Distribution, Occurrence and Accumulation Factors of Chlorine in Coal from Jining Coal Field
摘要: 氯是煤中普遍存在的一种元素, 氯的含量与分布影响着煤的加工与利用.通过对济宁煤田各主要可采煤层中氯含量的分析可知, 研究区属低氯煤层, 氯含量的高低及分布与煤层空间位置、成煤植物、沉积环境和地下水活动等因素有着重要的关系.同时, 对氯在煤中的赋存状态进行了研究, 通过氯与有机显微组分、灰产率等指标的相关性计算, 得出研究区煤中的氯与有机显微组分成正比, 与灰产率成反比, 说明氯主要存在于煤的有机质中, 并且主要是存在于镜质组分的微孔隙中.Abstract: Chlorine is the most present element in coal. Content and distribution of chlorine in coal affect the use and processing of coal. Chlorine is a harmful element and may cause some technological and environmental problems during coal combustion. In this paper, the distribution, modes of occurrence and accumulation factors of chlorine in workable coal seams are studied. On the basis of analysis on the contents of chlorine in main workable coal seams from Jining coal field, the content of chlorine in study coal seams is not more than 0.5%, and it is classified as low chlorine coal. And the content and distribution of chlorine in coal are mainly related with spatial distribution and geographic location of coal seams, plants-formation coal, sedimentary environments and underground water activity. Modes of occurrence of chlorine in coal have been studied according to analysis on the relationship between chlorine and organic maceral, and ash yield. The results indicate that most of chlorine in coals has significant negative correlation with ash yield, and positive correlation with the virtrinite concentrations. It shows that the dominant part of chlorine in coal probably occurs as organic complexes.
Key words:
- distribution law /
- modes of occurrences /
- accumulation factor /
- chlorine /
- coal /
- Jining coal field
图 1 济宁煤田位置示意图(Liu et al., 2003)
Fig. 1. Location of the Jining coal field in Shangdong Province, China
表 1 Cl元素在济宁煤田主要煤层中的分布
Table 1. Distribution of chlorine in workable coal seams from Jining coal field
表 2 Cl元素在各煤层垂直方向上的分布
Table 2. Distribution of chlorine from coal seams in vertical sequence
表 3 3煤层中微量元素与有机显微组分的相关关系
Table 3. Correlative relationship between trace elements and organic maceral in 3 coal seams
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