Sedimentary-Diagenetic Systems of Carbonatite Reservoirs in the Huanglong Formation, Eastern Sichuan Basin
摘要: 四川盆地东部上石炭统黄龙组是天然气藏的主力产层.在岩心观察、野外剖面实测和室内薄片鉴定分析的基础上, 结合钻井、测井、物性分析和X-衍射分析资料, 对川东黄龙组碳酸盐岩储层沉积-成岩系统进行了深入研究.认为川东黄龙组主要发育萨勃哈、有障壁海岸和陆棚3个相带以及特殊的古喀斯特相, 储集岩类型以白云质岩溶角砾岩及颗粒白云岩为主, 有效的储集空间类型主要为晶间孔、晶间溶孔, 最重要的储层类型为孔洞缝型, 最有利储层发育部位为岩溶上斜坡中的坡地和残丘微地貌单元.综合分析认为, 沉积-成岩系统与储层在时空上具有良好的耦合关系, 粒屑滩沉积微相控制了黄龙组储层的区域分布, 早-中成岩阶段压实卤水成岩系统、古表生期大气水成岩系统以及埋藏成岩阶段的温压水成岩系统对优质储层发育贡献最大.Abstract: The Huanglong Formation of Upper Carboniferous in eastern Sichuan basin, is the principal producing formation of natural gas pool. Based on the observation of cores, actual measurement of outdoors sections and analysis of thin section, and the data of well drilling, well logging, physical property analysis and X-diffraction analysis, we have studied the sedimentary-diagenetic system of carbonatite reservoirs in the Huanglong Formation, eastern Sichuan basin. It is believed that the Huanglong Formation mainly developed three facies belts, including sabkha, barrier coast and continental shelf, and particular palaeokarst facies. The types of reservoir rocks are mainly grain dolomite and dolomitic-karst breccia. The effective reservoir interspaces are mainly intercrystal pore and dissolved pore. The most important types of reservoir is cavity-seam. The beneficial localization for the development of reservoirs is the microtopography unit of hillsides and residual hills on sur-slope of palaeokarst. According to the studies above-mentioned, it is proposed that the sedimentary-diagenetic system has a good coupling relationship with reservoirs on time and space. The particles shoal of sedimentary microfacies controls the distribution of location regional of reservoirs. The diagenetic system of compaction-bittern of early-middle diagenetic stage, the diagenetic system of atmospheric water of paleo-hypergene stage and the diagenetic system of thermobaric-water of burial diagenetic stage contribute much to the development of goodness reservoirs.
图 1 四川盆地东部构造分布(据文华国等, 2009a, 2009b)
Fig. 1. Distribution of construction in eastern Sichuan basin
图 4 川东黄龙组成岩阶段划分和演化模式(据郑荣才等,2010修改)
Fig. 4. Diagenetic stage dividing and evolution pattern of Huanglong Formation in eastern Sichuan basin
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