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    张立军 龚一鸣

    张立军, 龚一鸣, 2012. 遗迹化石Zoophycos的系统修订与分类. 地球科学, 37(S1): 60-79. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2012.S1.007
    引用本文: 张立军, 龚一鸣, 2012. 遗迹化石Zoophycos的系统修订与分类. 地球科学, 37(S1): 60-79. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2012.S1.007
    ZHANG Li-jun, GONG Yi-ming, 2012. Systematic Revision and Ichnotaxonomy of Zoophycos. Earth Science, 37(S1): 60-79. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2012.S1.007
    Citation: ZHANG Li-jun, GONG Yi-ming, 2012. Systematic Revision and Ichnotaxonomy of Zoophycos. Earth Science, 37(S1): 60-79. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2012.S1.007


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2012.S1.007

    国家自然科学基金 40872001

    国家自然科学基金 41072252

    国家自然科学基金 40921062

    国家重点基础研究计划“973”项目 2011CB808800

    河南省生物遗迹与成矿过程重点实验室开放基金 OTMP1001


      张立军(1982-),男,博士研究生,主要从事遗迹化石与地球生物学研究.E-mail: Ljzhanghpu@gmail.com


      龚一鸣,E-mail: ymgong@cug.edu.cn

    • 中图分类号: P52

    Systematic Revision and Ichnotaxonomy of Zoophycos

    • 摘要: 三维形态结构复杂、分布广泛的Zoophycos一直是众多遗迹学家研究的热点.通过对1855年至2011年发表的具有详细形态描述并配有图版的动藻迹(Zoophycos)文献进行系统整理, 基于详实的Zoophycos形态结构特征, 系统修订了Zoophycos属, 将Zoophycos主要划分为9个种, 即Zoopycos cauda-galli Vanuxem, 1842Zoophycos curtain Vanuxem, 1842Zoophycos velum Vanuxem, 1842Zoophycos brianteus Massalongo, 1855Zoophycos villae Massalongo, 1855Zoophycos liasinus Fischer-Ooster, 1858Zoophycos flabelliformis Fischer-Ooster, 1858Zoophycos insignis Squinabol, 1890Zoophycos rhodensis Bromley and Hanken, 2003; 将Spirophyton主要划分为2个种:Spirophyton typum Hall, 1863Spirophyton eifeliense Kayser, 1872.将ZoophycosSpirophyton共同归入Zoophycos Group.


    • 图  1  Zoophycos brianteusZoophycos cauda-galliFucoides circinatus形态结构特征

      a.Zoophycos brianteus Massalongo, 1855原始素描图(转引自Olivero, 2007); b.意大利维罗纳博物馆Zoophycos brianteus Massalongo, 1855补选模式种标本(编号ICN3)(左侧)与原始素描图(右侧)(转引自Olivero, 2007); c.意大利维罗纳博物馆Zoophycos brianteus Massalongo, 1855副模标本(转引自Olivero, 2007); d~e.美国纽约州泥盆纪钙质砂岩水平面中Zoophycos cauda-galli素描图(Vanuxem, 1842), f.Fucoides circinatus(Brongniart, 1828); g.瑞典Husaby地区Bishop城堡废墟石墙上的Fucoides circinatus(Jensen and Bergström, 1995)

      Fig.  1.  Morphological characteristics of Zoophycos brianteusZoophycos cauda-galli and Fucoides circinatus

      图  2  修订后世界各地保存较好的Zoophycos brianteus形态

      a~c.Zoophycos circinnatus, Pli ka, 1968; d.Zoophycos, Webby, 1969; e.Spirophyton crassum Hall, 1863; f.意大利维罗纳博物馆Zoophycos brianteus Massalongo, 1855副模标本(转引自Olivero, 2007); g.Zoophycos circinnatus, Pli ka, 1969; h.Zoophycos, Olivero, 2003; i.Zoophycos circinnatus, Pli ka, 1969; j~k.Spirophyton Type ‘A’, Plumstead, 1967

      Fig.  2.  Representative samples of revised Zoophycos brianteus occurred in the world

      图  3  Zoophycos curtainZoophycos velum素描(Vanuxem, 1842)

      Fig.  3.  Original drawing of Zoophycos curtain and Zoophycos velum

      图  4  Zoophycos villae形态结构特征

      a.Zoophycos villae Massalongo, 1855原始素描图(转引自Olivero, 2007); b.意大利维罗纳博物馆Zoophycos villae Massalongo, 1855副模标本(转引自Olivero, 2007); c.Zoophycos villae Massalongo, 1855补选模式种标本(左侧)(编号ICN2)与原始素描图(右侧)(转引自Olivero, 2007); d.Zoophycos villae Massalongo, 1855补选模式种标本(侧面观察)(编号ICN2)与其素描简图(转引自Olivero, 2007)

      Fig.  4.  Morphological characteristics of Zoophycos villae

      图  5  修订后的Zoophycos flabelliformis的形态结构特征

      a.Taonurus flabelliformis Fischer-Oster, 1858; b.Zoophycos, Miller and D'Alberto, 2001; c~d.Spirophyton Type ‘B’, Plumstead, 1967; e.Zoophycos, Miller and D'Alberto, 2001

      Fig.  5.  The illustration showing the representative Zoophycos flabelliformis revised

      图  6  修订后的Zoophycos liasinus的形态结构特征

      Fig.  6.  The illustration showing the representative Zoophycos liasinus revised

      a.Taonurus liasinus Fischer-Ooster, 1858; b.Zoophycos ferrum equinum Heer, 1865; c.Zoophycos scoparius Thiol, 1865; d~e.Zoophycos Type D, Patel et al., 2009

      图  7  修订后Zoophycos insignis的形态结构特征

      a.Zoophycos insignis, Barsanti, 1902; b.Zoophycos insignis, Uchman, 1999

      Fig.  7.  The illustration showing the representative Zoophycos insignis revised

      图  8  修订后Zoophycos rhodensis的主要形态

      a.Zoophycos rhodensis Bromley and Hanken, 2003; b.Zoophycos, Lewis, 1970

      Fig.  8.  The illustration showing the representative Zoophycos rhodensis revised

      图  9  修订后Spirophyton typumSpirophyton eifeliense形态

      a.俯视素描图Spirophyton typum Hall, 1863; b.俯视素描图Spirophyton typum Hall, 1863; c.三维形态恢复图Spirophyton typum Hall, 1863; d.俯视图Spirophyton eifeliense Kayser, 1872

      Fig.  9.  The illustration showing the representative Spirophyton typum and Spirophyton eifeliense revised

      图  10  Zoophycos疑问种

      a~b.Zoophycos brianteus Fisher-Ooster, 1858; c~d.Cancellophycus marioni Saporta, 1887; e~h.Zoophycos taiyuanensis, 杨式溥, 2004; i~j.Zoophycos xuzhouensis Long, 1987(转杨式溥等,2004); k.Zoophycos circinnatus(转杨式溥等,2004); l.Zoophycos luchengensis(转杨式溥等, 2004); m~n.Zoophycos wudaensis Yang, 1984(转杨式溥等, 2004)

      Fig.  10.  Questionable Zoophycos species

      图  11  ZoophycosSpirophyton对比

      Zoophycos 3D形态据Löwemark and Werner, 2001修改; Spirophyton 3D形态据Hall, 1863修改

      Fig.  11.  Sketch showing the differences between Zoophycos and Spirophyton

      图  12  Rhizocorallium-like ZoophycosRhizocorallium对比

      Zoophycos 3D形态据Bromley et al., 1999修改; Rhizocorallium 3D形态据Fürsich, 1974修改

      Fig.  12.  Sketch showing the differences between Rhizocorallium-like Zoophycos and Rhizocorallium

      图  13  Zoophycos Group谱系图

      Fig.  13.  The pedigree tree of Zoophycos Group

      表  1  设想的ZoophycosSpirophyton特征

      Table  1.   Assumed morphological codes of Zoophycos and Spirophyton

      代码 数字 特征
      (1)柱形管 0 无柱形管
      1 有柱形管
      (2)边缘管 0 无边缘管
      1 有边缘管
      (3)大蹼纹 0 无大蹼纹
      1 有大蹼纹
      (4)小蹼纹 0 无小蹼纹
      1 有小蹼纹
      (5)水平面上形态结构 0 圆形蹼层
      1 椭圆形蹼层
      2 U形蹼层
      3 U形且底端转折或扩散形蹼层
      4 漏斗形蹼层
      5 螺旋桨形蹼层
      6 花瓣形蹼层
      7 裙带形蹼层
      8 J形蹼层
      (6)纵切面柱形管特征 0 纵切面柱形管呈J形
      1 纵切面柱形管呈U形
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      表  2  ZoophycosSpirophyton数字矩阵

      Table  2.   The digital matrix of Zoophycos and Spirophyton

      (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
      Z.caudagalli 1 1 1 1 1 0
      Z.brianteus 1 0 1 1 0 0
      Z.villae 0 1 1 1 8 0
      Z.flabelliformis 1 1 1 0 6 1
      Z.liasinus 0 1 1 0 2 1
      Z.insignis 1 1 1 1 5 1
      Z.rhodensis 1 1 1 1 7 1
      Z.curtainensis 1 1 1 0 3 1
      Z.velum 1 1 1 0 4 0
      S.typum 1 1 1 0 0 0
      S.eifeliense 1 1 1 0 0 0
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