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    Principles of Probabilistic Regional Mineral Resource Estimation

    Agterberg Frits

    Agterberg Frits, 2011. Principles of Probabilistic Regional Mineral Resource Estimation. Earth Science, 36(2): 189-200. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2011.020
    Citation: Agterberg Frits, 2011. Principles of Probabilistic Regional Mineral Resource Estimation. Earth Science, 36(2): 189-200. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2011.020

    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2011.020

    Principles of Probabilistic Regional Mineral Resource Estimation

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    • Fig.  1.  Pattern of probability index for 10 km×10 km cells with occurrence of large copper deposits in the Abitibi area of the Canadian Shield using 1968 mineral deposit data; single X denotes probability index greater than 4 (and < 8); XX for cells with probability index > 8. Probability index values and numbering of cells after Agterberg (1971, Appendix 3)

      Fig.  2.  Pattern comparison for 10 km×10 km cells with one or more large copper deposits in (A) 1968, (B) 1977 and (C) 2008. Original 1968 figures for production and reserves reported in short tons (st) were converted into tons (t). Single X denotes one or more deposits with copper production + reserves (Cu) between 1 000 short tons (st) of but less than 50 000 tons (t); XX for cells with 50 000 t < Cu (1 t=0.907 184×1 st). Numbering of cells as in Fig. 1

      Fig.  3.  Log-Log Ore Tonnage-Copper Grade plot (2008 data). The three points on the left may be outliers. When these 3 points are deleted, the correlation coefficient (r=0.079) is nearly zero suggesting lack of functional relationship between grade and ore tonnage

      Fig.  4.  Log-Log Weight-Rank plots for 1968 and 2008 data with straight lines fitted by least squares. (a) 1968 Copper Weight; (b) 1968 Ore Weight; (c) 2008 Copper Weight; (d) 2008 Ore Weight. Base of logarithm= 10; Weight measured in (metric) kilotons. Straight line approximates Pareto frequency distribution with fractal dimension estimated by inverse of slope. For 1968 data, first 18 of 27 data points were used to fit straight lines. For 2008 data, first 27 of 35 data points were used to fit straight lines

      Fig.  5.  Lognormal QQ-plots of copper and ore weights for 1968 and 2008 data with straight lines for ore weights fitted by least squares.(a) 1968 Copper Weight; (b) 1968 Ore Weight; (c) 2008 Copper Weight; (d) 2008 Ore Weight. Base of logarithm = 10; Weight measured in (metric) kilotons. Straight line approximates lognormal frequency distribution with logarithmic standard deviation estimated by inverse of slope. Curves in Fig. 5d represent 95% confidence belt for points deviating randomly from straight line. All data points were used to fit straight lines

      Fig.  6.  Best-fitting straight lines for 1968 data with slopes set equal to slopes of straight lines fitted to 2008 data. (a) Log-Log Copper Weight; points same as in Fig. 4a; (b) Lognormal QQ-plot of Ore Weight; points same as in Fig. 5b. Comparison with Figs. 4c and 5d shows 1968 to 2008 intercept increases

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