Late Quaternary Variations of Productivity in the Western Equatorial Pacific Ocean: Records from ODP Hole 807A
摘要: 通过研究翁通-爪哇海台ODP807A孔顶部岩心微体古生物和有孔虫同位素的变化, 探讨冰期旋回中赤道西太平洋晚第四纪古生产力的变化.多种古生产力替代指标揭示出赤道西太平洋古生产力自深海氧同位素13期以来总体呈升高趋势, 具有冰期高、间冰期低的特征.温跃层替代指标显示该海域温跃层变化不具有简单的冰期-间冰期变化模式, 而是分为2个阶段: 280ka以前温跃层平均深度较浅, 呈现高幅低频波动; 280ka以后温跃层平均深度变深, 呈现低幅高频波动.古生产力和温跃层变化模式的明显差异说明温跃层变化不是赤道西太平洋表层生产力波动的主要原因.807A孔古生产力变化与西北太平洋风尘通量变化基本一致, 所以提出来自亚洲中东部的风尘对于提高赤道西太平洋生物生产力可能具有重要意义.Abstract: Microfossil assemblages and foraminifer isotopes from the upper part of ODP Hole 807A on the Ontong Java plateau were studied to provide evidence for discussing Late Quaternary productivity variations with glacial cycles in the western equatorial Pacific. Multi-proxy results reveal that productivity gradually increased in general since marine isotope stage (MIS) 13, and was higher in glacial times than in interglacial times. The thermocline proxies do not completely fit into glacial-interglacial cycles, but present two stages of thermocline changes: shallower before 280 ka with higher amplitude and lower frequency abundance fluctuations; deeper after 280 ka with higher frequency and lower amplitude fluctuations. The distinct modes of variations between productivity and thermocline suggest that thermocline change is not a primary controlling factor of biological productivity in the western equatorial Pacific. As the fluctuations of paleoproductivity from Hole 807A match with dust flux records from the northwest Pacific, we propose that dust carried from east central Asian is likely to be more significant in enhancing biological productivity in the western equatorial Pacific.
图 1 翁通-爪哇海台807A孔、西加罗林海C4402孔、Shatshy海隆NGC102孔和V21-146孔以及西峰黄土剖面位置
图中阴影区示中国中北部黄土沉积范围(Hovan et al., 1991
图 4 温跃层替代指标的分布
据浮游有孔虫生态习性(Ravelo and Fairbanks, 1992), 浮游浅层种包括Globigerinoides ruber, Globigerinoides sacculifer (无最后一个房室)、Globigerinita glutinata.叠加在温跃层替代指标上的虚线表示283ka前后各指标的平均值
图 5 亚洲风尘在太平洋风尘沉积过程中的主导地位及亚洲风尘从西风带进入东北信风带示意图
a.太平洋矿物气溶胶沉积速率分布图(Rea, 1994); b.1978年5月5日至12日亚洲风尘从西风带3000m高空以反气旋形式到达恩内威塔克(Enewetak) 岛的理想化轨迹(外线所示); 内线圆点表示每天反气旋中心的位置(Duce et al., 1980)
Fig. 5. Map showing the single overwhelming Asian provenance of dust to the Pacific and the trajectory of Asian dust to the western Pacific
图 6 807A孔和NGC102孔古生产力替代指标、V21-146孔风尘通量和氧同位素以及西峰黄土序列分布
NGC102孔BFAR数据引自Ohkushi et al., 2000; 有机碳百分含量和堆积速率数据引自Kawahata et al., 1999; V21-146孔风尘通量和氧同位素以及西峰黄土序列引自Hovan et al., 1991
图 7 807A孔C. wuellerstorfi δ13C、浮游有孔虫碎壳率以及东南极Vostok站冰心的CO2、δD的分布
叠加在C. wuellerstorfi δ13C和碎壳率之上的虚线表示氧同位素13期以来它们各自的趋势线, 这两个趋势线没有包括同位素14期, 因为最近一次50万年周期始于13期(Wang et al., 2004); Vostok站CO2、δD数据引自Petit et al., 1999
表 1 807A孔顶部岩心年龄模式
Table 1. Age models for Hole 807A upper part
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