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    张晗 孙丰月 胡安新

    张晗, 孙丰月, 胡安新, 2013. 中条山上玉坡地区黑云母片岩成岩时代及成因. 地球科学, 38(1): 10-24. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2013.002
    引用本文: 张晗, 孙丰月, 胡安新, 2013. 中条山上玉坡地区黑云母片岩成岩时代及成因. 地球科学, 38(1): 10-24. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2013.002
    ZHANG Han, SUN Feng-yue, HU An-xin, 2013. Geochemistry and Geochronology of Shangyupo Biotite Schist in the Zhongtiaoshan Mountains: Implications for Its Petrogenesis. Earth Science, 38(1): 10-24. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2013.002
    Citation: ZHANG Han, SUN Feng-yue, HU An-xin, 2013. Geochemistry and Geochronology of Shangyupo Biotite Schist in the Zhongtiaoshan Mountains: Implications for Its Petrogenesis. Earth Science, 38(1): 10-24. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2013.002


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2013.002

    全国危机矿山接替资源找矿项目"辽宁红透山、山西胡家峪铜矿床成矿规律总结" 20089940


      张晗(1983-), 男, 博士, 主要从事矿床地质学研究.E-mail: zhanghan2003@gmail.com

    • 中图分类号: P611

    Geochemistry and Geochronology of Shangyupo Biotite Schist in the Zhongtiaoshan Mountains: Implications for Its Petrogenesis

    • 摘要: 中条山上玉坡背斜核部主要有北峪花岗岩、变富钾流纹岩及(角闪石/方柱石)黑云母片岩为主的变镁铁质杂岩出露.上玉坡的黑云母片岩类的归属及成因争论已久.空间上, 上玉坡黑云母片岩类岩石及地球化学特征形成了一个以背斜核部为中心的环形的递变带, 岩石的主要造岩矿物特征及K、Ca、Na、Rr、Sr、Ba受退变质韧性剪切带高盐度流体改造均发生系统变化, Ta及LREE也显示有明显变化.上玉坡变富钾流纹岩LA-MC-ICPMS测年获得207Pb/206Pb加权平均年龄为2 164±8.9 Ma, 与绛县群竖井沟组富钾流纹岩(207Pb/206Pb加权平均年龄2 161.3±1.5 Ma)同时代产出.上玉坡产出的变富钾流纹岩-黑云母片岩与铜矿峪分布的绛县群双峰式火山建造岩性组合类似, 推断上玉坡背斜核部产出的黑云母片岩产出于2.20~2.15 Ga.使用在流体中保持相对稳定的高场强元素对图解, 判断中条山黑云母片岩的原岩更可能为亚碱性镁铁质火成岩, 并非前人认识的"超钾基性火山岩", 综合中条山古元古代地质特征, 该地区古元古代可能处于与俯冲活动有关的张性构造环境.


    • 图  1  中条山上玉坡-铜矿峪地区地质图


      Fig.  1.  Geological map of Shangyupo-Tongkuangyu region, Zhongtiaoshan Mountains

      图  2  上玉坡部分标本手标本及镜下照片

      Fig.  2.  Microscopic photos of Shangyupo biotite schist and meta-rhyolite

      图  3  部分典型锆石CL图像及测试点位

      Fig.  3.  Cathodeluminescence images and the ablated point of typical zircons

      图  4  锆石U-Pb谐和线图及锆石207Pb/206Pb年龄加权平均值

      Fig.  4.  Concordia diagram of ziron U-Pb isotopes and zircon weight mean 207Pb/206Pb age

      图  5  上玉坡黑云母片岩TAS及Harker图解(碱性岩数据来自GEOROC数据库)

      Fig.  5.  TAS figure and oxides vs.SiO2 plots showing major element variations of Shangyupo biotite schist comparison with typical alkaline rocks

      图  6  黑云母片岩原始地幔标准化稀土分配及蛛网图

      Fig.  6.  Chondrite normalized rare-earth element distributions and spidergram for the Shangyupo biotite schist

      图  7  上玉坡背斜核部(角闪石)黑云母片岩一些主量元素空间变化


      Fig.  7.  Modification of some major elements of amphibole biotite schist and biotite schist in the Shangyupo anticlinal core

      图  8  上玉坡背斜核部(角闪石)黑云母片岩微量元素空间变化

      样品空间位置与图 7一致

      Fig.  8.  Modification of some trace elements of amphibole biotite schist and biotite schist in the Shangyupo anticlinal core

      图  9  高场强元素对显示上玉坡黑云母片岩原岩地球化学特征

      Fig.  9.  HFSE pairs determined original geochemistry characteristic of the Shangyupo biotite schist

      表  1  上玉坡变富钾流纹岩(TMG-8)及绛县群竖井沟组变富钾流纹岩(TKY-PM-B7)LA-MC-ICPMS锆石U-Pb同位素测年结果

      Table  1.   Analyzed LA-MC-ICPMS zircon U-Pb isotopic results of Shangyupo meta-rhyolite (TMG-8) and Jiangxian group meta-rhyolite (TKY-PM-B7)

      序号 点位

      Th/U 同位素比值 同位素年龄(Ma)
      207Pb/206Pb 207Pb/235U 206Pb/238U 207Pb/206Pb 207Pb/235U 206Pb/238U
      1 TMG-8-1 26.2 28.1 0.93 0.136 14 0.000 94 7.255 23 0.084 43 0.386 27 0.003 59 2 188.9 12.0 2 143.3 10.4 2 105.5 16.7
      2 TMG-8-2 22.1 27.5 0.80 0.134 64 0.000 98 7.391 39 0.096 21 0.398 25 0.004 50 2 161.1 12.7 2 159.9 11.6 2 161.0 20.8
      3 TMG-8-3 32.7 35.9 0.91 0.135 30 0.000 73 7.209 39 0.071 24 0.386 41 0.003 28 2 168.5 9.6 2 137.7 8.8 2 106.2 15.2
      4 TMG-8-5 27.4 30.9 0.88 0.135 76 0.000 67 7.357 41 0.080 77 0.393 14 0.004 00 2 173.8 9.1 2 155.8 9.8 2 137.4 18.5
      5 TMG-8-6 20.9 23.4 0.89 0.135 85 0.002 88 7.173 76 0.127 21 0.389 55 0.006 00 2 175.9 37.0 2 133.2 15.8 2 120.8 27.8
      6 TMG-8-8 20.3 26.9 0.75 0.135 47 0.002 19 7.245 07 0.161 30 0.381 48 0.008 48 2 170.1 27.6 2 142.1 19.9 2 083.2 39.6
      7 TMG-8-9 40.0 55.2 0.72 0.135 21 0.002 00 6.892 77 0.070 83 0.375 19 0.003 75 2 168.5 25.9 2 097.7 9.1 2 053.8 17.6
      8 TMG-8-11 19.8 22.4 0.88 0.135 45 0.002 13 6.695 78 0.100 83 0.365 67 0.005 53 2 170.1 27.9 2 072.1 13.3 2 009.0 26.1
      9 TMG-8-12 29.1 30.8 0.94 0.134 94 0.000 99 7.158 39 0.179 55 0.384 32 0.008 22 2 164.8 12.7 2 131.3 22.4 2 096.4 38.3
      10 TMG-8-13 17.8 23.0 0.77 0.132 80 0.000 86 7.096 55 0.116 21 0.388 00 0.006 20 2 135.5 11.4 2 123.6 14.6 2 113.5 28.8
      11 TMG-8-14 10.3 17.4 0.59 0.135 04 0.002 92 6.803 75 0.117 54 0.368 00 0.007 21 2 164.5 36.9 2 086.2 15.3 2 020.0 34.0
      12 TMG-8-15 27.2 33.0 0.82 0.134 02 0.000 72 7.003 15 0.181 04 0.381 41 0.008 95 2 151.5 9.1 2 111.8 23.0 2 082.9 41.8
      13 TMG-8-16 239.4 30.2 7.93 0.135 21 0.001 57 7.081 49 0.093 31 0.383 47 0.005 12 2 168.5 20.1 2 121.7 11.7 2 092.5 23.9
      1 TKY-PM-B7-1 25.5 38.2 0.67 0.134 66 0.000 76 7.232 64 0.142 01 0.389 28 0.007 23 2161.1 9.9 2 140.5 17.5 2 119.5 33.6
      2 TKY-PM-B7-2 35.3 61.7 0.57 0.135 00 0.000 38 7.188 17 0.062 19 0.386 41 0.003 42 2 164.8 4.9 2 135.0 7.7 2 106.2 15.9
      3 TKY-PM-B7-3 30.9 54.9 0.56 0.134 91 0.000 41 7.263 94 0.076 16 0.390 51 0.003 98 2 162.7 5.2 2 144.4 9.4 2 125.2 18.5
      4 TKY-PM-B7-5 51.3 75.8 0.68 0.134 69 0.000 37 7.103 21 0.074 21 0.382 65 0.004 01 2 161.1 4.9 2 124.4 9.3 2 088.6 18.7
      5 TKY-PM-B7-6 58.4 89.5 0.65 0.134 41 0.000 35 7.311 83 0.075 75 0.394 78 0.004 19 2 166.7 4.6 2 150.3 9.3 2 144.9 19.4
      6 TKY-PM-B7-7 8.6 12.4 0.70 0.135 34 0.000 75 7.159 85 0.113 85 0.383 78 0.005 89 2 168.2 15.0 2 131.5 14.2 2 093.9 27.4
      7 TKY-PM-B7-8 87.3 115.3 0.76 0.134 27 0.000 37 7.367 23 0.081 03 0.398 25 0.004 53 2 154.6 5.7 2 157.0 9.8 2 161.0 20.9
      8 TKY-PM-B7-9 46.0 71.2 0.65 0.134 58 0.000 44 7.145 38 0.086 18 0.385 00 0.004 48 2 158.3 5.4 2 129.7 10.7 2 099.6 20.9
      9 TKY-PM-B7-10 45.9 72.6 0.63 0.134 71 0.000 47 6.976 43 0.082 37 0.375 89 0.004 54 2 161.1 6.2 2 108.4 10.5 2 057.1 21.2
      10 TKY-PM-B7-11 44.0 60.0 0.73 0.135 32 0.000 52 7.275 95 0.085 32 0.390 13 0.004 52 2 168.2 7.3 2 145.9 10.5 2 123.4 21.0
      11 TKY-PM-B7-12 66.9 86.4 0.77 0.134 63 0.000 58 7.274 48 0.121 07 0.392 07 0.006 57 2 161.1 8.5 2 145.7 14.9 2 132.4 30.4
      12 TKY-PM-B7-13 41.4 65.5 0.63 0.133 90 0.000 56 7.409 77 0.077 13 0.401 38 0.003 96 2 149.7 7.4 2 162.2 9.3 2 175.4 18.2
      13 TKY-PM-B7-14 31.8 51.1 0.62 0.134 22 0.000 48 7.285 46 0.048 46 0.393 93 0.002 63 2 154.0 6.6 2 147.0 5.9 2 141.0 12.2
      14 TKY-PM-B7-15 20.9 44.1 0.47 0.134 75 0.000 45 7.217 30 0.053 18 0.388 41 0.002 52 2 160.8 5.6 2 138.6 6.6 2 115.5 11.7
      15 TKY-PM-B7-16 93.4 135.4 0.69 0.134 60 0.000 43 7.300 18 0.051 21 0.393 48 0.002 68 2 159.0 5.6 2 148.8 6.3 2 139.0 12.4
      16 TKY-PM-B7-17 44.4 71.1 0.62 0.134 90 0.000 39 7.279 71 0.044 77 0.391 48 0.002 18 2 162.7 5.4 2 146.3 5.5 2 129.7 10.1
      17 TKY-PM-B7-18 76.1 119.2 0.64 0.134 31 0.000 44 7.451 00 0.067 53 0.402 45 0.003 46 2 155.2 5.4 2 167.1 8.1 2 180.3 15.9
      18 TKY-PM-B7-19 42.1 53.1 0.79 0.134 79 0.000 42 7.218 16 0.054 84 0.388 51 0.002 69 2 161.4 0.9 2 138.7 6.8 2 115.9 12.5
      19 TKY-PM-B7-20 48.7 70.5 0.69 0.134 35 0.000 46 7.240 33 0.042 05 0.391 18 0.002 10 2 166.7 5.9 2 141.5 5.2 2 128.3 9.7
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      表  2  上玉坡黑云母片岩全岩主量元素(%)、微量元素(μg/ g)含量

      Table  2.   Major (%) and trace element (μg/ g) data of Shangyupo biotite schist

      样品* TMG-P1-B31 TMG-9 TMG-21 TMG-P2-B21 TMG-19 TMG-P2-B31 BZG-HY3 BZG-HY1 BZG-HY4 BZG-HY2 HJY-SM-JK1 HJY-SM-JK3
      岩性 黑云母片岩 黑云母片岩 角闪石黑云母片岩 角闪石黑云母片岩 角闪石黑云母片岩 角闪石黑云母片岩 黑云母片岩 黑云母片岩 黑云母片岩 黑云母片岩 黑云母片岩 方柱石黑云母片岩
      SiO2 41.86 48.02 46.90 46.20 47.78 45.22 49.85 44.98 42.27 40.47 40.04 51.14
      TiO2 1.21 1.10 1.17 1.40 1.38 1.39 1.00 1.06 1.36 1.10 0.94 2.16
      Al2O3 16.51 15.76 14.03 13.98 13.92 14.68 14.56 16.41 16.91 17.73 17.72 15.69
      Fe2O3 5.90 7.24 4.74 8.85 3.96 1.75 7.61 7.73 1.50 9.80 10.26 11.59
      FeO 7.37 6.30 7.69 8.10 6.26 7.06 6.84 6.95 1.35 8.82 9.23 11.59
      MnO 0.24 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.37 0.14 0.16 0.13 0.09 0.08 0.18
      MgO 12.26 7.18 9.36 6.49 7.07 10.44 11.10 9.60 11.28 14.28 14.89 6.41
      CaO 0.79 0.83 7.45 5.59 4.44 7.07 3.45 4.75 2.66 0.74 0.69 2.58
      Na2O 2.39 2.58 3.62 3.44 5.13 3.86 3.31 3.15 2.03 1.32 0.99 2.62
      K2O 9.52 8.77 2.66 4.00 5.84 6.07 4.10 4.70 6.82 8.42 8.69 2.89
      P2O5 0.12 0.12 0.23 0.27 0.13 0.14 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.12 0.15 0.51
      LOI 1.67 1.68 1.57 1.05 3.61 1.74 1.73 1.70 1.37 1.73 1.80 1.17
      Total 99.84 99.82 99.63 99.80 99.81 99.79 103.85 101.33 87.82 104.62 105.48 108.53
      Sr 20.11 15.73 67.18 146.20 91.96 133.20 62.76 53.71 28.29 89.75 23.71 37.67
      Rb 203.20 208.30 63.07 57.71 187.30 107.90 118.27 215.13 184.10 141.06 199.02 80.12
      Ba 352.90 461.30 230.40 634.30 264.30 291.10 255.25 534.25 448.07 336.69 427.51 270.00
      Th 0.70 1.00 0.82 0.79 2.10 0.28 0.48 0.89 1.25 0.48 0.86 6.22
      Ta 0.78 0.59 0.34 0.40 0.76 0.58 0.19 0.40 0.20 0.23 0.18 0.68
      Nb 3.36 2.36 3.18 3.16 5.05 2.41 2.39 3.62 3.25 2.45 1.88 8.40
      Zr 75.88 46.14 72.32 66.06 104.80 45.58 44.47 73.53 52.42 51.74 44.27 91.69
      Hf 2.74 1.45 2.16 1.94 2.98 1.53 1.21 1.98 1.50 1.47 1.23 1.83
      Y 4.01 8.56 16.62 26.44 17.67 19.88 14.43 8.90 21.41 11.11 14.59 19.39
      Sc 27.85 22.43 13.59 28.70 32.51 35.83 37.68 30.08 38.43 30.92 37.76 37.67
      V 254.10 276.90 271.90 282.10 264.60 300.60 263.53 284.99 269.61 247.95 284.23 297.70
      Cr 358.50 291.00 144.20 102.50 162.80 883.50 452.99 248.38 335.44 251.48 301.79 22.26
      Co 58.05 63.93 67.15 92.95 62.56 67.72 50.69 54.10 59.33 47.48 61.82 31.83
      Ni 228.60 217.80 149.20 96.22 164.40 340.30 186.89 194.74 143.76 194.10 151.85 28.74
      Cu 2.38 7.19 13.62 13.62 645.70 17.69 13.03 11.64 20.09 9.06 7.01 7.11
      Pb 0.92 1.03 2.09 1.49 2.99 0.72 1.27 2.92 1.20 2.02 3.03 1.97
      U 0.68 0.08 0.12 0.14 0.29 0.16 0.18 1.62 0.60 0.67 0.42 0.73
      La 0.38 2.48 5.04 10.27 12.17 3.52 4.77 18.01 34.24 8.96 22.13 26.37
      Ce 0.58 5.22 11.70 21.35 27.10 8.61 11.07 36.21 73.68 18.96 48.63 61.51
      Pr 0.14 0.95 1.91 3.00 3.52 1.30 1.52 4.27 9.24 2.41 6.19 6.94
      Nd 0.78 4.85 10.23 13.43 15.61 6.48 7.41 17.82 41.77 10.96 27.57 29.06
      Sm 0.34 1.41 2.74 3.47 3.35 1.98 1.70 3.42 7.91 2.38 5.49 6.40
      Eu 0.18 0.57 1.46 1.66 1.05 1.04 0.78 1.03 2.12 0.94 1.39 1.64
      Gd 0.59 1.84 2.96 4.69 3.80 2.71 2.20 3.49 7.35 2.62 5.21 6.26
      Tb 0.12 0.34 0.49 0.81 0.62 0.52 0.39 0.45 0.98 0.37 0.72 0.91
      Dy 0.78 1.89 3.08 4.83 3.65 3.49 2.66 2.13 5.06 2.16 3.54 4.85
      Ho 0.17 0.41 0.76 0.98 0.79 0.74 0.53 0.36 0.88 0.41 0.60 0.82
      Er 0.56 1.02 2.45 2.85 2.17 2.27 1.61 0.89 2.47 1.19 1.64 1.87
      Tm 0.09 0.18 0.44 0.41 0.34 0.34 0.23 0.12 0.31 0.17 0.21 0.27
      Yb 0.73 0.94 3.00 2.59 2.04 2.15 1.49 0.79 1.89 1.02 1.29 1.76
      Lu 0.14 0.16 0.48 0.38 0.32 0.33 0.21 0.14 0.29 0.18 0.19 0.23
      Zr/TiO2 62.71 42.13 62.02 47.19 76.12 32.79 44.29 69.17 38.43 47.08 46.94 42.45
      Nb/Y 0.84 0.28 0.19 0.12 0.29 0.12 0.17 0.41 0.15 0.22 0.13 0.43
      ΣREE 5.58 22.26 46.74 70.71 76.55 35.47 36.58 89.11 188.17 52.72 124.80 148.89
      LREE/HREE 0.75 2.28 2.42 3.03 4.57 1.83 2.92 9.66 8.78 5.50 8.30 7.77
      (La/Yb)N 0.38 1.89 1.20 2.84 4.28 1.18 2.30 16.40 12.97 6.32 12.29 10.75
      δEu 1.20 1.08 1.56 1.26 0.90 1.36 1.23 0.90 0.83 1.14 0.78 0.78
      δCe 0.61 0.83 0.92 0.93 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.98 1.00 0.98 1.00 1.09
      *样品顺序按图 7剖面图自西向东排列.
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