摘要: 依据冀中坳陷潜山流体压力场、流体化学场及流体运移通道等特征的综合研究, 将潜山分为三种运聚动力学类型: 不整合连通-开放型潜山(Ⅰ型)、断层通道-半开放/半封闭型潜山(Ⅱ型) 和封闭型潜山(Ⅲ型).Ⅰ型潜山与冀中坳陷中部区域性地下水动力系统相连通, 油气源充足, 可形成大规模的潜山油气藏.Ⅱ型潜山分布于紧邻生烃洼陷的斜坡区, 潜山相关断层的地震泵(seismicpumping) 通道作用促使油气运移与聚集, 成藏条件较好.Ⅲ型潜山位于沉降幅度较大的洼陷区呈“孤立”分布, 上覆第三系形成异常高压力带, 抑制了潜山相关断层流体通道作用, 潜山呈封闭系统, 油气运聚条件较差, 可能只能形成小型潜山油气藏, 勘探风险大.Abstract: The comprehensive analysis of fluid pressure field, fluid chemical field and fluid-migrating conduits of buried hills in Jizhong depression, Bohai Bay basin classifies the buried hills as the following three major dynamic categories of petroleum migration and accumulation: (1) unconformity-connected-open buried hills (Type Ⅰ), (2) fault conduit-semi-open/semi-closed buried hills (Type Ⅱ), and (3) closed buried hills (Type Ⅲ). Type I buried hills are connected with the regional underground hydrodynamic system located in the middle part of the Jizhong depression where is present a sufficient supply of the petroleum and gas that may result in the formation of large-scale hydrocarbon pools in the buried hills. Type Ⅱ buried hills occur in the slopes close to the hydrocarbon-generated sags, with the seismic pumping conduits in the buried hill-associated faults serving as the acting force on the petroleum and gas migration and accumulation, exhibiting an excellent condition for the petroleum pools. Type Ⅲ buried hills scattered within the depression zone with a relatively great degree of subsidization occur separately and are overlapped by the Tertiary abnormally high pressure zone, restraining the acting force of the fluid conduits associated with the buried hills. In this case, the buried hills in the closed system with the relatively poor condition of petroleum and gas migration and accumulation may accommodate small-sized petroleum and gas pools of the buried hills with great exploration risks.
图 1 冀中坳陷潜山油气藏与潜山水动力条件分布(据唐智等[3]修改)
1.测压面海拔高程等值线; 2.水运动方向; 3.潜山油气田
Fig. 1. Distribution of petroleum accumulation and dynamic regimes for buried hills in Jizhong depression
图 3 断层通道-半开放/半封闭型潜山油气运聚模式(刘其营潜山)
图例同图 2
Fig. 3. Petroleum migration and accumulation model for fault conduit, semi-closed buried hills
表 1 冀中坳陷潜山油气田地层压力与压力系数
Table 1. Formation pressure and pressure coefficient in buried hill oil fields of Jizhong depression
表 2 冀中坳陷中部潜山油田水化学性质
Table 2. Nature of buried hill oil fields′ water in the middle area of Jizhong depression
表 3 廊固凹陷与深县凹陷潜山油田水化学性质
Table 3. Nature for oil field water in buried hills within Langgu and Shenxian depressions
表 4 Ⅱ型潜山上覆地层中油气藏流体压力场与油田水化学性质
Table 4. Fluid pressure regimes and nature of oil field water for the oil fields overlying type Ⅱburied hills
表 5 Ⅲ型潜山上覆地层中油气藏流体压力场与油田水化学性质
Table 5. Fluid pressure regimes and nature of oil field water for the oil fields overlying type Ⅲ buried hills
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