基性-中基性岩浆岩的Re/Os-Os关系
数据来源: 洋中脊玄武岩(MORB)和岛弧玄武岩(ARC)据Righter et al.(2002);新生代和古生代橄榄岩包体据Gao et al.(2002)、Wu et al.(2003, 2006)、支霞臣等(2001a, 2001b)、支霞臣和秦协(2004)、Zhi et al.(2001)和Zhang et al.(2008);高Mg玄武岩和碱性苦橄岩据Gao et al.(2008);方城辉石岩据Zhang et al.(2008);地壳平均值据McDonough and Sun(1995)
Fig. 2. Re/Os vs. Os of the Mesozoic basic to intermediate basic igneous rocks in Shandong Province
图 4 山东蒙阴中生代安山岩和沂南闪长岩的MgO-SiO2相关关系(玄武岩部分熔融区域据Martin, 1999)
Fig. 4. SiO2 vs. MgO of Mengyin Mesozoic andesites and Yinan diorites in Shandong Province
图 5 山东中生代基性-中基性岩浆岩的Os-Nd(a)、Sr-Os(b)同位素图解
数据来源: 华北克拉通(NCC)古生代金伯利岩中的地幔橄榄岩包体、方城玄武岩中的辉石岩包体、华南克拉通(SCC)宁远中生代玄武岩中的地幔橄榄岩包体据Zhang et al.(2008), 亏损地幔(DMM)、富集地幔I(EMI)和富集地幔II(EMII)据Hofmann(1997)和Shirey and Walker(1998), 费县苦橄岩和四合屯高Mg玄武岩据Gao et al.(2008). 其中, t=125 Ma, Sr-Nd同位素数据待发表, (87Sr/86Sr)i表示初始Sr同位素比值
Fig. 5. γOs(t) vs. εNd(t) (a), (87Sr/86Sr)i vs. γOs(t) (b) of the Mesozoic basic to intermediate basic igneous rocks in Shandong Province
图 6 山东中生代基性-中基性岩浆岩的Yb与Re/Yb比相关关系(据Dicken, 2005, 数据来源同图 5)
Fig. 6. Yb vs. Re/Yb of the Mesozoic basic to intermediate basic igneous rocks in Shandong Province
图 7 山东中生代幔源岩浆岩的Os同位素模式年龄TMA与Re/Os(a)和187Re/188Os(b)关系
数据来源: 华北克拉通古生代和新生代地幔橄榄岩包体据Gao et al.(2002)、Meisel et al.(2001)、Wu et al.(2003)、Zhi et al.(2001)、支霞臣等(2001a, 2001b)、支霞臣和秦协(2004)、Wu et al.(2006)和Zhang et al.(2008), 莱芜中生代橄榄岩包体、四合屯中生代高Mg玄武岩和费县碱性苦橄岩据Gao et al.(2008), 其TMA为本文利用该文献数据计算获得
Fig. 7. The relationship between Os isotope model age TMA and Re/Os (a), TMA and 187Re/188Os (b) of the Mesozoic mantle source rocks in Shandong Province
表 1 山东中生代不同构造单元基性-中基性岩浆岩Re-Os同位素组成
Table 1. Re-Os isotopic compositions of Mesozoic basic to intermediate basic igneous rocks from major tectonic units of the Shandong Province
样品编号 岩性a Re(10-9) Osb (10-9) 187Re/187Os 187Os/188Osb, c±2σm (187Os/188Os)t γOs(t)d TMA(Ga)e 鲁西济南岩体 MJN0602 GD 0.115 5 0.019 8 28.8 0.327 0±0.003 5 0.266 9 112.0 0.421 MJN0604 GD 0.082 7 0.019 7 21.2 0.287 8±0.002 4 0.244 6 93.9 0.474 MJN0607 G 0.310 5 0.067 2 22.7 0.237 0±0.001 5 0.189 9 50.5 0.297 MJN0608 G 0.136 3 0.015 4 22.6 0.624 0±0.003 3 0.529 1 319.0 0.657 MJN0609 G 0.292 8 0.024 2 60.0 0.335 7±0.004 2 0.210 5 66.9 0.210 MJN0610 GD 0.107 3 0.047 9 11.1 0.330 8±0.000 6 0.307 7 144.0 1.140 MJN0613 GD 0.280 8 0.005 6 256.0 0.665 9±0.005 8 0.131 6 4.30 0.126 胶东观水岩墙 MGS0607 G 0.532 6 0.069 7 37.5 0.265 5±0.001 1 0.187 3 48.4 0.224 MGS0608 MG 0.541 1 0.044 1 60.8 0.350 4±0.000 2 0.223 6 77.2 0.221 MGS0610 G 0.453 1 0.052 1 43.6 0.440 3±0.003 0 0.349 4 177.0 0.434 鲁中沂南岩体 MYN0608 MD 0.107 9 0.020 1 26.4 0.287 0±0.001 1 0.232 0 83.8 0.368 MYN0609 MD 0.119 9 0.024 8 23.7 0.266 9±0.000 6 0.217 5 72.4 0.360 MYN0624 MD 0.114 6 0.033 4 16.7 0.216 5±0.001 6 0.181 7 44.0 0.329 鲁中安丘火山岩 MAQ0609 TA 0.710 7 0.007 8 586.0 2.685±0.007 1.463 0 1 060.0 0.262 MAQ0609-Rf TA 0.010 0 2.981±0.020 鲁西蒙阴火山岩 MMY-12 BTA 0.066 4 0.089 3 3.64 0.242 0±0.002 1 0.234 4 85.8 2.090 MMY-15 BTA 0.157 7 0.029 9 25.8 0.263 4±0.001 9 0.209 5 66.1 0.321 MMY-17 BA 0.102 3 0.007 3 69.9 0.428 2±0.002 0 0.282 4 124.0 0.259 MMY-03 TA 0.089 4 0.038 7 11.3 0.232 7±0.001 4 0.209 2 65.8 0.580 MMY-05 TA 0.203 4 0.007 2 147.0 0.759 4±0.001 6 0.453 1 259.0 0.258 鲁西方城火山岩 SFC-43 B 0.363 1 0.034 7 52.2 0.381 8±0.002 8 0.273 1 116.0 0.295 SFC-44 B 0.117 4 0.025 7 22.3 0.225 6±0.003 2 0.179 2 42.0 0.270 SFC-45 TB 0.078 9 0.019 0 65.7 0.587 3±0.000 8 0.450 3 257.0 0.421 SFC-46 TB 0.075 5 0.015 8 23.6 0.334 3±0.001 6 0.285 1 126.0 0.534 鲁西费县火山岩 SFX-02 B 0.261 0 1.028 0 1.2 0.134 8±0.000 8 0.132 2 4.8 0.567 SFX-52 B 0.310 7 0.132 2 11.7 0.368 8±0.000 8 0.344 4 173.0 1.270 SFX-58 B 0.231 9 0.140 4 8.1 0.299 5±0.001 0 0.282 5 124.0 1.320 注: 标注a的: GD.辉长闪长岩;G.辉长岩;MG.二长辉长岩;MD.二长闪长岩;BTA.玄武质粗面安山岩;BA.玄武安山岩;TA.粗面安山岩;B.玄武岩;TB.粗面玄武岩.标注b的: Os含量小于0.05×10-9的样品, 其Os含量和187Os/188Os数据均经空白校正.标注c的: 分别采用18O/16O=0.002 045、17O/16O=0.000 375和192Os/188Os=3.082 71进行氧同位素和质量分馏校正.标注d的: γOs(t)=[(187Os/188Os)sample(t)/(187Os/188Os)chond(t)-1]×100, t=125 Ma.标注e的: Os同位素模式年龄TMA=1/λ·ln[((187Os/188Os)sample-(187Os/188Os)chond)/((187Re/188Os)sample-(187Re/188Os)chond)];其中(187Os/188Os)chond(t)=(187Os/188Os)chond, i+(187Re/188Os)chond(eλ(4.558×109)-eλt), (187Os/188Os)chond, i=0.095 31, λ=1.666×10-11 a-1(Smoliar et al., 1996), (187Re/188Os)chond=0.401 86, (187Os/188Os)chond=0.127(Walker and Morgan, 1989). 标注f的: -R表示重复样. -
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