Seismic Response and Development of Carbonate Platform in Liyue Basin, Nansha Sea Area
摘要: 礼乐盆地位于南海南部的南沙地块, 自中生代以来, 经历了挤压、张裂、沉降和碰撞挤压等多期次构造过程, 发育众多的碳酸盐台地, 是一个很有勘探潜力的叠合盆地.根据位于礼乐盆地东北边缘的地震测线NH973-2, 结合部分已发表的钻井地震资料, 开展盆地的层序地层研究, 揭示了礼乐盆地的地层层序, 分析了礼乐台地的地震特征.礼乐滩碳酸盐台地具有典型的丘状外形和杂乱的内部反射特征.根据地震计算对礼乐地区的构造沉降分析, 划分了新生代盆地演化阶段, 指出构造作用控制了礼乐碳酸盐台地发育.Abstract: Liyue basin is located in the Nansha block of the South China Sea, which has been subject to compression, rifting, drifting and collision with Borneo block since Mesozoic.It is a complicated superimposed basin with great potential for exploration, with its well developed carbonate platforms being unique targets both for research and exploration.Based on new seismic profile NH973-2, in combination with published well and seismic data, the stratigraphic sequences across the section are analyzed in order to reveal the sedimentary sequences and seismic characters in the Liyue basin.The carbonate platforms are characterized by round external form, chaotic internal reflector.Based on tectonic subsidence calculation, we determine three stages of tectonic evolution in Liyue basin during Cenozoic and come to the conclusion that tectonic actions have had control over the development of Liyue carbonate platform.
Key words:
- Liyue basin /
- carbonate platform /
- stratigraphic sequences /
- stratigraphy /
- earthquakes /
- marine geophysics
图 8 根据NH973-2计算的区域构造沉降与全球海平面变化曲线(据Haq et al., 1987)
Fig. 8. Curves of tectonic subsidence according to line NH973-2 calculation and global sea level variation
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