Early Carboniferous Volcano-Magmatism and Related Mineralization in Yishijilike Mountain, Western Tianshan
摘要: 西天山伊什基里克一带早石炭世大哈拉军山组为岛弧环境的钙碱性钠质火山岩,Au-Cu异常与该火山岩的空间分布有较好的套合性,区内的金、铜矿点和矿化点也全部赋存其中,因而显示良好的金-铜成矿条件,其中与俯冲构造有关的浅成低温热液型金矿为最主要类型.同一时代的库勒萨依斑岩为钙碱性系列岛弧浅成岩,SiO2含量57.06%~70.74%,高Al2O3、Na2O、Sr和相对富集LREE,低MgO、Y、Yb和强烈亏损HREE; Na2O/K2O>1,Sr/Y平均57.67,正Eu异常,因而具有典型O型埃达克岩特征.库勒萨依斑岩与Mo异常套合好,已发现钼矿床,找矿前景良好.库勒萨依斑岩与大哈拉军山组火山岩共同构成了早石炭世岛弧火成岩组合,丰富了本区的构造岩石组合类型,对恢复西天山大地构造演化有重要意义,也为深化西天山区域成矿规律的研究,指导寻找与岛弧火成岩有关的金-铜矿和与埃达克岩有关的铜-钼矿提供了理论依据.Abstract: The volcanic rock assemblage of Dahalajunshan Formation is island arc calc-alkaline sodic volcanic rocks formed at plate convergent margins. The distribution of the volcanic rocks coincides with the anomaly of Au-Cu. All the gold-copper ore spots and mineralization spots in this area are volcanic rock-hosted of Dahalajunshan volcanic rocks,which show favorable ore-forming condition of gold-copper deposits. The gold mineralization is hosted in volcanic rocks mostly,and the epithermal gold deposit is the most significant type in this region. The Kulesayi porphyry is calc-alkaline hypabyssal rock,whose average SiO2 is 57.06%-70.74%,and they are rich in Al2O3,Na2O,Sr and LREE,poor in MgO,Y,Yb and very poor in HREE. With their Na2O/K2O of more than 1,Sr/Y of 57.67,and positive anomaly of Eu,they have characters of O-type adakite. The Kulesayi porphyry coincides with anomaly of Mo. Molybedenun deposit with good prospects for further exploration has been found here. The Kulesayi porphyry and Dahalajunshan volcanic rocks compose the assemblage of island arc volcanic rocks in Early Carboniferous,which enriches the tectonic rock association in this region,and is important for the geotectonic evolution study,regional metallogenic law exploration,and prospecting for the gold-copper deposit (relative to island arc volcanic rocks) and copper-molybedenun deposit (relative to adakite).
图 1 西天山特克斯达坂一带地质略图
Fig. 1. A simplified geological map of the Tekesi Daban area in the western Tianshan Mountain
图 2 大哈拉军山组火山岩及库勒萨依埃达克岩SiO2-AR图解(Wright,1969)
Fig. 2. SiO2-AR diagram of Dahalajunshan volcanic rocks and Kulesayi adakite
图 4 大哈拉军山组火山岩及库勒萨依埃达克岩微量元素蛛网图(Pearce,1984)
Fig. 4. Trace element distribution patterns of Dahalajunshan volcanic rocks and Kulesayi adakitic intrusions
图 5 库勒萨依埃达克岩图解(a.Drummond and Defant, 1990; b和c.赵振华等,2004)
Fig. 5. Diagrams of the Kulesayi adakitic intrusions
图 6 库勒萨依埃达克岩SiO2-Yb图(赵振华等,2004)
Fig. 6. SiO2-Yb diagram of Kulesayi adakite
表 1 大哈拉军山组火山岩石常量元素分析结果(%)及参数
Table 1. Abundances (%) of major oxides data of the Dahalajunshan Formation volcanic rocks
序号 岩性 SiO 2 TiO 2 Al 2O 3 Fe 2O 3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na 2O K 2O P 2O 5 总量 δ 1 流纹岩 74.52 0.44 11.76 0.58 1.65 0.12 0.16 4.16 6.14 0.31 0.15 99.99 1.32 2 英安质流纹岩 74.34 0.15 12.98 1.57 1.33 0.07 0.34 1.92 3.70 3.55 0.06 100.01 1.68 3 英安质流纹岩 73.51 0.40 13.19 1.55 1.23 0.06 0.35 1.51 2.60 5.51 0.10 100.01 2.15 4 流纹岩 71.17 0.46 15.13 1.38 1.10 0.03 0.29 1.66 5.54 3.20 0.04 100.00 2.71 5 英安岩 67.74 0.65 16.00 1.07 1.47 0.10 0.43 2.55 4.02 5.76 0.21 100.00 3.87 6 英安岩 64.76 0.77 15.95 2.18 2.89 0.14 1.45 2.82 4.66 4.16 0.22 100.00 3.58 7 安山岩 64.38 0.80 17.18 1.20 3.71 0.08 1.48 4.24 4.03 2.62 0.28 100.00 2.07 8 杏仁状安山岩 59.79 0.98 16.63 2.93 3.88 0.11 3.38 5.82 3.40 2.80 0.29 100.01 2.28 9 安山玢岩 58.39 1.04 16.53 3.83 4.09 0.12 3.31 4.75 4.21 3.44 0.29 100.00 3.80 10 辉石安山岩 56.62 1.47 17.12 3.63 4.51 0.13 2.15 7.63 3.93 2.35 0.47 100.01 2.90 11 安山玢岩 53.32 1.09 14.93 5.34 7.52 0.17 4.75 7.04 5.26 0.33 0.26 100.01 3.03 平均 65.32 0.75 15.22 2.30 3.03 0.10 1.64 4.01 4.32 3.09 0.22 100.00 2.67 表 2 大哈拉军山组火山岩微量及稀土元素分析结果
Table 2. Trace element abundances of the Dahalajunshan Formation volcanic rocks
序号 Ba Rb Sr Co Sn Ni Sc Nb Ta Zr Hf Ga Th Y 1 88.5 9.65 240 9.15 3.75 64.1 5.03 12.8 0.98 211 6.18 10.8 17.4 24.5 2 669 122 92.4 2.9 2.3 12 2.41 8.78 1.05 90.1 2.86 16.4 16.7 14.6 3 936 180 106 5.85 3 1 6.36 10.2 0.99 163 5.4 15.2 20.9 19.4 4 676 80.1 276 1.5 4.3 9.5 7.29 17.9 0.71 283 8.52 23.3 22 27.6 5 978 158 244 4.8 3.5 8.9 9.86 17.3 0.99 274 8.77 23.2 21.5 23.4 6 889 116 536 9.15 5.3 14 11.4 13.9 1.14 230 6.68 27.6 18.9 27 7 595 74.1 399 6.5 2.4 1.9 10.4 13 0.9 185 5.29 17.5 20.7 20.3 8 528 91.7 302 19.5 4.6 19.5 12.4 12.6 0.6 206 5.91 25.7 14.7 23.1 9 526 127 395 16.2 5.4 18 22.6 8.68 1.4 160 4.88 18.6 19 19 10 820 72.5 999 21.4 4 14.6 19.9 11.5 1.02 196 5.47 23.7 17.4 20.2 11 117 10.1 96.8 24.2 5.4 11.5 21.8 7.18 0.71 102 3.39 26 33.3 17 平均 620 94.7 335 11.05 4 15.95 11.8 12.2 0.95 190 5.76 20.7 20.2 21.5 序号 La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu 1 37.2 66.0 7.92 31.9 6.54 1.26 5.07 0.86 5.52 1.00 3.13 0.48 3.07 0.38 2 39.6 55.4 6.12 22.0 4.31 0.64 2.67 0.49 3.21 0.64 1.97 0.34 2.04 0.28 3 38.2 66.2 7.10 28.8 5.57 1.10 4.29 0.70 4.41 0.82 2.58 0.38 2.38 0.30 4 49.3 73.7 10.5 48.7 9.04 1.54 6.71 0.99 7.18 1.36 3.79 0.58 4.13 0.50 5 42.1 67.2 7.48 35.6 6.92 1.49 5.01 0.85 5.57 1.04 3.12 0.46 2.80 0.34 6 39.4 69.2 8.36 34.4 7.16 1.68 5.61 0.96 6.26 1.07 3.49 0.52 3.20 0.39 7 28.1 51.0 6.41 26.6 5.51 1.31 4.15 0.74 4.78 0.91 2.86 0.40 2.54 0.33 8 29.5 54.4 7.15 26.2 5.59 1.36 4.83 0.85 4.82 0.92 2.90 0.46 2.63 0.31 9 26.6 46.3 5.48 24.0 5.14 1.24 4.47 0.68 4.52 0.82 2.52 0.34 2.28 0.28 10 39.6 67.1 8.43 37.0 6.44 1.81 5.18 0.85 5.62 0.85 2.68 0.36 2.21 0.29 11 15.2 25.8 3.43 15.9 3.13 0.81 3.36 0.57 4.13 0.78 2.18 0.32 2.14 0.23 平均 34.98 58.39 7.13 30.10 5.94 1.29 4.67 0.78 5.09 0.93 2.84 0.42 2.67 0.33 序号 LREE HREE ΣREE LREE/HREE δEu (La/Sm) N (Gd/Yb) N (Rb/Yb) N Th/Ta 1 150.82 19.51 170.33 7.73 0.65 3.58 1.33 5.34 17.76 2 128.07 11.64 139.71 11.00 0.54 5.78 1.06 101.67 15.90 3 146.97 15.86 162.83 9.27 0.66 4.31 1.45 128.57 21.11 4 192.78 25.24 218.02 7.64 0.58 3.43 1.31 32.97 30.99 5 160.79 19.19 179.98 8.38 0.74 3.83 1.44 95.93 21.72 6 160.20 21.50 181.70 7.45 0.78 3.46 1.41 61.63 16.58 7 118.93 16.71 135.64 7.12 0.81 3.21 1.32 49.59 23.00 8 124.20 17.72 141.92 7.01 0.78 3.32 1.48 59.27 24.50 9 108.76 15.91 124.67 6.84 0.77 3.26 1.58 94.69 13.57 10 160.38 18.04 178.42 8.89 0.93 3.87 1.89 55.77 17.06 11 64.27 13.71 77.98 4.69 0.76 3.05 1.27 8.02 46.90 平均 137.83 17.73 155.56 7.82 0.73 3.74 1.41 63.04 22.64 分析单位:宜昌地质研究所;氧化物用GFAAS原子吸收光谱法分析(%),稀土及微量元素用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪采用ICPMS分析(10-6);球粒陨石标准化数据引自Boynton et al., 1984. 表 3 库勒萨依埃达克岩岩石地球化学数据及参数
Table 3. Petrochemical data and index number of Kulesayi adakite
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 平均值 SiO 2 70.74 67.37 63.94 63.71 63.69 62.7 62.58 58.48 57.06 63.36 TiO 2 0.42 0.51 0.72 0.85 0.58 0.93 0.92 0.9 0.93 0.75 Al 2O 3 15.01 15.4 15.52 15.6 16.27 16.07 16.94 17.02 19.31 16.35 Fe 2O 3 1.03 1.59 1.75 2.16 1.65 2.24 2.32 3.17 2.59 2.06 FeO 2.03 2.97 3.96 3.39 3.52 3.49 3.53 3.85 5.41 3.57 MnO 0.08 0.08 0.1 0.09 0.13 0.11 0.1 0.12 0.12 0.1 MgO 0.91 1.22 1.7 1.7 2.67 1.63 2.21 2.73 2.54 1.92 CaO 1.83 1.31 3.37 3.22 2.55 3.22 1.7 2.28 5.83 2.81 Na 2O 4.56 4.32 3.58 3.88 4.49 4.06 5.1 5.3 4.24 4.39 K 2O 3.26 3.77 3.87 3.76 2.37 4.13 4.3 4.03 1.85 3.48 P 2O 5 0.14 0.15 0.22 0.25 0.12 0.25 0.3 0.38 0.29 0.23 总量 100.01 98.69 98.73 98.61 98.04 98.83 100 98.26 100.17 99.04 Na 2O/K 2O 1.4 1.15 0.93 1.03 1.89 0.98 1.19 1.32 2.29 1.26 δ 2.2 2.69 2.65 2.82 2.27 3.4 4.51 5.62 2.64 3.05 Ba 804 188 209 74.2 229 101 88 353 540 287.36 Rb 87.6 26 16.5 3.15 6.4 9.1 18.6 14.3 68.8 27.83 Sr 643 626 543 454 452 593 441 526 794 563.56 Y 12.3 14.2 13.3 4.73 13.5 6.48 6.56 14.9 13.6 11.06 Zr 146 65.7 69.2 43.1 62.9 58.6 72.1 82 126 80.62 Nb 2.69 2.21 2.22 1.52 3.57 1.97 1.51 4.75 3.14 2.62 Th 6.22 18.3 22.2 19.3 15.4 20.3 64.7 14.6 11.6 21.4 Ni 14.8 111 68.6 130 12.8 69.6 83.8 5.5 82.2 64.26 Cr 78 65 107 112 24.4 10.6 218 2.4 160 86.38 Hf 3.63 1.79 2.6 1.2 2.03 1.81 1.86 2.06 4.06 2.34 Sc 13.6 27.4 44.8 10.8 36 9.39 21.4 31.6 14 23.22 Ta 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 Co 13.6 25.9 21.8 36.8 24.9 20.3 27.8 24.4 1.9 21.93 Sn 4.5 3.55 2.4 1.9 6 2.3 2.7 3.4 2.75 3.28 Sr/Y 52.28 44.08 40.83 95.98 33.48 91.51 67.23 35.3 58.38 57.67 La 13.4 10.6 5.23 5.17 8.71 3.99 4.53 14.1 16.6 9.15 Ce 26.8 18 10 8.5 15.5 7.38 7.99 23.6 31 16.53 Pr 3.4 2.18 1.43 0.52 2.47 0.74 0.73 3.04 3.46 2 Nd 16.3 9.9 7.49 3.49 11.9 5.14 4.31 15.2 15.4 9.9 Sm 3.3 2.64 1.55 0.87 2.64 1.44 1.43 3.38 3 2.25 Eu 0.92 1.11 0.78 0.59 0.99 0.58 0.68 1.17 0.96 0.86 Gd 3 3.06 2.59 1.06 2.93 1.26 1.29 3.61 3.28 2.45 Tb 0.48 0.5 0.45 0.2 0.51 0.23 0.23 0.62 0.5 0.41 Dy 2.94 3.36 3.23 1.11 3.15 1.48 1.53 3.73 3.28 2.65 Ho 0.52 0.58 0.64 0.2 0.6 0.24 0.19 0.71 0.63 0.48 Er 1.7 1.81 2.07 0.64 1.69 0.71 0.8 2.1 1.64 1.46 Tm 0.26 0.26 0.32 0.1 0.26 0.11 0.12 0.32 0.26 0.22 Yb 1.45 1.46 1.66 0.7 1.65 0.7 0.77 1.88 1.7 1.33 Lu 0.18 0.2 0.22 0.07 0.2 0.08 0.09 0.23 0.2 0.16 δEu 0.88 1.19 1.18 1.88 1.08 1.29 1.50 1.02 0.93 1.12 (La/Yb) N 6.23 4.89 2.12 4.98 3.56 3.84 3.97 5.06 6.58 4.64 注:分析单位:宜昌地质研究所.氧化物用GFAAS原子吸收光谱法分析(%),稀土及微量元素用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪采用ICPMS分析(10-6).球粒陨石标准化数据引自Boynton et al., 1984. -
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