Biohabitat Types in Geobiofacies: Concept, Model and Mapping
摘要: 地球生物相是地球生物学的主要研究内容及其表现形式之一.地球生物相是地史时期地球环境与生物相互作用过程中所记录的一系列生物(有机) 特征的综合.这些生物(有机) 记录是生物与环境相互作用的产物, 可以反映出其动力学过程.地球生物相的研究内容包括生物有机质形成、沉积到埋藏过程中的演化, 并由此可以定量恢复有机质变化的动力学过程.本文主要讨论地球生物相中有机质形成的基础, 即反映初级生产力的生物化石的类别、生物的丰度和分异性、生物的保存状态、生物类群结构分析(如生物的优势类群、特征类群、生物组合或生物群落、生物依存关系等) 等为基础的群落、生境型及初级生产力研究, 提出了碎屑岩海滩、潮坪、障壁-泻湖体系和碳酸盐缓坡、潮坪生境型模式, 并编制了生境型柱状图、断面图和平面图以供研究者参考.Abstract: Geobiofacies is proposed to be an important aspect of geobiology. Geobiofacies shows the biological features indicative of the dynamic processes related to the interactions between the earth and organisms in the geological history. Geobiofacies covers the whole process of the formation, the sedimentation and the burial of both the biomass and organic matter, indicative of the whole dynamic variation of the organics. In this paper biological communities and biohabitat types reflecting the variation of the primary productivity are particularly discussed, which include fossil types, and the abundance, the diversity, the preserved state and the texture of fossil groups (e.g. dominant population, peculiar population, fossil assemblage or fossil community, relationship of fossils). The models of habitat types of carbonate ramp and platform, beach, tidal flat and barrier-lagoon system of clastic deposits, and the columnar, the sectional and the planar maps of biohabitat types are provided with some typical examples.
Key words:
- geobiology /
- geobiofacies /
- fossil community /
- biohabitat types
图 6 广西桂中地区弗拉斯期生境型平面示意图(钟铿等, 1992)
Fig. 6. Map of biohabitat types of Devonian Frasnian of Central Guangxi
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