Petroleum Potential Prediction of the Lile Basin in Nansha
摘要: 礼乐盆地是南沙海域热点研究区域.为揭示该盆地油气资源潜力,依据礼乐盆地地震剖面、钻井及拖网资料,对礼乐盆地的油气成藏控制因素进行综合分析,进而探讨该盆地的油气成藏潜力.中生代和古新世-早渐新世沉积是主要烃源岩;晚渐新世礁体以及中生代风化碎屑岩是主要储层;识别出晚渐新世-早中新世礁体和中生代晚期风化剥蚀而形成的断块构造是最主要的圈闭类型.长期活动断层沟通底部中生代地层和浅层礁体,是主要的油气垂向运移输导体,控制了礼乐盆地油气的空间分布.晚中新世的菲律宾弧碰撞运动类似南海北部东沙运动,有利于排烃和油气运移,之后构造活动减弱,有利于稳定成藏.礼乐盆地具备油气成藏的6大要素条件,盆地中、东部断裂发育区是盆地油气运聚成藏的优势前景区域.Abstract: Lile basin is a hot research spot in Nansha area. We probe into the petroleum potential of Lile basin based on geological and geophysical analysis of seismic profiles, wells and dredging data. All necessary elements for a hydrocarbon accumulation are analyzed in the basin. We suggest that the Mesozoic to early Cenozoic sediments are the major source rock. Potential reservoirs include the late Oligocene reefs and Mesozoic aerated layer. The principal play-types recognized in the basin are the Late Oligocene to Early Miocene reefs and erosional Mesozoic faulted blocks. Long term active faults connect the Mesozoic source rock and shallow layer play, so the faults are major transport channel and control the spatial distribution of hydrocarbon reservoir. Similar to the Dongsha movement in the northern of South China Sea, Late Miocene tectonic event was good for hydrocarbon migration. The attenuated tectonic movement thereafter benefited the hydrocarbon accumulation.
Key words:
- Lile basin /
- fault /
- Mesozoic /
- hydrocarbon accumulation /
- petroleum potential /
- petroleum geology
图 4 礼乐盆地地层柱状图(Sales et al., 1997)
Fig. 4. Stratigraphic column of the Lile basin
图 5 Sampaguita-1井和Aboabo-1井柱状图(Taylor and Hayes, 1980)
Fig. 5. Histogram of Sampaguita-1 and Aboabo-1 well
图 6 SO23-31拖网位置剖面及其解释剖面(Hinz and Schluter, 1985)(位置见图 1)
Fig. 6. Seismic and its interpreted profiles for dredge at SO23-31
图 7 礁体剖面(位置见图 2)
Fig. 7. Seismic profile across the reef
图 8 礼乐盆地主要圈闭类型和成藏模式(位置见图 2)
Fig. 8. Major trap types and accumulation mode in Lile basin
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