Discussion on the South China Sea Evolution and Lithospheric Breakup through 3D Analogue Modeling
摘要: 南海的形成演化一直是国内外关注的热点之一.为了揭示南海的构造演化过程, 分析对比了3组物理模拟实验.实验结果表明, 断裂样式和裂谷带的走向与岩石圈的初始热流变结构密切相关.对比模拟结果与陆缘的断层样式, 推测在张裂初期, 陆坡区比陆架区具有相对热减薄的岩石圈, 从而导致不同构造位置上发育不同的裂陷特征.受下地壳和软流圈韧性流动的影响, 断层越是靠近扩张区, 倾角变得越平缓.实验揭示, 破裂首先以点状出现, 这些点不断扩大并互相连接形成连续的扩张区.共轭边缘常具有对称的形状, 向海盆方向对凹或者对凸.当离散边界附近有刚性块体时, 扩张区域的边界会明显受到地块边缘形态的影响.通过模拟实验, 推测破裂过程可能以较粘性的方式进行.西北次海盆的发育可能是沿着中-西沙地块北缘深裂陷槽破裂的结果.Abstract: The evolution of the South China Sea is one of the worldwide hot research spots.In order to investigate its evolution progress of tectonics, we compared three sets of analogue modeling experiments.Modeling experiments suggest that the fault patterns and orientation change of the rift zone were strongly related to the thermal situation and rheological stratification of the lithosphere.Comparing the modeling results with the fault patterns on the conjugate continental margin, we conjectured that the slope area might have born relatively hotter and thinner lithosphere than shelf area from the beginning of rifting.Due to the stretching and mantle upwelling associated with the regional extension, the initial rheological stratification was changed and therefore the rifting pattern from shelf to slope.Affected by the ductile flow of lower crust and asthenosphere, the faults became flattened, especially close to the breakup area.In the experiments, breakup developed first at isolated points, which grew and coalesced to become a single spreading area.The conjugate boundaries were either all concave or all convex.When there was a rigid massif located at the divergent boundary, the northern and southern areas of the massif thinned rapidly and developed into two deep troughs, which may finally evolve into spreading centers.The shape of the massif controls the orientation and boundary shape of the spreading area.It's supposed that the crustal breakup may go in more viscous style, and the NW sub sea basin may develop along the northern trough of the Zhongsha-Xisha massif.
Key words:
- South China sea /
- breakup pattern /
- tectonic evolution /
- 3D analogue modeling
图 1 南海及邻区主要地质构造图
磁条带解释参考Briais et al. (1993) (黄色和绿色) 及Hsu et al. (2004) (南海东北的白色线条带); NW.西北次海盆; SW.西南次海盆; YJ.阳江凹陷; WC.文昌凹陷; KP.开平凹陷; SD.顺德凹陷; LF.陆丰凹陷; CS.潮汕凹陷
Fig. 1. Tectonics of the South China sea and neighbor areas
图 2 南海南北陆缘5条解释剖面
L1据康西栋等(1994);L3据Huang et al. (2005); L4和L5据南海海洋研究所(2000);L1.解释剖面比L1剖面水平放大了两倍, 其他的解释剖面与地震剖面基本上具相同的水平比例尺; 剖面的位置见图 1
Fig. 2. Five interpreted profiles on the northern and southern margins of South China sea
表 1 实验材料与对应地质体的参数特征
Table 1. Parameters of the analogue materials and the natural counterpart
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