Early Cretaceous A-Type Granites in the Eastern North China Block with Relation to Destruction of the Craton
摘要: A型花岗岩是非造山的、无水的碱性花岗岩, 具有独特的矿物学、岩石学和地球化学特征, 形成于造山后、板内非造山或者地幔热柱等伸展动力学背景, 蕴涵着大陆地壳生长、岩石圈演化及区域构造发展等大陆动力学的重要信息.在华北东部广泛分布着一期中生代A型花岗岩及伴生的碱性岩, 结合前人的研究成果以及笔者近年来的研究发现: 它们主要侵位于早白垩世(130~110Ma), 来源于上地壳、下地壳和地幔等多元源区, 是不同成分的岩浆经过分离结晶、岩浆混合作用形成; 综合区域地球动力学研究和A型花岗岩本身的地球化学特征, 认为华北东部早白垩世A型花岗岩形成于地壳伸展背景之下, 是岩石圈减薄和克拉通破坏的浅部地质响应, 标志着华北东部岩石圈减薄和克拉通破坏作用的峰期.Abstract: A-type granite is anorogenic, anhydrous and alkaline granite and has unique mineralogical, petrological and geochemical characteristics, which is considered to be emplaced in post-orogenic, within-plate or plume-related extensional setting.A-type granites and related alkaline rocks imply important information of geodynamics and are the key to understand the growth of continental crust, the lithospheric evolution and the development of regional tectonics.Late Mesozoic A-type granites and related alkaline rocks are widespread in the eastern North China craton.Previous studies and our recently published data show that they formed via a complex process involving mixing of magmas derived from mantle and upper and lower crust sources, crystal fractionation and infracrustal melting during Early Cretaceous (130-110Ma).On the basis of the study of regional geology, it is suggested that the A-type granites and related alkaline rocks were formed in an extensional setting and were the shallow responses to the lithospheric thinning and decratonization, which indicate the peak time of lithospheric thinning and destruction of the North China craton.
Key words:
- A-type granite /
- Early Cretaceous /
- North China craton /
- decratonization
图 2 辽东半岛千山A型花岗岩岩体地质图(a, b), 镁铁质包体与花岗岩野外照片(c) 及其Sr-Nd同位素组成(d) (据Yang et al., 2006)
Fig. 2. Geological map (a, b), field picture of A-type granite and mafic enclave (c) and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions (d)
表 1 华北东部早白垩世A型花岗岩的锆石U-Pb年龄
Table 1. Zircon U-Pb ages data of the Early Cretaceous A-type granites in the eastern North China craton
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