Displacement Transfer Zone of Kelasu Triangle Zone, Kuqa Thrust-and-Fold Belts in Tarim Basin
摘要: 根据对库车褶皱冲断带的地面地质调查和地震反射剖面的解释表明, 库车褶皱冲断带克拉苏三角带发育垂直构造走向的位移转换构造.在地面上, 位移转换构造分别表现为库姆格列木、巴什基奇克和开依雷艾肯背斜以及吐孜麻扎、喀桑托开和吉迪克背斜构造的走向侧接构造样式; 在地下表现为库-巴冲断层、喀桑托开冲断层的断距的反接关系.位移转换构造发育的动力学背景可能与南天山重力滑动构造有关.Abstract: The field observation and seismic data interpretation reveal that the displacement transfer zone is developed in the Kelasu triangle zone, Kuqa thrust-and-fold belts. The displacement transfer zone appears as relay ramps of the Kumugeliemu anticlines, Bashijiqike anticlines, Kaiyileiaiken anticlines to the north and Tuzimazha anticlines, Kasangtuokai anticlines, and Jidike anticlines to the south on the surface, respectively. Under the subsurface, it appears as throw deviation of Kumugeliemu-Bashijiqike thrusts and Kasangtuokai thrusts. Its dynamic occurrence may be related to the gravitational slide structures along the southern Chinese Tianshan front ranges.
图 2 库车褶皱冲断带克拉苏构造带地质图
1.前三叠系; 2.三叠系; 3.侏罗系; 4.白垩系; 5.库姆格列木群; 6.苏维依组; 7.吉迪克组; 8.康村组; 9.库车组; 10.西域组; 11.更新统-全新统; 12.断层; 13.褶皱(背斜、向斜); 14.地层界线; 15.位移转换构造发育位置; 16.钻井; ①卡赞齐向斜; ②库姆格列木背斜; ③巴什基奇克背斜; ④图舍科依向斜; ⑤吐孜麻扎背斜; ⑥喀桑托开背斜
Fig. 2. Geological map of Kelasu triangle zone in Kuqa thrust-and-fold belts, Tarim basin
图 3 构造横剖面解释(剖面位置见图 4)
Fig. 3. Structural cross sections based on seismic interpretation
图 5 平衡剖面的序列恢复(KC-Z60)
a.侏罗-白垩纪; b.库姆格列木期; c.苏维依期; d.吉迪克期; e.康村期; f.库车期; 现今构造样式见图 4中的KC-Z60, 剖面阴影为后期被侵蚀殆尽的地层
Fig. 5. Sequential palinspastic restorations of balanced cross sections (KC-Z60)
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