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    涂俊彪 范代读 尚帅 陈玲玲 张悦

    涂俊彪, 范代读, 尚帅, 陈玲玲, 张悦, 2014. 钱塘江河口涌潮河段滩槽演替与沉积层序. 地球科学, 39(3): 261-270. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.025
    引用本文: 涂俊彪, 范代读, 尚帅, 陈玲玲, 张悦, 2014. 钱塘江河口涌潮河段滩槽演替与沉积层序. 地球科学, 39(3): 261-270. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.025
    Tu Junbiao, Fan Daidu, Shang Shuai, Chen Lingling, Zhang Yue, 2014. Evolution and Sedimentary Sequence of Tidal Channel-Flat System at Bore-Affected Reach of the Qiantang Estuary. Earth Science, 39(3): 261-270. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.025
    Citation: Tu Junbiao, Fan Daidu, Shang Shuai, Chen Lingling, Zhang Yue, 2014. Evolution and Sedimentary Sequence of Tidal Channel-Flat System at Bore-Affected Reach of the Qiantang Estuary. Earth Science, 39(3): 261-270. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.025


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.025

    国家自然科学基金 41076016

    国家自然科学基金 41276045

    中国地质调查局海保工程专项 GZH201100203


      涂俊彪(1989-), 男, 硕士研究生, 海洋地质学专业.E-mail: jbtu_mail@126.com


      范代读, E-mail: ddfan@tongji.edu.cn

    • 中图分类号: P595

    Evolution and Sedimentary Sequence of Tidal Channel-Flat System at Bore-Affected Reach of the Qiantang Estuary

    • 摘要: 通过分析时间序列的卫片资料、4 m高的露头剖面的沉积学和元素地球化学特征, 研究钱塘江涌潮河段的滩槽冲淤变化规律、涌潮沉积特征和沉积层序.涌潮河段河道宽浅, 受径流与潮流相互作用强烈, 冲淤频繁且剧烈, 滩槽演替存在约20 a的周期, 与流域年代际洪、枯期转变有关.在滩槽叠置的垂向层序中, 底部为河槽、低潮滩相的厚层块状砂质沉积, 发育各种变形沉积构造, 为典型的涌潮沉积; 顶部为高潮滩相的潮汐韵律沉积, 发育典型的潮汐成因的双黏土层、大小潮周期; 二者之间的中潮滩相呈渐变过渡.C-M图和概率累计曲线可较好地区分涌潮沉积与潮成砂、泥质沉积.涌潮沉积层Si/Al、Zr/Al、Ti/Al等元素比值较高, 而潮汐韵律层Fe/Al、Mn/Al等元素比值较高, 这与它们的赋存方式和水动力分异有关.Si、Zr和Ti主要见于石英和重矿物中, 因此在强水动力沉积层中富集; 而Fe、Mn易被黏土矿物吸附, 在水动力较弱的中高潮滩富集.


    • 图  1  钱塘江河口-杭州湾概略图和研究剖面位置(a)与钱塘江河口沙坎形态(b)(改自林炳尧,2008)

      Fig.  1.  Map of Qiantangjiang estuary and Hangzhou Bay and sample position for grain size analysis of core JS11 (a) and eroded sediment cliff (b)

      图  2  研究断面为一侵蚀陡崖(a)和约4 m长的岩心照片(b)

      图中人高约1.7 m,岩心照片上的方框、椭圆等标示取样层位,S、N分别代表大潮(spring tide)和小潮(neap tide)

      Fig.  2.  The study transect of an erosion cliff near Jianshan (a) and core strata with sample positions (b)

      图  3  JS11剖面沉积物C-M

      Fig.  3.  C-M pattern of sediments in core JS11

      图  4  过渡型潮汐沉积(a)和涌潮沉积(b)中粗颗粒沉积物的矿物组成与形态对比分析

      Fig.  4.  Coarse particle sediment composition and shape analysis for tidal transitional deposits (a) and tidal-bore deposits (b) of core JS11

      图  5  JS11剖面沉积物概率累积曲线

      Fig.  5.  Probability cumulative curve of sediments in core JS11

      图  6  JS11钻孔粒度组成及元素比值随深度变化

      细线为原始数据;粗线为5点滑动平均数据;其中平均粒径底部150 cm为3点滑动平均

      Fig.  6.  Downhole variations in grain sizes and element ratios in core JS11

      图  7  尖山河段历年遥感图像对比


      Fig.  7.  Time-series analysis of satellite photos of Jianshan river section

      图  8  钱塘江流域径流年际变化(数据来自http://www.zjsw.cn)

      Fig.  8.  Facies model of tidal channel-flat system in the bore-affected reach of the Qiantang estuary

      图  9  钱塘江涌潮河段滩槽演替模式与沉积相序组合

      Fig.  9.  Facies model of tidal channel-flat system in the bore-affected reach of the Qiantang estuary

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