Analyzing Hydrocarbon-Charging Periods of Carbonate Reservoir in North Tarim by Micro Fluorescence Spectrum of Petroleum Inclusions
摘要: 有机包裹体特别是石油包裹体的荧光颜色是鉴定有机包裹体和指示油气成熟度的有效手段.基于石油的荧光性, 通过荧光光谱分析方法, 对石油包裹体的荧光光谱进行定量化描述, 利用其主峰波长(λmax)、荧光强度及红绿商等属性参数, 开展油气充注期次的判识.通过偏光显微镜、荧光显微镜等技术手段, 对塔北隆起鹰山组-一间房组38个样本的石油包裹体进行了荧光颜色、显微光谱谱形和红绿商值的研究.样品中检测到黄绿色荧光、绿色荧光和蓝白色荧光3类石油包裹体, 且这3类石油包裹体的同生盐水包裹体温度具有可区分的温度范围, 对应的盐水包裹体平均温度分别是: 56.5、88.3、130.1 ℃.综合地球化学方面的研究成果, 结合主峰波长、荧光强度、红绿商以及石油包裹体同生的盐水包裹体温度等参数分析认为, 研究区储层中的原油至少来源于2个不同烃源的3期油气充注, 具有多源多期充注的成藏特征.Abstract: Fluorescence intensity of organic inclusion, especially petroleum inclusions, is an effective means to identify organic inclusions and indicate oil mature of petroleum inclusions. Based on fluorescence of petroleum, using fluorescence spectrum analysis method, oil and gas charging period could be studied by analyzing main peak value (λmax), fluorescence intensity (Imax) and fluorescence spectrum Q quotient. Thirty-eight samples coming from Yijianfang-Yingshan Formation of North Tarim have been studied through polarizing optical microscopy and fluorescence microscopy, etc. Through fluorescence color, microscopical spectrum figure and fluorescence spectrum Q quotient, three kinds of petroleum inclusions have been divided and they show three fluorescence: their color are yellow-green, green and blue-white, these syngenetic brine inclusions temperatures are 56.5, 88.3, 130.1 ℃ respectively. According to earth chemistry methods and main parameters, such as fluorescence intensity, fluorescence spectrum Q quotient and syngenetic brine inclusions temperatures, it is concluded that there are at least three periods oil and gas chargings coming from two different source rock in reservoir in study area, and they showed reservoir features with multi-source and multi-period hydrocarbon-charging.
图 5 红绿商参数的定义(据Munz, 2001)
Fig. 5. Definitions of fluorescence emission parameter of the Q650/500
表 1 典型井包裹体荧光颜色与成藏期次
Table 1. Petroleum inclusions fluorescence color and reservoir epochs of typical wells
井名 井深(m) 岩性 石油包裹体色谱荧光颜色 同生盐水包裹体平均均一化温度(℃) 成藏时期 英2 6053 泥晶灰岩 黄绿色 54.2,55.6,55.8,58,58.2,60.5 海西晚期 绿色 58.3,60.2,62.5,63.8,69 加里东晚期-海西早期 轮南50 5624.5 泥晶灰岩 黄绿色 86.5,92.2,93.5,95.5,96.3,98,100.2,102.1,106.3 海西晚期 蓝白色 118.2,123.6,127.5,128.1,129.8,134 喜山期 -
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