Variations of Terrigenous Material Discharges in the South Okinawa Trough and Its Relation to the East Asian Summer Monsoon since the Last Millennium
摘要: 为解决近1000年以来东海沿岸地区气候演化及其对南冲绳海槽陆源物质输入的影响, 对取自南冲绳海槽的MD05-2908孔上部(0~810cm) 共78份孢粉样品和199份有机碳同位素样品进行了分析.结果显示, 近1000年以来南冲绳海槽陆源物质输入存在着显著波动, 其中1100~1040aBP、960~880aBP和800~480aBP期间, 陆源物质输入比例增加; 1040~960aBP和480~230aBP期间, 陆源物质输入比例减少.将陆源物质输入指标与陕西佛爷洞δ13C含量记录对比分析, 发现陆源物质输入比例变化与季风的变化密切相关.当夏季风减弱时, 导致降雨带长时间集中在南部地区, 增强的降雨量提高了风化剥蚀以及沉积物向海洋搬运的能力, 使得陆源物质供应量增加.Abstract: The top part of a giant IMAGE core MD05-2908 taken from the South Okinawa Trough was investigated for the sake of understanding the climate evolution in Donghai seacoast areas since the last millennium.Sporopollen and organic carbon isotope records of bulk sediments were used as proxies to trace the climate variations and terrigenous materials discharges.Time series were demarcated by 4 AMS 14 C dating ages.Comprehensive data of sporopollen and carbon isotopic composition, together with the paleoenvironmental records show that in the South Okinawa Trough the terrigenous material discharges fluctuated obviously for the past 1 000 years.Three relatively high terrigenous material discharge periods, corresponding to 1 100-1 040 a BP, 960-880 a BP and 800-480 a BP respectively and two quite low terrigenous material discharge periods, namely, 1 040-960 a BP and 480-230 a BP, can be identified from our records.In comparison with the stalagmite δ 13 C records (which were used to trace the East Asian Summer Monsoon) from Buddha Cave, Shaanxi Province, we found that the variations of terrigenous material discharges might be related closely to variations of the East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM).Weaker EASM resulted in a convergence rain belt and longer residence time in the South China regions, which increased the efficiency of weathering and denudation of the source area.Moreover, increased rainfall enhanced the land runoff and as a result more terrigenous materials were transported to the South Okinawa Trough.
Key words:
- sporopollen /
- organic carbon isotope /
- terrigenous material discharge /
- rainfall /
- monsoon
图 4 MD05-2908孔千年来陆源物质输入与气候之间的关系
Paulsen et al., 2003 ); B.MD05-2908孔蕨类孢子百分含量(5点滑动平均); C.MD05-2908孔δ13C同位素Fig. 4. Correlation between the evolution of history of terrigenous material input and climate
表 1 MD05-2908孔AMS14C年代数据
Table 1. AMS radiocarbon data of MD05-2908 core
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