Chemical Characteristics and Variations of Groundwater Quality in Songnen Basin
摘要: 松嫩盆地位于东北腹部, 是我国主要的大型地下水盆地之一.地下水资源十分丰富, 但水质问题复杂, 原生水质状况不佳, 人为污染比较严重.根据水利、地质部门多年积累的地下水水质监测资料, 对地下水中原生有害组分和人为污染组分的形成机理和区域分布规律进行了比较全面、深入的研究, 着重分析了在人为活动影响下, 盆地不同地下水系统内地下水水质的多年变化规律.认为地质构造上的封闭性、强还原/弱碱性/富含有机质的水文地球化学环境、地下水运动滞缓是盆地地下水中多种原生有害组分富集的基本条件.近半个世纪以来强烈的人类活动, 则是导致地下水水质发生趋势性变化的主要原因.提出了改善区域地下水交替循环条件, 治理环境污染, 治理和更新已成为污染通道的水井, 利用洁净松花江水开展地下水人工回灌等改良与保护地下水水质的主要措施.Abstract: Songnen basin is located in the center of the northeast China. It is one of the main large-scale groundwater basin which is very abundant in groundwater resources in China, but the situation of groundwater there is complex: the original groundwater quality is not very good and the pollution due to human activities is relatively severe. Based on groundwater quality data monitored by water conservancy and geological department for many years, in-depth study on the formation mechanics and regional distribution laws of primary harmful components and man-made pollutant in groundwater is conducted. Furthermore, the perennial change laws of groundwater quality in the basin because of human activities are analyzed in the paper. The results show that the primary harmful components would be concentrated under the following conditions: the geological structure is enclosed, the environment of strong reducing/alkalescent/full of organic matter in groundwater and groundwater seepage velocity is slow. The main reason for change tendency of groundwater quality is the human activities in recent years. The paper gives some advice on amelioration and preservation of groundwater quality such as enhancing regional groundwater circulation and exchange function, fighting against environment pollution, treating or refreshing the polluted well and utilizing artificial recharge with clean water of Songhua River.
图 6 大庆市深层承压水矿化度多年动态曲线(牟淑琴和陈延龙, 1992)
Fig. 6. Regime curve of TDS in deep confined aquifer of Daqing city
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