Reason for Gold and Copper Discovery in Mountain with Tungsten and Tin Discovery on Plain
摘要: 金铜和钨锡是两种不同类型的矿产资源, 金铜经常伴生, 钨锡经常伴生, 金铜和钨锡通常不在一起.研究表明, 金铜主要与埃达克岩和喜马拉雅型花岗岩有关, 产于加厚的地壳底部, 地表相应的出现高原或山脉; 钨锡主要与南岭型花岗岩有关, 代表减薄的陆壳, 产于平原区, 地势较低.因此, 从找矿的角度来说, 应当“上山”找金铜, “下山”找钨锡.文中识别出中国三叠纪以来可能存在过的7个山脉(华北北部山脉、西秦岭-东昆仑山脉、额尔古纳山脉、松潘-中甸山脉、湘赣山脉、浙闽山脉和哀牢山-羌塘山脉) 和2个高原(中国东部高原和湖南山地) 以及现存的青藏高原, 建议在上述高原和山脉上去找金铜矿, 指出喜马拉雅型花岗岩与金矿的密切关系, 是今后找金矿的一个重要目标.认为钨锡成矿目前仍然以华南为最佳, 但应注意在其他地块寻找钨锡的问题.Abstract: Gold and copper are two different types of mineral resources.Gold and copper are often accompanied, while tungsten and tin are often accompanied, but gold and copper are usually not together with tungsten and tin.Researches indicate the gold and copper, mainly connected with the adakite and Himalaya-type granite, originated in the thickened bottom of crust.And correspondingly, plateau or the mountain occur on the earth's surface.The tungsten and tin are mainly relevant to the granite from Nanling area of China, and represent the thinned crust originated in the plain area with the relative low elevation.Therfore, from the view of prospecting, the gold and copper should be prospected in a mountain, while the tungsten and tin should be prospected in a plain.In this paper, we suggest that seven mountains in China (such as North Mountain of the North China, West Qinling-East Kunlun mountains, Erguna mountain, Songpan-Zhongdian mountain, Hunan-Jiangxi mountain, Fujian-Zhejiang mountain and the Ailaoshan-Qiangtang mountain), two plateaus (East China Plateau and Hunan Range) and present Qinghai-Xizang Plateau would be the spot where gold and copper can be prospected since the Triassic period in China.We propose to prospect gold and copper ore on these plateaus and mountains, and point out that the gold is closely related to the Himalaya type granite.We believe that the South China is best place to prospect tungsten and tin, but attention should be also paid on prospecting tungsten and tin in other places.
Key words:
- plateau /
- mountain /
- plain /
- adakite Nanling-type granite /
- gold and copper /
- tungsten and tin /
图 1 南岭型(典型的A型) 花岗岩的REE (a) 和微量元素蛛网图(b)
REE标准化数值据Taylor and McLennan (1985); 微量元素标准化数值据Sun and McDonough (1989); 数据引自Zhang et al. (2007)
Fig. 1. (a) Chondrite-normalized REE patterns and (b) primitive mantle-normalized element spider diagram for the Nanling-type granites
图 2 小秦岭埃达克岩与金矿分布图(据罗铭玖等, 2000,修改)
实心圆.金矿; Q.第四系; Pt.元古界蓟县系; Ar.太华群.华山、文峪和娘娘山花岗岩为埃达克岩, 金矿赋存于古老变质岩系中, 但其成因与埃达克岩有关
Fig. 2. Distribution of adakites and gold depoeits in the Xiaoqinling area
图 3 与金、铜、钨、锡有关的花岗岩的Sr-Yb图
金矿: 冀北中生代花岗岩(包括大石镐、肖营子、小庙沟、高家店、马道沟、贾家山、都山、柏仗子、大野峪、红花梁、响水沟、谷咀子、上水泉、青山口、峪耳崖和牛心山等), 据李承东等, 2004; 小秦岭(包括文峪、娘娘山、华山、老牛山), 据罗铭玖等, 2000,; 铜矿(作者注: 著名的斑岩铜矿如德兴、长江中下游、玉龙和冈底斯等已经有了许多报道, 此处就不重复了, 仅列举与本文有关的若干资料) : 湘东北金井(李鹏春等, 2005); 湘东北赤马和石蛤蟆(彭头平等, 2004); 湖南水口山(马丽艳等, 2006); 福建紫金山(赵希林, 2007); 钨锡矿: 南岭(陈富文和付建明, 2005); 湖南锡田(马铁球等, 2004; 余阳春等, 2006); 黄沙坪(姚军明等, 2005); 王仙岭(柏道远等, 2007b); 骑田岭(汪雄武等, 2004; 邓希光等, 2005; 付建明等, 2006); 广西大厂和芒场(蔡明海等, 2004a, 2004b); 西藏申扎嘎若(王治华等, 2006).图中红色虚线圈定的是华北北部与金矿有关的花岗岩分布范围(据李承东等, 2004); 绿色实线圈定的为华南与金铜有关的花岗岩; 紫色实线圈定的为华南与钨锡有关的花岗岩
Fig. 3. Sr-Yb diagram related to granites with gold-, copper-, tungsten- and tin deposits, respectively
图 4 不同类型花岗岩和钨、锡、金、铜成岩成矿模式
图中主要说明不同类型的花岗岩和不同类型成矿的深度不同: 埃达克岩形成的深度最深, 有利于金铜的萃取; 喜马拉雅型花岗岩形成的深度较深, 有利于金的萃取; 南岭型花岗岩形成的深度最浅, 有利于钨锡的萃取.图中假定岩浆和矿液的萃取是在下地壳底部发生的, 钨锡主要来自下地壳, 金铜既可来自下地壳, 也可来自底侵的玄武岩
Fig. 4. Model for distinct granite types with tungsten-, tin-, gold-, and copper deposits mineralization, respectively
图 5 中国三叠纪以来高原和山脉分布
星号.埃达克岩(实心-侵入岩; 空心-喷出岩), 不同时代的埃达克岩用颜色予以区分: 蓝色.三叠纪-早侏罗世; 绿色.侏罗纪; 红色.白垩纪; 黄色.第三纪; 实心方块.喜马拉雅型; 蓝色粗点线示高原; 绿色粗虚线示山脉; 红色粗实线示今后找矿的重点区.湖南山地范围内花岗岩的分布见图 6.本图未表示中国东部高原和青藏高原范围内埃达克岩和喜马拉雅型花岗岩的分布, 详见张旗等(2008c, 2008d)
Fig. 5. Distribution map on plateaus and mountains in Mesozoic periods in China
图 6 湖南山地不同类型花岗岩和金等资源分布
实心方块.喜马拉雅型花岗岩; 五角星.埃达克岩; 菱形.浙闽型花岗岩; 三角形.南岭型花岗岩; 阴影实心圆.金矿; 黑色实心圆.铜矿; 实线.以岩石资料圈定的湖南山地范围; 虚线.以岩石和金铜矿床资料重新圈定的湖南山地范围.岩石资料据贾大成等, 2003; 徐夕生等, 203;伍光英等, 2005; 王岳军等, 2005, 2007;张敏等, 2006;柏道远等, 2007;Wanget al 2006., .矿床资料据彭渤和黄瑞华, 1996; 康如华等, 2001; 李福顺等, 2002; 赵建光等, 2004; 方向阳等, 2005; 谢新泉和张衡龙, 2005
Fig. 6. Distribution of variation granite-types and gold-copper deposits in Hunan Hill
图 7 浙闽山脉埃达克岩和金矿分布
实心五星.埃达克质侵入岩; 空心五星.埃达克质火山岩; 阴影实心圆.金矿.资料来源: 周乐尧和邱郁双, 1997; 黄仁生等, 1999; 黄美, 2003; 卢克标, 2004; 毛建仁等, 2004; 陈荣等, 2005
Fig. 7. Distribution of adakites and gold-deposits in Zhejiang-Fujian Mountains
表 1 花岗岩Sr-Yb分类
Table 1. Classification of granites based on Sr and Yb contents
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