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    郝芳 邹华耀 倪建华 曾治平 王敏芳

    郝芳, 邹华耀, 倪建华, 曾治平, 王敏芳, 2002. 沉积盆地超压系统演化与深层油气成藏条件. 地球科学, 27(5): 610-615.
    引用本文: 郝芳, 邹华耀, 倪建华, 曾治平, 王敏芳, 2002. 沉积盆地超压系统演化与深层油气成藏条件. 地球科学, 27(5): 610-615.
    HAO Fang, ZOU Hua-yao, NI Jian-hua, CENG Zhi-ping, WANG Min-fang, 2002. Evolution of Overpressured Systems in Sedimentary Basins and Conditions for Deep Oil/Gas Accumulation. Earth Science, 27(5): 610-615.
    Citation: HAO Fang, ZOU Hua-yao, NI Jian-hua, CENG Zhi-ping, WANG Min-fang, 2002. Evolution of Overpressured Systems in Sedimentary Basins and Conditions for Deep Oil/Gas Accumulation. Earth Science, 27(5): 610-615.



    国家杰出青年科学基金项目 40125008


      郝芳(1964 -), 男, 长江学者奖励计划特聘教授, 博士生导师, 主要从事石油地质研究.

    • 中图分类号: P618.130.1

    Evolution of Overpressured Systems in Sedimentary Basins and Conditions for Deep Oil/Gas Accumulation

    • 摘要: 晚期成藏是大中型油气田形成的重要特征.从晚期成藏的观点出发, 深层油气藏的形成需要盆地深层发育仍处于有利生、排烃阶段的源岩, 具有较高孔隙度、渗透率的深部储层, 以及有利的储层-盖层能量配置.在超压盆地中, 超压对生烃的抑制作用使常压盆地中已过成熟的源岩保持在有利的生、排烃阶段, 从而为深层油气成藏提供较好的烃源条件; 超压条件下低有效应力引起的机械压实程度减弱、流体流动性减弱引起的化学胶结作用减缓及有机酸对矿物的溶解作用使深埋超压储层保持较高的孔隙度和渗透率.然而, 由于超压引起的地层天然水力破裂和流体穿层运移, 超压环境深部油气藏的形成和保存需要有效的储层-盖层能量配置.


    • 图  1  莺歌海盆地乐东30-1-1A井压力、镜质体反射率剖面及不同深度C15+正构烷烃分布

      Fig.  1.  Pressure and vitrinite reflectance profile for Well LD30-1-1A, and C15+ hydrocarbon distribution for two samples at different depths.

      图  2  珠江口盆地储层含油性与孔隙度、渗透率的关系

      Fig.  2.  Variation of oil-bearing properties of the reservoirs in the Pearl River Mouth basin with their porosity and permeability.

      图  3  孔隙度随深度的变化, 示超压盆地深部储层的高孔隙度

      Fig.  3.  Variation of porosity with depth showing the high porosity of deeply-buried sandstones in overpressured basins

      图  4  琼东南盆地崖13-1构造和崖21-1构造压力和古地温参数及其反映的流体活动

      Fig.  4.  Profiles of pressure and paleo-temperature parameters for Ya13-1 and Ya21-1 structures in the Qiongdongnan basin

      图  5  (a) 输导层中压力的传递对系列圈闭盖层破裂的控制; (b) 北海盆地部分圈闭高点的流体压力随深度的变化及其与破裂压力梯度的关系(据Caillet等[29]修改)

      Fig.  5.  (a) Controlling role of pressure conduction in conduits in cap-rock fracture in a series of traps; (b) Variation of fluid pressures at trap tops in North Sea basin with depth in comparison with the fracture gradient (modified from Caillet et al.[29])

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