Carbon Isotope Evidence of Gas Hydrate Dissociation in South China Sea
摘要: 通过南海南部NS93-5和NS97-37两个柱状沉积物的高分辨率碳、氧同位素分析发现, 末次冰消期(约18 ka)和倒数第二次冰消期(约130 ka)记录到了碳同位素的快速负偏移现象, 与此同时, 氧同位素也发生了明显的快速负偏移, 气温快速回升, 并在氧同位素5期与6期过渡中点(约129.84 ka)出现粉红色红拟抱球虫灭绝现象, 而且两柱样碳、氧同位素的变化趋势与Vostok冰心记录到的大气甲烷含量的变化基本一致.分析认为, 南海记录到的最近2个冰期结束时的碳同位素快速负偏移很可能与天然气水合物的分解释放有关, 即外界温压条件的变化可能导致了南海和/或其他地区海底天然气水合物的失稳分解并释放甲烷, 从而使气候快速变暖、导致海洋缺氧和某些生物种类的灭绝, 同时也加快了冰期的终止.Abstract: High-resolution carbon and oxygen isotope analysis for cores NS93-5 and NS97-37 from southern South China Sea (SCS) shows the rapid negative excursion of carbon isotope in the last deglaciation (about 18 ka) and the penultimate deglaciation (about 130 ka). In the same layer, the oxygen isotope also displays similar phenomena. It is found that the Globigerinoides rubber (Pink) died out in midpoint of MIS 5/6 (about 129.84 ka). The change of carbon and oxygen isotope is in consonance with atmospheric methane concentration from the Vostok ice core. The two rapid negative excursions of carbon isotope recorded in SCS are likely related to gas hydrate dissociation, i.e. the changes of temperature and pressure induced gas hydrate dissociation and released methane in SCS and/or other areas, which made the climate warmer, ocean anoxic and further led to the extinction of some marine organism and accelerated glacial termination.
Key words:
- South China Sea /
- gas hydrates /
- carbon isotope
图 2 NS93-5及NS97-37柱样碳、氧同位素组成及其与其他资料(Prokopenko and Williams, 2004)的对比
Fig. 2. Carbon and oxygen isotope composition of cores NS93-5 and NS97-37 and the comparison with other data
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