Carbonate Diagenesis Controlled by Glacioeustatic Sea-Level Changes: A Case Study of the Carboniferous-Permian Boundary Section at Xikou, Zhen'an County, Shaanxi Province, China
摘要: 以陕西镇安西口石炭-二叠系界线剖面为具体实例, 探讨了冰川型海平面变化控制下的台地碳酸盐岩成岩作用规律.描述了陕西镇安西口石炭-二叠系界线剖面碳酸盐岩的各种成岩作用类型.根据成岩组构将研究区碳酸盐岩的成岩环境分为海水、大气淡水和埋藏环境.综合分析了各种成岩作用及其成岩环境的纵向分布特征.研究表明, 剖面上碳酸盐岩成岩作用和成岩环境的特征与岩石在高频旋回中的相对位置存在明显的对应关系, 受大振幅、高频率的冰川型海平面变化控制.早期海平面相对上升, 形成旋回的下部单元, 岩石首先经历海底成岩作用, 随着上覆沉积物的增加, 逐渐进入浅埋藏环境, 成岩作用表现为以压溶、重结晶作用发育为主要特征.晚期形成旋回的上部单元, 由于海平面相对下降, 沉积物逐渐抬升, 早期海底成岩作用尚未充分发育就脱离海水环境, 进入大气淡水成岩环境, 以强烈的大气淡水成岩作用为特征.Abstract: Based on the case study on the platform-facies carbonate rocks of the Carboniferous-Permian boundary section being well developed and outcropped in Xikou, Zhen'an County, Shaanxi Province, China, this paper probes into the carbonate diagenesis controlled by glacioeustatic sea-level changes and its different patterns.In terms of mineralogical composition and microfabrics, diagenetic environments in the study area are divided into marine, near surface meteoric and burial environments.Comprehensive analysis is made on all patterns of carbonate diagenesis and the vertical distribution features of diagenetic environments.The analytical results reveal that carbonate diagenesis in the Carboniferous-Permian boundary section is related to the relative stratigraphic position of the rocks in the depositional cyclothem and is controlled by the glacioeustatic sea-level changes.There are distinctive differences in diagenetic patterns between lower transgressive sequence and upper regressive sequence in a cyclothem.The former is mainly characterized by pressure solution and recrystallization of mudstone and wackstone in burial environments, while the latter by cementation and leaching of freshwater in meteoric environments.
图 1 陕西镇安西口三里冲剖面沉积成岩作用综合柱状图
图中生物地层资料据夏国英和丁蕴杰(2002), 年代地层资料据夏国英和丁蕴杰(2002)及全国地层委员会(2001), 旋回层序资料据张海军等(2004), 沉积环境和相对海平面变化资料据张海军等(2003); 阴影部分从右至左表示由弱到强; DL.达拉阶, KZM.卡西莫夫阶, MSC.莫斯科阶, XY.下杨家河阶, WN.威宁阶; A1、A2、B1、B2均为旋回类型; FF=Fusulina-Fusulinella, OM=Obsoletes-Montipavus, TA=Triticites acutus, TS=Triticites mogutovensis-T. stuckenbergi, PE=Pseudofusulina foecunda-Eoparafusulina ferganensis, OS=Occid entoschwagerina alpina-O. postgallowayi, PD=Pseudofusulina krotowi sphaerodea-Dunbarinella, SF=Sphaeroschwagerina moelleri-Pseudofusulina foecunda, RV=Robustoschwagerina vesciplicata-Sphaeoschwagerina sphaerica, MPR=Mccloudia regularis-Paraschwagerina fragosa-Robustoschwagerina xiaodushanica, PU=Pseudofusulina urdalensis, MF=Mccloudia certa-Pamirina firma, ND=Nagatoella-Darvasites, PV=Parmirina darvasica
Fig. 1. Deposition-diagenesis column of the Sanlichong Section in Xikou, Zhen'an County, Shaanxi Province
图 2 陕西镇安西口剖面碳酸盐岩成岩作用的显微照片
(h)和(i) 的标本采自石门垭剖面, 其余标本采自三里冲剖面.除特别注明外均为单偏光下照片; a为泥晶化作用.海百合碎屑发育参差不齐的泥晶化黑边和黑孔, 标本号SLC71R-2, 隆林阶; b为泥晶化作用.生屑颗粒(黑色) 被完全泥晶交代形成很“脏”的泥晶铸模, 生屑颗粒(亮) 受到大气淡水的溶解外圈残留难溶的暗色泥晶套, 标本号SLC24R-3, 上杨家河阶; c为纤状方解石.丛纤状方解石垂直于颗粒表面生长, 在孔隙中心直线状相交, 呈多边形结构, 标本号SLC11R-3, 下杨家河阶; d为放射轴状方解石.棱柱状方解石垂直于基底发育, 在正交偏光下具波状消光, 标本号SLC52R-1b, 垭口阶; e为示顶底构造胶结物和渗流粉砂.下部为机械充填的渗流粉砂, 上部为亮晶方解石, 两者之间的接触面可能代表原始水平面, 标本号SLC30R-2, 范家河阶; f为渗流粉砂, 颗粒边缘被短柱状的亮晶方解石环绕, 在其内的粒间孔隙中充填大量机械沉积物, 且内含少量个体微小的化石碎屑, 暗示强烈的大气淡水作用, 标本编号SLC49R-1, 下二叠统范家河阶; g为重结晶作用.完整的化石, 经重结晶作用改造, 仅残留边缘一小部分壳壁, 正交偏光镜下, 标本号SLC7R-1, 逍遥阶; h为机械压实作用.未完全固结的颗粒被压扁, 呈紧密堆积, 半定向排列, 颗粒外面发育一圈未变形亮晶胶结物, 暗示机械压实作用很可能开始于胶结作用之前, 标本号SMY28R-2, 范家河阶; i为机械压实作用.由于机械压实较为完整的腕足壳被压裂折断, 标本号SMY28R-2, 范家河阶; j为压溶缝合线.平行层面的缝合线起伏剧烈, 切割基质和颗粒, 标本号SLC32R-1, 范家河阶; k为大气淡水溶解作用.在粒泥灰岩中发育孤立的不规则的溶孔(黑色), 正交偏光镜下, 标本号SLC51R-2b, 垭口阶; l为埋藏溶解作用.在粒泥灰岩中沿着缝合线发育一系列不规则的溶孔, 标本号SLC69R-1, 隆林阶
Fig. 2. Thin section photomicrographs of carbonate diagenesis in Xikou, Zhen'an County, Shaanxi Province
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