Constitutive Problem for Seismic Wave Propagation in Discrete Media
摘要: 实际地球介质是相当复杂的.基于均匀的、连续介质模型建立的弹性波动理论可能导致对地球结构地震响应的不当解释, 有时可能是错误解释.由于没有更接近实际地球介质模型的波动理论, 许多有用的地震信息因得不到合理解释, 被作为噪音处理了.从等效介质角度来看, 储层介质可以划分为弹性区、粘性区、空白区(空白区是由孔隙、裂隙、结构面产生的介质性质弱化区) 组成的离散介质.在局部平均思想的指导下, 利用区间内聚定理建立起离散(储层) 介质的本构关系, 为建立更接近实际地球介质模型的波动理论提供了力学基础.Abstract: The real geological medium is extremely complicated. Elastic wave theory based on homogeneous and continuous medium model may lead to incorrect explanation of seismic response to geological structure and may even lead to erroneous explanation. Such useful seismic information may be eliminated because it is considered as the noise without an accurate constitutive equation closer to true medium. Natural rock-soil media consist of large porous blocks as a dispersive medium with various gaps, fractures and joint contact surfaces. Hence, that kind of medium is a mixed field of dispersive porous blocks and named "discrete media" by the authors. Among the blocks, pore fluid could run through along all kinds of gaps or surfaces. Also, in the porous blocks, the oil could be filled in pores. Therefore, a global mathematical model of constitutive relation is derived in this paper to simulate the wave propagation in the discrete media.
Key words:
- geological medium /
- continuous medium /
- discrete media /
- elastic wave /
- constitutive relation
图 1 多孔介质模型[18]
a.单孔隙介质; b.双孔隙介质
Fig. 1. Single-porous medium (a) and double-porous medium models (b)
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