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    唐鹏程 李世琴 雷刚林 黄少英

    唐鹏程, 李世琴, 雷刚林, 黄少英, 2012. 库车褶皱-冲断带拜城凹陷盐构造特征与成因. 地球科学, 37(1): 69-76. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2012.007
    引用本文: 唐鹏程, 李世琴, 雷刚林, 黄少英, 2012. 库车褶皱-冲断带拜城凹陷盐构造特征与成因. 地球科学, 37(1): 69-76. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2012.007
    TANG Peng-cheng, LI Shi-qin, LEI Gang-lin, HUANG Shao-ying, 2012. Characteristics and Formation of Salt Structures in Baicheng Sag, Kuqa Fold-and-Thrust Belt. Earth Science, 37(1): 69-76. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2012.007
    Citation: TANG Peng-cheng, LI Shi-qin, LEI Gang-lin, HUANG Shao-ying, 2012. Characteristics and Formation of Salt Structures in Baicheng Sag, Kuqa Fold-and-Thrust Belt. Earth Science, 37(1): 69-76. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2012.007


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2012.007

    国家科技重大专项 2009ZX05009-001


      唐鹏程(1982-),男,博士研究生,构造地质学专业,主要从事盐构造分析和物理模拟研究.E-mail: tangpc926@163.com

    • 中图分类号: P542

    Characteristics and Formation of Salt Structures in Baicheng Sag, Kuqa Fold-and-Thrust Belt

    • 摘要: 关于沉积差异负载对褶皱-冲断带中塑性盐岩变形的影响仍然不清楚,库车褶皱-冲断带拜城凹陷受到的构造挤压变形微弱,凹陷中沉积了巨厚的盐上覆层,是研究沉积差异负载如何影响塑性盐岩变形的天然实验室.根据野外地表调查结果、钻井资料和二维地震剖面,约束库车褶皱-冲断带拜城凹陷盐构造特征,并探讨盐构造成因机制.盐顶构造图揭示拜城凹陷盐上覆层发育东、西2个沉积中心,东沉积中心位于拜城县附近,西沉积中心位于BZ1井南侧,二者之间(大宛齐乡附近)形成大宛齐盐枕和拜城凹陷鞍部.钻井资料和地震剖面显示:(1)东、西沉积中心下伏盐岩流动减薄,二者之间盐岩聚集加厚;(2)大宛齐盐枕核部盐岩聚集发生于上新世晚期-现今;(3)上新世末期-现今,拜城凹陷鞍部下伏盐岩聚集加厚,盐岩厚度往东、西沉积中心逐渐减薄,形成东西向背形构造.基于盐构造特征和前人研究成果,提出库车褶皱-冲断带拜城凹陷盐构造相关的盐岩流动变形模型,认为沉积差异负载在库车褶皱-冲断带盐岩变形中发挥着重要作用:(1)在挤压应力和沉积差异负载作用下,以东、西沉积中心为圆心,盐岩向四周放射状流动;(2)盐岩变形以沿挤压方向(N-S)流动为主,但剖面间(E-W)流动也很明显.


    • 图  1  库车褶皱-冲断带构造单元和拜城凹陷(研究区)

      库车褶皱-冲断带位置见(b)插图;数字高程模型(DEM)数据来自USGS SRTM 90 m(http://srtm.csi.cgiar.org),垂向比例尺放大3倍

      Fig.  1.  A sketch map showing the structural units in the Kuqa fold-and-thrust belt and the location of Baicheng sag

      图  2  库车褶皱-冲断带地层综合柱状图(据Chen et al., 2004; Tang et al., 2004a修改)

      Fig.  2.  Comprehensive stratigraphic column in Kuqa fold-and-thrust belt

      图  3  库车褶皱-冲断带拜城凹陷盐顶构造

      Fig.  3.  Structural map of top salt in Baicheng sag, Kuqa fold-and-thrust belt

      图  4  (a) 横穿拜城凹陷东沉积中心的地质大剖面A-A' (据李世琴,2009修改);(b)切过拜城凹陷西沉积中心的地质大剖面B -B'(据唐鹏程等,2010修改)(剖面位置见图 1, 3)


      Fig.  4.  Geological sections across the eastern depocenter (a), Baicheng sag and the western depocenter (b), Baicheng sag

      图  5  (a) 过大宛齐盐枕的南北向解释剖面C-C',标注了与剖面F-F'(图 6b)相交的位置;(b)过大宛齐盐枕的东西向解释剖面D-D' (剖面位置见图 1, 3)

      Pre-Cz.前新生界;E1-2km.古-始新统库姆格列木组;E3s.渐新统苏维依组;N1j.中新统吉迪克组;N1k.中新统康村组;N2k.上新统库车组;Q.第四系(图 6同)

      Fig.  5.  (a) Interpreted North-South trend seismic section C-C' across Dawanqi salt pillow, and marked the location of intersection between section C-C' and section F-F' (Fig. 6b); (b) interpreted East-West trend seismic section D-D' across Dawanqi salt pillow

      图  6  (a) 过秋里塔格构造带和拜城凹陷的南北向解释剖面E-E';(b)过拜城凹陷鞍部的东西向解释剖面F-F';(c)拜城凹陷鞍部生长地层特征(剖面位置见图 13;图例说明见图 5)

      Fig.  6.  (a) Interpreted North-South trend seismic section E-E' across Qiulitage structural belt and Baicheng sag; (b) interpreted East-West trend seismic section F-F' across saddle of Baicheng sag; (c) patterns of growth strata related to the saddle of Baicheng sag

      图  7  在挤压应力和沉积差异负载作用下,盐岩二维剖面内流动变形特征(a)和平面上流动变形特征(b)


      Fig.  7.  Illustrations showing that lateral salt flow in two-dimensional cross section (a), and in map view (b) under bulk shortening and differential sedimentary loading

      图  8  库车褶皱-冲断带拜城凹陷盐构造相关的盐岩流动示意

      Fig.  8.  A sketch map showing salt flow related to salt structures in Baicheng sag, Kuqa fold-and-thrust belt

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