The Characteristics of Geochemical and Its Tectonic Significance from the Adakite of Palaeogene Volcanic Rocks in Northern Qiangtang Area, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
摘要: 为了研究青藏高原北羌塘地区分布的新生代火山岩形成的时代、物质来源和构造环境, 通过各种年代学和地球化学测试方法获得的资料进行综合研究, 结果表明该地区的火山岩主要形成时代为古近纪, 常量、微量和稀土元素特征显示该区发育一定比例的标准埃达克岩(adakite), 代表地区的12件埃达克岩样品, 其SiO2含量≥56%(59.05%~67.80%), Al2O3≥15%(15.43%~16.63%), MgO < 3%(0.47%~2.98%, 1件样品3.21%), Mg#>20(21.2~56.5), Na2O/K2O>1(1.03~1.76), Sr>400×10-4(609.6×10-6~3008.0×10-6), Y≤18×10-6(4.53×10-6~13.76×10-6), Yb≤1.9×10-6(0.44×10-6~1.35×10-6), Sr/Y≥40(44.3-314.68), La/Yb≥20(20.11-69.26), δSr正异常(1.02~7.66, 3件样品0.82、0.93、0.97), δEu正异常或微弱的负异常(0.77~1.36), LREE富集, HREE亏损, 高场强元素HFSEs(Nb、Ta、Ti)明显亏损87Sr/86Sr>0.704(0.707101-0.707923), 143Nd/144Nd < 0.5126(0.512382-0.512448)40K-40Ar、40Ar-39Ar测定时代分别为28.2~32.2Ma, 38.1~46.8Ma.上述特征除表明该套古近系埃达克岩岩浆源处于加厚的下地壳环境外, 可能还代表了在高原演化过程中, 北羌塘地区滞留在下地壳和上地幔的“洋壳残片”部分熔融并在地表喷发的构造过程.Abstract: Studies on the formation times, resources and tectonic environment of the Cenozoic volcanic rocks in the northern Qiantang area, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, formed mostly in Plaeogene, show that these rocks have presented characteristics of typical adakite, according to major and trace elements data tested by many dating and geochemical methods. Of the 12 typical adakite samples in important area, SiO2≥56%(59. 05%-67. 80%), Al2O3≥15%(15.43%-16.63%), MgO < 3% (0. 47%-2. 98%, 1 sample is 3.21%), Mg#>20(21.2-56.5), Na2O/K2O>1(1.03-1.76), Sr>400 × 10-6 (609. 6 × 10-6-3 008. 0× 10-6), Y≤18 × 10-6 (4. 53 × 10-6-13.76 × 10-6), Yb≤1. 9 × 10-6 (0.44 × 10-6-1.35 × 10-6), Sr/Y≥ 40(44. 3-314. 68), La/Yb≥20(20. 11-69. 26), δSr positive anomaly(1.02-7.66, 3 samples are 0. 82, 0. 93, 0. 97), δEu positive anomaly or weak anomaly(0. 77-1.36), LREE enrichment, HREE depletion, HFSEs (Nb, Ta, Ti) strong depletion, 87Sr/86Sr>0. 704(0. 707 101-0. 707 923), 143Nd/144Nd < 0. 512 6(0. 512 382-0. 512 448), 40K-40Ar, 40Ar-39Ar ages are 28. 2-32.2 Ma, 38. 1-46. 8 Ma. The above geochemical features of adakite indicate a primitive magmatic generation process responsible for the partial melting of lower thickened crust of northern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and perhaps also represent the process in which the remains in lower crust-up mantle melted and erupted in surface after the subduction of ocean crust in the plateau evolvement during early period.
Key words:
- Qinghai-Tibetan plateau /
- northern Qiangtang area /
- Palaeogene /
- adakite
图 1 青藏高原北羌塘地区古近系火山岩分布
①乌兰乌拉湖地区氩-氩法测年4个样品由中国地震局地质研究所测试, 钾-氩法测年1个样品由成都地质矿产研究所测试; ②多格错仁地区氩-氩法测年1个样品由中国科学院广州地球化学研究所测试, 钾-氩法测年5个样品由国土资源部中南矿产资源检测中心测试; ③黑虎岭地区钾-氩法测年2个样品由宜昌地质矿产研究所测试. 图中火山岩形状和断层线以潘桂棠和丁俊(2004)为准
Fig. 1. Map of Palaeogene volcanic rocks in the northern Qiangtang area of Qinghai-Xizang plateau
图 4 埃达克岩Sr /Y-Y图解(据Defant and Drummond, 1990; Defant et al., 2002)
Fig. 4. Sr /Y-Y diagrams for the adakites
表 1 青藏高原北羌塘地区古近系埃达克岩元素地球化学测试数据
Table 1. Major and trace element analy ses of Palaeogene adakite from the northern Qiang tang area of Qinghai-Xizang plateau
表 2 新生代火山岩Sr、Nd、Pb同位素组成
Table 2. Compositions of Sr、Nd、Pb isotope for the Cenozic rocks
表 3 青藏高原北羌塘地区部分火山岩同位素年龄数据表
Table 3. The part of isotopic ages of volcanic rocks from the northern Qiangtang area of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau
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