Findings and Its Geological Significance of the Upper Devonian Ophiolite in Hujierte Area, Damao County, Inner Mongolia, China
摘要: 在内蒙古胡吉尔特一带进行1∶50 000区域地质调查,发现超基性岩、堆积杂岩、辉绿岩墙群及基性枕状熔岩夹大洋放射虫硅泥质岩组合,呈现典型的蛇绿岩特征,其地球化学资料显示为大洋中脊环境.锆石U-Pb年龄为371.0±5.3 Ma,为晚泥盆世.表明这一地区晚古生代有洋壳存在,是古亚洲洋的一部分,可能为西伯利亚板块与中朝板块之间多岛洋古地理格局中洋盆的一支,并非位于中朝板块内部,推测中朝板块的北缘位于胡吉尔特一带之南.Abstract: Assemblages of the Upper Devonian ultrabasic rock, cumlative complex, diabase-dike swarm as well as basic pillow lava nipping radiolarian Si-sargillaceous rocks are discovered in Hujierte area, Inner Mongolia, China. They are typical ophiolite, which geochemical compositions accord with the characteristics of MORB. The age of 371.0±5.3 Ma using zircon U-Pb geologic dating method shows that there is the Upper Paleozoic era oceanic crust in this area, being a part of the Paleo-Asiatic Ocean, it is possibly a branch of ocean basin in archipelago paleogeographic pattern between the Siberian plate and the Sino-Korean plate, not inner the Sino-Korean plate, a northern part of the Sino-Korean plate should be on the south of Hujierte at the least.
Key words:
- ophiolite /
- geosynclinal fold system /
- plate boundary /
- Upper Devonian /
- Hujierte /
- lithology /
- geochemistry
图 1 内蒙古及邻区蛇绿岩分布(据唐克东和邵济安,1996修改)
1.第四系松散沉积物;2.上白垩统二连组;3.中二叠统哲斯组;4.上石炭统本巴图组;5.基性枕状熔岩夹含放射虫硅泥质岩组合;6.堆积杂岩及中酸性侵入岩;7.超基性岩(夸大表示)、辉绿岩墙群(夸大表示);8.中新生代沉积盖层;9.中生代陆屑-碳酸盐沉积;10.晚古生代裂谷堆积;11.晚泥盆-早石炭世盖层沉积;12.志留-泥盆纪火山-沉积杂岩;13.晚志留世磨拉石;14.早古生代弧后沉积;15.新元古代和早古生代陆缘沉积;16.太古宙和元古宙结晶基底;17.花岗岩;18.奥陶纪火山弧;19.蛇绿岩;20.蛇绿混杂岩;21.断层;22.韧性剪切带、平移断层、逆断层及其倾角;23.不整合界线、地质界线;24.晚泥盆世蛇绿岩带;25.前人划分的晚泥盆世蛇绿岩带;26.锆石U-Pb法371.0±5.3 Ma年的采样位置
Fig. 1. Distribution map of the ophiolite in Inner Mongolia and its adjacent area
图 3 基性火山熔岩图解
a.K2O-SiO2图解(据Gill,1981);b.硅-碱图解(据Irvine and Baragar, 1971);c.AFM图解(据Irvine and Baragar, 1971);d.FeOt-MgO-Al2O3图解(据Irvine and Baragar, 1971).A.扩张中心;B.岛弧及大陆活动边缘岛屿;C.MORB;D.大洋岛;E.大陆;图例编号与表 1样品序号一致
Fig. 3. The diagrams for basic lava
图 5 堆积杂岩及中酸性侵入岩图解
a.硅-碱图解(据Irvine and Baragar, 1971);b.AFM图解(据Irvine and Baragar, 1971);c.K2O-SiO2图解(据Maniar and Piccoli, 1989);1~5.中细粒斜长花岗岩,6~8.中细粒石英闪长岩,9~11.细粒闪长岩,12~14.细粒角闪辉长岩,15~18.细粒辉长岩;OP.大洋;IAG.岛弧花岗岩类;CAG.大陆弧花岗岩类;CCG.大陆碰撞花岗岩类;RRG.与列谷的花岗岩类;CEUG.陆内造陆运动降起花岗岩类;POG.造山后花岗岩类
Fig. 5. The diagrams for cumulate complexes and intermediate-acidic intrusive rocks
图 6 堆积杂岩及中酸性侵入岩微量元素构造环境判别图解
A.板内;B.火山弧;C.洋中脊(据Pearce and Norry, 1979);1~4.中细粒斜长花岗岩,5~6.中细粒石英闪长岩,7~9.细粒闪长岩,10.细粒角闪辉长岩,11~12.细粒辉长岩
Fig. 6. The trace elements tectonic discrimination diagram for cumulate complexes and intermediate-acidic intrusive rocks
表 1 基性枕状熔岩的主量元素分析结果(%)
Table 1. Major elements (%) analytic data of basic pillow lava
序号 样品号 岩石名称 SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 FeO TiO2 CaO MgO K2O Na2O MnO P2O5 灼减 总量 1 6P1Gs2-1 硅化角砾状玄武岩 55.43 14.94 8.92 2.16 0.55 8.27 2.44 0.18 2.38 0.13 0.08 5.10 100.58 2 6P1Gs2-2 硅化角砾状玄武岩 49.72 16.94 7.87 5.76 0.58 6.94 4.04 0.18 2.18 0.23 0.41 5.68 100.53 3 6P2Gs3-2 蚀变玄武岩 54.99 15.80 6.19 3.90 0.33 8.52 3.89 0.38 3.25 0.13 0.38 1.46 99.22 4 6P2Gs23-2 玄武岩 57.89 15.06 4.74 4.80 0.32 6.66 3.29 0.36 2.99 0.23 0.15 3.71 100.20 5 6P3Gs7 杏仁状玄武岩 50.35 14.91 3.60 7.79 1.40 6.28 6.59 0.32 4.53 0.24 0.13 4.08 100.22 6 6P3Gs12-1 气孔状玄武岩 59.55 14.88 6.17 3.83 0.76 2.91 2.50 0.17 5.78 0.12 0.20 2.84 99.71 7 6Gs0189 蚀变玄武岩 53.65 13.05 6.51 5.95 2.50 5.16 4.45 0.39 4.78 0.21 0.29 3.17 100.11 8 6Gs1037 杏仁状玄武岩 61.49 14.03 4.60 3.34 1.05 3.10 2.82 0.29 6.21 0.11 0.73 2.30 100.07 9 6Gs4022-4 蚀变角斑岩 59.28 16.87 2.25 5.86 0.81 5.17 2.19 0.39 4.84 0.11 0.07 1.50 99.34 10 6P7Gs31-1 球粒石英角斑岩 70.21 13.16 2.82 2.38 0.27 2.80 0.96 0.08 5.43 0.04 0.05 1.11 99.31 注:内蒙古自治区地质矿产实验研究所完成;采用经典法分析. -
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