Pyrite Framboid: Indicator of Environments and Life
摘要: 莓状黄铁矿这一奇妙的微晶(0.1~1 μm)矿物集合体(5~50 μm)自科学家首次发现(1923年)和冠名(1935年)至今一直是不同学科竞相研究的热点.主要从莓状黄铁矿的形成机制、莓状黄铁矿与环境的关系等方面回顾了莓状黄铁矿的生物成因说(1923-1969年)、非生物成因说(1969-2000年)和多元成因说(2000-现今)各研究阶段取得的进展和存在的问题,指出莓状黄铁矿作为表层生物圈、深部生物圈和地外环境与生命示踪计具有巨大潜力,提出从地球科学、生命科学、材料科学、化学和纳米科技以及凝聚态物理学融合的角度加强对莓状黄铁矿研究的建议.Abstract: Pyrite framboid, the wonderful microcrystalline (0.1-1 μm) mineral aggregate (5-50 μm), has been a study focus in different disciplines since scientists first discovered (1923) and named it (1935). This paper reviews the progresses and existing problems of pyrite framboid's studies during different study stages including the biogenesis' theory stage (1923-1969), abiogenesis' theory stage (1969-2000) and multiple genesis's theory stage (2000-present) in terms of formation mechanism and the relationship with the environments. It also explores the prospects of pyrite framboid' study, pointing out that pyrite framboid has a great potential as the indicator of the surface and deep biospheres, the extraterrestrial environments and life; and finally puts forward the proposal that we should further the study of pyrite framboid by integrating its studies in that of earth science, life science, materials science, chemistry, nanotechnology and condensed matter physics.
Key words:
- pyrite framboid /
- biogenesis /
- abiogenesis /
- sulfur isotope /
- redox environment
图 1 硫化亚铁转变成莓状黄铁矿示意(据Sweeney and Kaplan, 1973资料编制)
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of iron monosulphide transition into pyrite framboid
图 2 莓状黄铁矿的形成过程(据Wilkin and Barnes, 1997a资料编制)
Fig. 2. Sketch showing the forming process of pyrite framboid
图 5 海水中溶氧量与莓状黄铁矿粒径的关系(据Wignall and Newton, 1998)资料编制)
Fig. 5. Relations between dissolved oxygen content and size of pyrite framboid
图 6 莓状黄铁矿结构演化(引自Merinero et al., 2008)
Fig. 6. Textural evolution of pyrite framboid
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